Why you won't leave- Why I didn't leave the industry

Another brag post.
Problem is, is it is very easy to get caught and you have so many podmates at Pfizer that will rat you out.

If you are doing it, it is with a small company. I will give you that. But, not with Pfizer.

YEP. And the podmates who rat are the Mommies who bolt from the field by 1:00 to work out then pick up kids.

YEP. And the podmates who rat are the Mommies who bolt from the field by 1:00 to work out then pick up kids.

it is so true. I will even admit it, it is the women in this industry that truly ruined it for the real men, that want to do something and sell and make money for their family.

Instead, we have these overpaid and bitchy women that take our jobs.

Worse, they can't sell a dam thing!

years ago, I had a district pod with all women, and they were always late to the meeting (I was the only one on time), and all they would do, all day, is bitch and bitch and bitch.

it was terrible.

so glad I am out of that place.

Real men don't stay in pharma, remember that.

If you a man in pharma for longer than 15 years, he is truly a terrible human being.

Pharmaceutical sales in most parts of the country and for most companies is the most unsatisfying work you could ever do. To say different is ludicrous. I am not belittling those who do it because it does pay well. I have left due to layoff and have taken a pharmacist job. People actually and really work together and respect each other. We work hard, but feel good about how we have helped people at the end of a shift. I think most reps go thru the motions but feel empty due to a lack of accomplishment. Not due to your effort, but Drs don't want to see you and over egod managers are worthless. Just sayin!

it is so true. I will even admit it, it is the women in this industry that truly ruined it for the real men, that want to do something and sell and make money for their family.

Instead, we have these overpaid and bitchy women that take our jobs.

Worse, they can't sell a dam thing!

years ago, I had a district pod with all women, and they were always late to the meeting (I was the only one on time), and all they would do, all day, is bitch and bitch and bitch.

it was terrible.

so glad I am out of that place.

Real men don't stay in pharma, remember that.

If you a man in pharma for longer than 15 years, he is truly a terrible human being.

Sorry he left you, Boo

Just because you can't handle the Pfizer job and personal life doesn't mean everyone is as dumb and lazy as you. I want to be laid off but they won't do it. I am not quitting because it is too easy. At the end of the day I work hard but never have money concerns. To a previous post, my counterparts and manager have no idea how many properties I own. Anyway they are investments just like stocks. If the company came after me stating there is a conflict then there is a conflict with anyone who owns 1 property, stocks or bonds, or an art collection. Don't be jealous of the hard working, risk takers. You are now acting like the people who get free government housing, welfare, food stamps and still hate the working man who pays for their needs.

Well said. I was hired in 1997. In 2001 during the housing boom I partnered with 3 other Pharma reps & started building homes while I was working for Pfizer. From 2002-2008 we built & sold 25 custom homes. All while working full time with pfizer. Granted a full time job with Pfizer is 20-30 hours a week. Most pfizer reps cut back to about 20 hours & call that full time 10am-2pm. About 50% take Monday & Fridays off & only work 10-2 Tuesday Wednesdays & Thursday, pull a full time wage & only work 10-12 hours a week & get a free lunch. That is the camp I was in. From 2008-2011 I continued to work my part time job with Pfizer waiting for the Sack of Money called a Severance package. In 2011 The sack of Money came just before Christmas. I now work a real Job 5-6 Days a week. Running my own business in the Home Care Industry Making Twice what I was making as drug rep. I love what I do. The Sky is the limit as far as income.

Many of the Pfier Colleagues new what I was doing when I was building. Yes I was turned in by someone in pfizer for owning my own business & had to talk with a panel of attorney's on a few conference calls. How ever at the end of the day You & I are not property of PFE. Its America & we can invest & do what ever we want with our time & money.

True sales reps are paid bring in $$$ to the company. If you can do it in 10 or 70 hours a week it makes no difference. If you want to get paid by the hour go work at walmart.

If you define a thief working under 40 hours a week for Pfizer, then I am a thief. So are 85% of reps.

The True Thieves Are the people working 70 hours a week at pfizers. Spending & Their full T&E budgets year in & year out. Spewing Best practice & success stories & not making quota year in & year out. You are steeling money form a competent talented person that could drive sales in half the amount of time & spend less money driving those sales.

If we were paid to work 40 hours a week they would pay us an hourly wage. If we worked 70 hours they would pay for 70 hours. They would pay overtime for working harder & longer. However they don't! Sale's people are paid to drive sales & produce results. Do it in 5 hours great. Do it in 100 great. As a business owner I don't care how long it take you get get the results just get the job done. That's the reality. The problem is Pfizer has hired to many small thinkers & promoted them into management. Hopefully they will keep cutting & bleeding the small thinkers out.

People lose sight on why the company hired them. Pfizer didn't hire you so you could have something to do from 8-5. They didn't hire you to educate Doctors & Nurses about their products. They didn't hire you to great goodwill in the community. They didn't hire you because you have a hard work ethic. They didn't hire you to present value added programs to doctors & hospitals.

They hired you to do one thing & only one thing. Make the company money. Its that simple.

Business is in Business to do one thing & that is to make money. Everything else is not important. That's the long & the short of it. If you can't do that then you shouldn't have the job. If your job doesn't contribute to the bottom line your job should be eliminate.

That's the American Dream & I love it.

Companies hire people to sell and make a profit, but that is a 2 way street. You can't say go out and increase sales knowing that they cannot do that using 5 to 10 yr old studies and bs Madison avenue crap your customer is not interested in. In fact, that crap increases the doctors image that reps are irelavent. The current sales model is a dinosaur. If reps are ineffective due to current handcuffs, then no middle mgt outside of the home office is needed as well. a true waste of $. Sorry, the job has become obsolete!

People lose sight on why the company hired them. Pfizer didn't hire you so you could have something to do from 8-5. They didn't hire you to educate Doctors & Nurses about their products. They didn't hire you to great goodwill in the community. They didn't hire you because you have a hard work ethic. They didn't hire you to present value added programs to doctors & hospitals.

They hired you to do one thing & only one thing. Make the company money. Its that simple.

Business is in Business to do one thing & that is to make money. Everything else is not important. That's the long & the short of it. If you can't do that then you shouldn't have the job. If your job doesn't contribute to the bottom line your job should be eliminate.

That's the American Dream & I love it.

NO such thing as the American Dream.
YOu are an idiot.
Your dollars are worthless, for the most part. Learn that fast.

I left and will never look back. I own and manage 7 residential properties. All paid for. I buy Junkers and fix them up myself, it has taken 20 years to get to this point. Residential real estate is not for everyone, but I love it, have nice properties (now, after much work).

I work whenever I feel like, unless an emergency comes up, but hey it's work.

Pharma was good to me, but I decided I did not want to spend the next 15+ years doing the job, it was mind numbing. I was too used to the flexibility before computers became a time clock.

If I wanted to feed cows, slop pigs, pray for rain(formulary acceptance) and never know when my crops might burn up, I would have been a farmer.

I wish you all the best, but there are other ways to make a living.

In 2005 I had an awakening in the field with all the reps securing a 7 minute lunch with a busy practice. I did not go to a prestigious graduate school to be a caterer. The field offered great flexibility - that's all.

I migrated inside and worked my way up to a director level job. Not optimal in flexibility but visible and secure.

My advice is to get off the street. Pharma needs drones on the inside.

Ok- I'm the original post: Can you read? I never said I was in any type of real-estate. I said I never left the industry!!! One post ask the question, then an imposer gave you a real estate response. From there you all jumped on that. Go back and re-read the original post. I am still in the industry, just only gave you some advice to follow. Like the yellow brick road. Here is more to my signature

Hello to my former district mates whose spouse owned the restaurant where we got the gift cards....... (remember this was back in the day)- this is more than any other post ever gave you.

I left and will never look back. I own and manage 7 residential properties. All paid for. I buy Junkers and fix them up myself, it has taken 20 years to get to this point. Residential real estate is not for everyone, but I love it, have nice properties (now, after much work).

I work whenever I feel like, unless an emergency comes up, but hey it's work.

Pharma was good to me, but I decided I did not want to spend the next 15+ years doing the job, it was mind numbing. I was too used to the flexibility before computers became a time clock.

If I wanted to feed cows, slop pigs, pray for rain(formulary acceptance) and never know when my crops might burn up, I would have been a farmer.

I wish you all the best, but there are other ways to make a living.

Bravo! Good for you taking a chance beyond pharma. I am interested in buyng properties. Eventhough you paid for the properties, do 7 properties still give you the same income as Pfizer? Can I ask how old you are and what area of the country you live. Thanks

The original post got it right. Most of you will never leave the industry. The job is the easiest money in the world. Its a brainless job that only requires a driver's license, good personality & the ability to come up with a best practice. Some of you have been laid of twice now by Pfizer. Turned down large sums of money, sold your homes, took a loss on those home, demotion from DM to specialty & now primary care. You stay even thow your bonus's are less, the pay increases are lower if at all, they no longer give stock options, Health Benefits cost you more each year, the Pension is going away. The Severance is getting smaller & smaller. Soon you will be cut with no severance & forced to look for another pharma job with another company. Maybe you will get one maybe you won't. If your salary is to high they will pass you buy because they know if they hire you for less money than you are currently making they will get less out of you & you will resent them for paying you less than what you think you are worth. Every year there are less & less drug reps in the industry. Almost every class of medications has several great drugs that are generic alternative...Zoloft, Norvasc, Lipitor, Name your anitbotic (Zithromax), Geodon, Celebrex, Neurontin, Diflucan, etc the list could go on & this is only medications that PFE sells.

Its a dieing job. Good luck to all of you that stay in for the easy money while it last. Put away as much of that money while it comes easily. For those of you who don't take advantage of all your free time to create an alternative cash flow to replace your income when this cash cow is gone good luck. For those of us that were open to the truth, took action and ran side business and planned for the day when the Sack of money was offered to us, congrats & good luck in creating real wealth & helping rebuilt the American Economy by creating jobs & contributing to society. Building homes creates jobs; Landscapers, Roofers, Framers, lenders, realtors, etc. Owning Cleaning companies; janitors, drives, office staff. Home Care Companies; caregivers, office staff, placement specialist.

So to those of you who choose to stay. I wish you the best. Take the money while its fast & easy.

The original post got it right. Most of you will never leave the industry. The job is the easiest money in the world. Its a brainless job that only requires a driver's license, good personality & the ability to come up with a best practice. Some of you have been laid of twice now by Pfizer. Turned down large sums of money, sold your homes, took a loss on those home, demotion from DM to specialty & now primary care. You stay even thow your bonus's are less, the pay increases are lower if at all, they no longer give stock options, Health Benefits cost you more each year, the Pension is going away. The Severance is getting smaller & smaller. Soon you will be cut with no severance & forced to look for another pharma job with another company. Maybe you will get one maybe you won't. If your salary is to high they will pass you buy because they know if they hire you for less money than you are currently making they will get less out of you & you will resent them for paying you less than what you think you are worth. Every year there are less & less drug reps in the industry. Almost every class of medications has several great drugs that are generic alternative...Zoloft, Norvasc, Lipitor, Name your anitbotic (Zithromax), Geodon, Celebrex, Neurontin, Diflucan, etc the list could go on & this is only medications that PFE sells.

Its a dieing job. Good luck to all of you that stay in for the easy money while it last. Put away as much of that money while it comes easily. For those of you who don't take advantage of all your free time to create an alternative cash flow to replace your income when this cash cow is gone good luck. For those of us that were open to the truth, took action and ran side business and planned for the day when the Sack of money was offered to us, congrats & good luck in creating real wealth & helping rebuilt the American Economy by creating jobs & contributing to society. Building homes creates jobs; Landscapers, Roofers, Framers, lenders, realtors, etc. Owning Cleaning companies; janitors, drives, office staff. Home Care Companies; caregivers, office staff, placement specialist.

So to those of you who choose to stay. I wish you the best. Take the money while its fast & easy.

Bravo! Good for you taking a chance beyond pharma. I am interested in buyng properties. Eventhough you paid for the properties, do 7 properties still give you the same income as Pfizer? Can I ask how old you are and what area of the country you live. Thanks

Early 50, gross income about 90k, but taxable less. Real estate is one of last areas an average person can still get sig deductions against income due to depreciation. It takes time, my main reason for leaving pharma was loss of daily flexibility. It's a no brainer job, even today.

I bought really trashed properties cheap and "donated" my labor, it's not for everyone - but neither is the mindless rep job.

Good luck. I'm glad the OP is still in the business, sounds like the right place for them.

The original post got it right. Most of you will never leave the industry. The job is the easiest money in the world. Its a brainless job that only requires a driver's license, good personality & the ability to come up with a best practice. Some of you have been laid of twice now by Pfizer. Turned down large sums of money, sold your homes, took a loss on those home, demotion from DM to specialty & now primary care. You stay even thow your bonus's are less, the pay increases are lower if at all, they no longer give stock options, Health Benefits cost you more each year, the Pension is going away. The Severance is getting smaller & smaller. Soon you will be cut with no severance & forced to look for another pharma job with another company. Maybe you will get one maybe you won't. If your salary is to high they will pass you buy because they know if they hire you for less money than you are currently making they will get less out of you & you will resent them for paying you less than what you think you are worth. Every year there are less & less drug reps in the industry. Almost every class of medications has several great drugs that are generic alternative...Zoloft, Norvasc, Lipitor, Name your anitbotic (Zithromax), Geodon, Celebrex, Neurontin, Diflucan, etc the list could go on & this is only medications that PFE sells.

Its a dieing job. Good luck to all of you that stay in for the easy money while it last. Put away as much of that money while it comes easily. For those of you who don't take advantage of all your free time to create an alternative cash flow to replace your income when this cash cow is gone good luck. For those of us that were open to the truth, took action and ran side business and planned for the day when the Sack of money was offered to us, congrats & good luck in creating real wealth & helping rebuilt the American Economy by creating jobs & contributing to society. Building homes creates jobs; Landscapers, Roofers, Framers, lenders, realtors, etc. Owning Cleaning companies; janitors, drives, office staff. Home Care Companies; caregivers, office staff, placement specialist.

So to those of you who choose to stay. I wish you the best. Take the money while its fast & easy.

You forgot that there are plenty of hot, young, smart, verbally gifted women coming out of college that would love to do the job for $50k + car.

The True Thieves Are the people working 70 hours a week at pfizers. Spending & Their full T&E budgets year in & year out. Spewing Best practice & success stories & not making quota year in & year out. You are steeling money form a competent talented person that could drive sales in half the amount of time & spend less money driving those sales.

If we were paid to work 40 hours a week they would pay us an hourly wage. If we worked 70 hours they would pay for 70 hours. They would pay overtime for working harder & longer. However they don't! Sale's people are paid to drive sales & produce results. Do it in 5 hours great. Do it in 100 great. As a business owner I don't care how long it take you get get the results just get the job done. That's the reality. The problem is Pfizer has hired to many small thinkers & promoted them into management. Hopefully they will keep cutting & bleeding the small thinkers out.

1) Man the f*** up and put this post in an email to your manager. (Please have your 3rd grader check it for spelling and grammatical errors. Who-wee. ). Let us know if she agrees with you
2) Why are people that work a full week thieves? I dont get it

Just because your at work doesn't mean your working. Its called getting results.

You & your 3rd grade teacher should be on the same pay grade. I think your onto something. Sales people are paid to get results. Your steeling from the company when you go to work day in & day out & getting nothing done. You don't understand this because you are one of those good for nothing reps or managers that think you shittt doesn't stink. Your clueless. Your 70 hour weeks is probably killing sales. Your doctors probably cringe when they see you coming.