Why isn't Biotronik doing better?

2.5-3.5 Mil. ak wanted out, it was a mutual thing. WM has lost all of that biz since he left, and will not be getting it back. As long as A Singh continues to put in Biotronik up in Phoenix his son will have a career with Biotronik in Tucson.
All defib companies are doing poorly for one reason or another.
BTW, all the docs are going to switch over to the S-ICD next year anyway.
Even without ATP. The risk/reward stands in favor of the S-ICD.
Just wait until doctors get sued for lead failures in the heart when they have the S-ICD available! And... once DFT testing is abolished, you don't have to be an EP to implant the S-ICD!
All defib companies are doing poorly for one reason or another.
BTW, all the docs are going to switch over to the S-ICD next year anyway.
Even without ATP. The risk/reward stands in favor of the S-ICD.
Just wait until doctors get sued for lead failures in the heart when they have the S-ICD available! And... once DFT testing is abolished, you don't have to be an EP to implant the S-ICD!

Welcome back you brainless idiot! EP's are not the only ones that implant ICD's. A very small population of pt's will be considered for a SubQ and there will be no impact to current marketshare.

You are such a dumbass.
All defib companies are doing poorly for one reason or another.
BTW, all the docs are going to switch over to the S-ICD next year anyway.
Even without ATP. The risk/reward stands in favor of the S-ICD.
Just wait until doctors get sued for lead failures in the heart when they have the S-ICD available! And... once DFT testing is abolished, you don't have to be an EP to implant the S-ICD!

You should be pushing Endotak Reliance in response to your competition's lead failures - it is a "here and now" known quantity. By the time S-ICD could have a real and material impact, the CRM industry will have moved on to a new "flavor of the minute" product disaster.
You should be pushing Endotak Reliance in response to your competition's lead failures - it is a "here and now" known quantity. By the time S-ICD could have a real and material impact, the CRM industry will have moved on to a new "flavor of the minute" product disaster.

"flavor of the minute". Really. You did not attend HRS or NASPE over the past decade. There hasn't been anything "new" in CRM in over a decade.
So, just how does one get invited to visit the 'facility' in Puerto Rico for a long weekend? Rocks and glass houses do not mix.

Yep. When MDT conveniently schedules 3 & 4 day physician visits to their lead facility, in Puerto Rico, that takes about 2-3 hours to go through throughout the month of February.... that is legitimate business.
Forecasted 270mil, adjusted by 40mil in August, still missed by 30% at year end. Not good, but no different than any other CRMD company. Losses will be offset by cuts in cost of dong business. Pat N. will either be fired or will quit due to reduced funding to his failed efforts, and more old dead weight from the field to be shown the door, ie Larry C. in Phili etc

There's no business like "...dong business."
All the Bio reps that come in here and brag about their pay will be singing a different tune very soon. Management will find ways to decrease your pay to protect their positions but BIO reps have no where to hide. STJ reps are taking jobs with BIO at much lower pay and that will be the trend.

hmmm, nobody has mentioned money or making money in this thread. if st. jude reps are fleeing to bio it's because bsx and mdt are hiring and their spots are already filled.

st jude reps aren't taking pay cuts coming over to Bio my friend. they aren't being given 5 year EA's either. what they are being given is an opportunity to sell from a product bag that is very good.

gotta ask yourself why they are leaving st jude? again, you brought up money factor. Bio reps will make equivalent money that is expected in the industry. no more, no less.

the cuts will come with those of us that can't drive business. every day i wake up, i know i don't eat if i don't implant.

kicking ass in my area. but, nothing is promised tomorrow.
There's no business like "...dong business."

Another board washing! is this really necessary? Jake doesn't like a comment so he uses another Gestapo purge to remove the information he finds offensive. Bioytinik missed revenue projections, even after adjusting. So did everybody else, this does not kill us. Was it this or because Larry C. and Pat N., both dead weight, were mentioned. Let's stop over reacting.
There's no business like "...dong business."

Another board washing, really, is this necessary? Jake doesn't like a negative comment so he orders another Gestapo board burnung of Cafepharma! Biotronik missed revenue projections, even after adjustments and big investments in new hires. This doesn't kill us! Everybody missed their projections. Everybody!