Why are so many good people leaving?

Sounds like a kip response, go koolaid !!!!

I remember when Kip stood up in front of the energy sales force and told us how, "Energy is the place to be!" He bailed shortly after that.

I also remember him on the project constitution conference calls telling everyone(multiple times) that some surgical care reps would still sell energy. However, once training began last Nov/Dec, he denied ever saying that.

KD....just looking out for himself and jumping to the new project or whatever role that benefits him the most.

I remember when Kip stood up in front of the energy sales force and told us how, "Energy is the place to be!" He bailed shortly after that.

I also remember him on the project constitution conference calls telling everyone(multiple times) that some surgical care reps would still sell energy. However, once training began last Nov/Dec, he denied ever saying that.

KD....just looking out for himself and jumping to the new project or whatever role that benefits him the most.

Energy is a dangerous place to be right now..

1) you obviously don't work for Ethicon because you would know that you can't get into payback with the new comp style. Additionally, there are no half year comp plans.
2) layoffs aren't coming and even if they do it will be for energy and possibly gyn
3) you won't admit it but you would kill to still have a job here and you know it

You are 100% wrong concerning payback.

1) you obviously don't work for Ethicon because you would know that you can't get into payback with the new comp style. Additionally, there are no half year comp plans.
2) layoffs aren't coming and even if they do it will be for energy and possibly gyn
3) you won't admit it but you would kill to still have a job here and you know it

Obviously that person does work for Ethicon. I am in a payback situation through Q3. Layoffs, in my opinion you are right, GYN and Energy. No one would kill to have a job here that has been here for a while. Only the ones that have a family or are of college and does not any better. This company pays descent, but treats its employees like crap. Its all about perception and not about what you have done; end results. There are a lot of bad apples that work here too and when I say bad apples, I mean managers and CADs that are/just dont seem like good people; some vindictive/malicious.

Welcome to 2014 excited to see everyone in San Diego. Oh wait I forgot it will most likely be via webex again. Everything is great though? Right? There is no writing on the wall right? Hello ?