what a bunch of whiny tools. Pharma is not sales. Just do your job and move business. we are not sales people. We don't even know how most of our drugs work.
Move business and your DM will leave you alone.
remember, pharma is not sales.
ONe of the more accurate posts in a long time. Pharma has degrees of shit, forest is well known as being at that bottom tier amongst the industry heavy weights. A C- to D company at best this is no secret.
For you idiots schleps who are all whining and soft about your DM, grow the fuck up, learn how to manage your dopey DM or get the f out of here. My DM could not shine my shoes without fucking up the entire project. He calls me 1 time per quarter and it goes str. to my VM. I have no idea if I have even spoken to him outside of a cc in 8 months. This is how you put little nothing incompetent dictators in their place. Laugh at them, ignore them and if they try to play tough guy with you and you are not a typical pharma pussie stand up for yourself and let these guys know a dose of reality and not fictional forest land........
worked for me. This poop knows to never ask me about a lunch, a poa meeting or ever to ask me to volunteer for his behalf. We have no eye contact and worry about ourselves and nobody else. He has his own set of problems with a large defincidney in how to manage and cultivate winning sales chemistry that parlays to sales, I will not help him with this as it is a basic expectation that a DM should have many years of prob. solving and logical and keen work arounds to inner politics of the team.