Why I must tell the truth

Feds are investigating! People have been questioned! The company admitted issues! No more, junior! Please make it stop!

Oh, well. Sounds bad, but at least I'm still as popular as ever. Now I think I'll pop in for a late lunch and try one of the new 4 cheese whoppers.

Remember Pal they do know the answer before


Do me a favor shut your big mouth since the sh__ is serious.

Thank you

The period is where it belongs. If only part of the sentence is a quotation, then you put the final punctuation outside of the quotation marks. If the entire sentence is a quote, then you put the punctuation inside the quotation marks. I suppose I should be pleased that I “piqued” your interest on this subject. .

Oh no Cupcake. You’ve embarrassed yourself again. Periods and commas are never placed outside a quotation mark. Period (see what I did?).

Now, there are times when a question mark or exclamation point is placed outside of the quotation mark, but only if it’s not the material being quoted.

You seem to be a slow learner, so again, Universal American usage places commas and periods inside the quotation marks in all instances.

And look at you! You used the word “piqued” (instead of “peaked”) correctly in a sentence. Yay for you Cupcake!

I enjoy Arizona

And I enjoy pork chops and chubby women with bangs, glasses and black hair. But in case you hadn’t noticed, son, this is a forum about the clinical lab industry. And more specifically, about Quest Diagnostics. So your favorite travel destinations and my dining and romantic interests aren’t really relevant on this site. Stick to business. There are important events unfolding that require our attention. Hope this helps.

Nov 22, 2016 at 1:28 AM

You are all fools who are posting fictional bullshit. It should be obvious by the actions that this company is serious about staying and growing this business. Spectra has by all accounts the most technological Lab in the country. Training is being conducted on a daily basis and people are being held accountable. What more do you want? The slanderous actions of a few are causing fear for to many. Disregard the negativity because it serves no purpose. Be positive and work as hard as you can. If you do, you will see that it will bear fruit at the end of the rainbow.

Do you remember this statement?
I guess there was some truth because it was sold
Everything that is written is the truth
Enjoy the day

Nov 22, 2016 at 1:28 AM

You are all fools who are posting fictional bullshit. It should be obvious by the actions that this company is serious about staying and growing this business. Spectra has by all accounts the most technological Lab in the country. Training is being conducted on a daily basis and people are being held accountable. What more do you want? The slanderous actions of a few are causing fear for to many. Disregard the negativity because it serves no purpose. Be positive and work as hard as you can. If you do, you will see that it will bear fruit at the end of the rainbow.

Do you remember this statement?
I guess there was some truth because it was sold
Everything that is written is the truth
Enjoy the day

You are an idiot and no one cares about your stupid opinions. This is indisputable since “everything that is written is the truth”.

Hope this helps.

I think everyone is mentally exhausted and waiting

You started out on this tirade with your mental capacity, such as it is, sputtering on fumes. Don’t however confuse the fact that we are tired and bored with this nonsense to be any reflection of our capabilities. We are as strong and sharp as ever with all the confidence that is due to those who have been in the right all along. Why don’t you give yourself a rest, son? Grab yourself a Croissan’wich for breakfast and then take the day off. We can live without your input from here. Hope this helps.

Many people in medical are technically criminals that deserve what they get because they are hurting the innocent by all bribes,Kickbacks and every other way you can get business. Medicare and medicaid are on the brink of bankruptcy. To curb the activity they will put thousands of criminals in jail to get the message across.

They will not tolerate this behavior.