Why are so many good people leaving?

Sales Force: unmotivated and uninspired.

leadership: completely lacking, culture of fear (lowest form of leadership), very surprising coming from a JnJ company

Customer: treats you like crap, your not needed in hospital. access limited

Sales Force: unmotivated and uninspired.

leadership: completely lacking, culture of fear (lowest form of leadership), very surprising coming from a JnJ company

Customer: treats you like crap, your not needed in hospital. access limited

The leadership at ESC is the biggest problem here. Leadership talks of transparency and actually requests feedback but if anyone gives honest feedback regarding the problems they are told not to share. I was actually told to "act motivated and excited" for a recent meeting. What a joke.

Sales Force: unmotivated and uninspired.

leadership: completely lacking, culture of fear (lowest form of leadership), very surprising coming from a JnJ company

Customer: treats you like crap, your not needed in hospital. access limited

Surprised by JNJ mgmt? This group is out for themselves. Its all about protecting their jobs and whoever promoted them so they can make that jump to another operating company. This is a cycle that repeats itself over and over again. Take a look at some of the leadership. Look at how many operating companies some have been a part of. A ton. They also promote those folks who super positive kiss asses who whistle the credo out of their assholes every morning just for the right to say I work for jnj.

Sales Force: unmotivated and uninspired.

leadership: completely lacking, culture of fear (lowest form of leadership), very surprising coming from a JnJ company

Customer: treats you like crap, your not needed in hospital. access limited

The leadership at ESC is the biggest problem here. Leadership talks of transparency and actually requests feedback but if anyone gives honest feedback regarding the problems they are told not to share. I was actually told to "act motivated and excited" for a recent meeting. What a joke.

Surprised by JNJ mgmt? This group is out for themselves. Its all about protecting their jobs and whoever promoted them so they can make that jump to another operating company. This is a cycle that repeats itself over and over again. Take a look at some of the leadership. Look at how many operating companies some have been a part of. A ton. They also promote those folks who super positive kiss asses who whistle the credo out of their assholes every morning just for the right to say I work for jnj.

Surprised by JNJ mgmt? This group is out for themselves. Its all about protecting their jobs and whoever promoted them so they can make that jump to another operating company. This is a cycle that repeats itself over and over again. Take a look at some of the leadership. Look at how many operating companies some have been a part of. A ton. They also promote those folks who super positive kiss asses who whistle the credo out of their assholes every morning just for the right to say I work for jnj.

Most of the upper management have never sold a medical device. What would you expect? The management development programs at pharmaceutical companies and number of promotions have always exceeded those in medical devices, at least at JNJ. You just cannot run a more sales oriented device company based upon your experiences selling an antibiotic or birth control pill.

This is a great thread and good for freedom of speech. Some of the funniest stuff I have ever read here. Energy reps will be absorbed Q3 of 2014.

Energy is losing their ass right now. Reprocessing, Enseal fiascos(anyone selling Super Jaw?), and the dumb decision to pass on Sonicision so that your main competitor could buy it are all coming back to haunt us. If we aren't folded back into surgical care by next year, I could see the business getting sold off. If we are folded back into surgical care, there will be a bloodbath of layoffs for both energy reps and managers.

Energy is a joke if you are hitting your number you get like $1,000 per quarter if you are 150% you get like $5,000 commission what a joke.

ESC, nobody is working, ask any TL or HBT how many cases they went to last month?? The truth answer maybe 1

More layoffs are coming, with a Depuy lawsuit payout of over 4 Billion do any of you really think there won't be more layoffs coming....

At the national sales meeting for 2014 someone will ask a question about future layoffs or downsizing and you will hear a bunch of bs about how well we performed as a company in 2013 and are positioned strong for growth, but only those who have been around know the truth and know how to play the game


Energy is a joke if you are hitting your number you get like $1,000 per quarter if you are 150% you get like $5,000 commission what a joke.

ESC, nobody is working, ask any TL or HBT how many cases they went to last month?? The truth answer maybe 1

More layoffs are coming, with a Depuy lawsuit payout of over 4 Billion do any of you really think there won't be more layoffs coming....

At the national sales meeting for 2014 someone will ask a question about future layoffs or downsizing and you will hear a bunch of bs about how well we performed as a company in 2013 and are positioned strong for growth, but only those who have been around know the truth and know how to play the game


No one in ESC is working?? Speak for yourself bro! Our division and several others I know of are doing well and making good money this year! 130% to quota and trending to make well over $200k this year. You can bitch and moan or you can do your job. I chose the latter and am quite satisfied.

$200K?? Haha thats awesome but you are an exception. When I saw my 2nd half numbers loaded in July, I was like WTF I am so glad I didn't bust my as* for 1st half year. It would have been hopeless. Don't get me wrong, still making good money for the time or lack of time I am putting in, but this job is miserable and have not found something else yet

Wait until you see the growth number you are expected to hit next year when quotas are given in March, whenever you do well one half of the year like the DB says he is, he will be be screwed the next year and probably have to pay some back, just calling it like it is and enjoy the 200k because layoffs are coming so after taxes I hope some of that went into the bank

Wait until you see the growth number you are expected to hit next year when quotas are given in March, whenever you do well one half of the year like the DB says he is, he will be be screwed the next year and probably have to pay some back, just calling it like it is and enjoy the 200k because layoffs are coming so after taxes I hope some of that went into the bank

1) you obviously don't work for Ethicon because you would know that you can't get into payback with the new comp style. Additionally, there are no half year comp plans.
2) layoffs aren't coming and even if they do it will be for energy and possibly gyn
3) you won't admit it but you would kill to still have a job here and you know it