Will their be more layoffs?

Did they clean house in Bi? What’s the update there?

Pretty much. They’re running on a skeleton crew now. Angel, Gabe.. and that’s about it. Vanize has returned to company doorknob again.

Unfortunately, the biggest jerk of them all - Chris Starr is still there. He’s staying busy polishing his nameplate, but no one left to wait around 30 minutes for him to show up for meetings. No sympathy for a guy who fires people for their age and poses a threat to his experience - nor for a guy who recommends to fire reps if their percent of Medicare exceeds 70%. That’s the jerk that Chris Starr is. #Facts

Pretty much. They’re running on a skeleton crew now. Angel, Gabe.. and that’s about it. Vanize has returned to company doorknob again.

Unfortunately, the biggest jerk of them all - Chris Starr is still there. He’s staying busy polishing his nameplate, but no one left to wait around 30 minutes for him to show up for meetings. No sympathy for a guy who fires people for their age and poses a threat to his experience - nor for a guy who recommends to fire reps if their percent of Medicare exceeds 70%. That’s the jerk that Chris Starr is. #Facts

Imagine taking the time to prepare for an interview, doing your homework and in some cases having to travel quite a distance to attend the interview in-person - and the interviewer spends the entire hour looking down at their laptop and not caring one iota what you have to say?

That’s exactly what Chris Starr did, an absolute jerkoff who thinks people have nothing better to do than wait for him, and has no respect for the work that people in the field do.

What’s with the sale of Vitacare now? And also new stock offering? Who’s going to buy the shares? Do they have enough money to run payroll?

Interesting how on the investor call Rob made it sound like hitting the requirements with sixth st capital wouldn't be an issue and selling vitacare would save the day. 12 hours later they announce new stock offering. can't be a good sign. running out of cash fast.

Interesting how on the investor call Rob made it sound like hitting the requirements with sixth st capital wouldn't be an issue and selling vitacare would save the day. 12 hours later they announce new stock offering. can't be a good sign. running out of cash fast.

Vitacare was Mitch Krassan’s brilliance. He also loaded up heavy on Business Intelligence resources (most of whom are gone now), and let the field call on hundreds and hundreds of ‘targets’ in their SFA, so reps can waste even more time and gas money. It’s easy to spend money when it’s not yours Mitchell. Which car did you decide on for the kid? The $30,000 or the $40,000 car?

Oh she the new peron they are looking will be between her and Adam? Like she will be reporting to this new guy. What a fucking clusterfuck BI department we have. No wonder our targets suck

When you have over 200 ‘targets’ in your SFA, the term no longer has any meaning. It’s Pharma 101 that Frequency sells. When you have that many targets, reps aren’t getting enough frequency on key targets to move the business. C Starr is also a big proponent of an NRx-only IC plan, but how many NRx’s are going to come out of the same office? The result is your reps driving all over the place scrounging for that new script. Duh Chris.. the key to any business - whether it’s pharmaceutical drugs or the pizza owner on the corner - is Repeat Business. Hence, TRx’s.

So to your point, BI led by Chris and Vanize is a CF.