Why I must tell the truth

Many people in medical are technically criminals that deserve what they get because they are hurting the innocent by all bribes,Kickbacks and every other way you can get business. Medicare and medicaid are on the brink of bankruptcy. To curb the activity they will put thousands of criminals in jail to get the message across.

They will not tolerate this behavior.

Laboratory testing saves lives. It is the foundation of modern medicine. If I can sell enough additional testing, it is a statistical fact that more life threatening diseases will be caught and unnecessary deaths will be prevented. This is what I do. Sometimes at great personal risk. What have you done for society lately, son? Hope this helps.

Laboratory testing saves lives. It is the foundation of modern medicine. If I can sell enough additional testing, it is a statistical fact that more life threatening diseases will be caught and unnecessary deaths will be prevented. This is what I do. Sometimes at great personal risk. What have you done for society lately, son? Hope this helps.

Community Leader
Role Model
Some would say, Hero

Yes, all three. And you are a Difference Maker.

Laboratory testing saves lives. It is the foundation of modern medicine. If I can sell enough additional testing, it is a statistical fact that more life threatening diseases will be caught and unnecessary deaths will be prevented. This is what I do. Sometimes at great personal risk. What have you done for society lately, son? Hope this helps.

They will cap fees real soon.

Laboratory testing saves lives. It is the foundation of modern medicine. If I can sell enough additional testing, it is a statistical fact that more life threatening diseases will be caught and unnecessary deaths will be prevented. This is what I do. Sometimes at great personal risk. What have you done for society lately, son? Hope this helps.

Unnecessary testing is costing the government BILLIONS

Unnecessary testing is costing the government BILLIONS

How much does it cost to to treat serious otherwise preventable diseases? What about the “human” cost? How much is a life worth, son? Fortunately, there are good people out here that know those answers and we are not afraid to act.

Hope this helps

Community Leader
Role Model
Some would say, Hero

Role model?
A true criminal who helped the company steal millions of dollars with fraudulent

Listen, son. In the business world, we call that GSD (getting sh•t done). And it’s not a crime if you get away with it. And even when you do get caught, a net gain is still a win. I sincerely hope you are at least learning something from my efforts here. You know I’m not compensated for this. I do this to simply to give back. But sometimes, after reading follow up comments, I feel a bit under appreciated. Hope this helps.

The doctor from Florida was convicted of the same crime SON

What's your point, junior? We all know that I specialize in business growth and development and you couldn't "play doctor" even if I hired a professional to act as your play date patient. I'm guessing people get convicted of crimes in Florida all the time, from all walks of life. Leave that to the FDLE and the good folks who reside in the sunshine state. The only doctor you need to worry about is still practicing, in good standing and is taking calls every weekday afternoon. Stop wasting our time and call her. Hope this helps.