Will their be more layoffs?

Why not send everything through Vitacare?

VitaCare is better than retail, but they aren't getting the scripts to go through either. So the managers say use your bioignite (if you have one) and we all know some bioignites are a catalyst driving business while others are not doing much different than a typical chain store. VitaCare also seems to be transferring a lot more scripts to other pharmacies lately including refill scripts.
This is not to knock VitaCare. They've been a great resource and have generally done far better than we could ever expect from retail. Huge thank you to everyone over there.

Or Mike Z. He’s a creep too.

Mike gets off on being the boss and showing off his pharma experience (which is still infantile) - but I would take him over C Starr any day of the week and twice on Sunday. C Starr is a lying sneak who has no business managing people. If you disagree with him, or don’t fit into his profile of how he wants his employees to be.. consider yourself on the way out.

BioIgnite? BioFlop. Watch this video:


That product was a joke TXMD made it look like it would be a blockbuster and then flop is a nice word. And yes just like the BC they make the numbers look good but we all know being here that’s not the case. Yes more money comes in each year when you launch a new product each year. And the BC we have to pay back more then we make on it. Fake numbers all over this place.

BioIgnite? BioFlop. Watch this video:


That product was a joke TXMD made it look like it would be a blockbuster and then flop is a nice word. And yes just like the BC they make the numbers look good but we all know being here that’s not the case. Yes more money comes in each year when you launch a new product each year. And the BC we have to pay back more then we make on it. Fake numbers all over this place.

So what’s the new job of Executive Director in DNA? Like fucking they need more people in that department. Are they getting rid of Vanize or she is still staying?

She’s still nice to look at so they’ll find some fancy title while she counts paper clips. They need to clear out the BI cesspool and show Chris Starr the door.

She’s still nice to look at so they’ll find some fancy title while she counts paper clips. They need to clear out the BI cesspool and show Chris Starr the door.
Oh she the new peron they are looking will be between her and Adam? Like she will be reporting to this new guy. What a fucking clusterfuck BI department we have. No wonder our targets suck

Oh she the new peron they are looking will be between her and Adam? Like she will be reporting to this new guy. What a fucking clusterfuck BI department we have. No wonder our targets suck

The term ‘target’ has no value with BI. It’s Pharma 101 that Frequency sells. When you have over 200 ‘targets’ in your SFA and an IC plan that pays on NRx’s only - you are correct it’s a CF in that reps will go anywhere to pick up new scripts, and can’t get enough frequency on the right docs to move the business. You could put Abbott and Costello in to replace Vanize and Chris Starr and you wouldn’t know the difference.

The term ‘target’ has no value with BI. It’s Pharma 101 that Frequency sells. When you have over 200 ‘targets’ in your SFA and an IC plan that pays on NRx’s only - you are correct it’s a CF in that reps will go anywhere to pick up new scripts, and can’t get enough frequency on the right docs to move the business. You could put Abbott and Costello in to replace Vanize and Chris Starr and you wouldn’t know the difference.
Lol and now our Marketing is up for change? Jerrold is moving out?

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