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Why call it reallocation?


Let's get down to brass tacks.

The company has been screwing some fine people, many of whom gave up their homes, family and friend local connections, better lifestyles, better opportunities and so much more to come slave away for Wow Street's dividend whore as long as they were useful.

It's perverted because the recruitment is just so full of some walks-on-water moral high ground, as if the company actually cares about anything other than the bottom line. It does not. It is not allowed to. As Wall Street's bitch, by law, shareholder's are #1.

Stop calling it reallocation, these are mass firings, in other words, the company is BURNING it's "most important" resources after getting what it wants.

Who in their right mind would take a job here?


And the sad truth is, it's totally deluded itself regarding the 'bottom line.' It is smoke and mirrors, buying back stock to prop up a must-have dividend. Cut-your-way to growth is not sustainable. The brain-drain of scientists and dedicated professionals has decimated itself. The race-to-the-gutter policy of outsourcing to 3rd world intellectual property thieves, and hacks has sealed the fate of this place. But, the architects bide their time to retire at 90 points. These are the sad facts. We've been EliBolacized.

When the sad biography of the current (last) regime infesting the c-suites of bldg. 74 is written, it will be called: "From Innovation To Immolation In Less Than A Decade--My Destruction Of LLY" By J.C. Lickconductor.

And the sad truth is, it's totally deluded itself regarding the 'bottom line.' It is smoke and mirrors, buying back stock to prop up a must-have dividend. Cut-your-way to growth is not sustainable. The brain-drain of scientists and dedicated professionals has decimated itself. The race-to-the-gutter policy of outsourcing to 3rd world intellectual property thieves, and hacks has sealed the fate of this place. But, the architects bide their time to retire at 90 points. These are the sad facts. We've been EliBolacized.

animal health and diabetes.... You know, when I was a student, I was in awe of Eli Lilly....

Let's get down to brass tacks.

The company has been screwing some fine people, many of whom gave up their homes, family and friend local connections, better lifestyles, better opportunities and so much more to come slave away for Wow Street's dividend whore as long as they were useful.

It's perverted because the recruitment is just so full of some walks-on-water moral high ground, as if the company actually cares about anything other than the bottom line. It does not. It is not allowed to. As Wall Street's bitch, by law, shareholder's are #1.

Stop calling it reallocation, these are mass firings, in other words, the company is BURNING it's "most important" resources after getting what it wants.

Who in their right mind would take a job here?

Once a company goes public the shareholders are it's main interest. Caring for employees takes a major downward shift. Management by fear and intimidation are key. "We put the patient First" I think not it's the dollar and the shareholders. Employees and patients are mere pawns.

Once a company goes public the shareholders are it's main interest. Caring for employees takes a major downward shift. Management by fear and intimidation are key. "We put the patient First" I think not it's the dollar and the shareholders. Employees and patients are mere pawns.

Not all. Novo Nordisk is public. Apple is public. Whole Foods Market is public. Southwest Airlines is public. Costco is public.

Face it, Lilly sucks.

What is pipeline?
Lilly don't hurt me
don't hurt me no more...
What is pipeline?
Lilly don't hurt me
don't hurt me no more...
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, uh, uh
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, uh, uh

--Transcript from LRL planning session.

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