Why are so many Dms leaving the south???


Rob N. went to work for one of his former RM's, Greg B at Otsuka. The Good O' Boy Network is alive and well.

Poor Otsuka doesn't know what they are in store for. Several of these Pfizer numbskulls have gone over, so be patient, they will surely ruin anything that was remotely good about the company.

Poor Otsuka doesn't know what they are in store for. Several of these Pfizer numbskulls have gone over, so be patient, they will surely ruin anything that was remotely good about the company.[/QUOT

best to keep your ignorance in check by not weighing in. The people i've seen go over there were some of the best Pfizer had.

Poor Otsuka doesn't know what they are in store for. Several of these Pfizer numbskulls have gone over, so be patient, they will surely ruin anything that was remotely good about the company.[/QUOT

best to keep your ignorance in check by not weighing in. The people i've seen go over there were some of the best Pfizer had.

If you think any Pfizer legacy were the best Pfizer had, that doesn't say much. Would you be talking about the same folks who have successfully been running it into the ground the last 10 years.? No other legacy thats been sucked into this vortex shares that same opinion. Arrogance and ineptitude will never dissappear when it comes to these imbecils.

If you think any Pfizer legacy were the best Pfizer had, that doesn't say much. Would you be talking about the same folks who have successfully been running it into the ground the last 10 years.? No other legacy thats been sucked into this vortex shares that same opinion. Arrogance and ineptitude will never dissappear when it comes to these imbecils.

Again, your ignorance surfaces. RMs and DM's do not run the company into the ground. If anything, they do all that they can to keep morale up and locally strong. Senior management is the topic you are addressing. I don't deny your point, you simply have placed blame in the wrong spot. Your anger or dissatisfaction robs you of your ability to reasonably assess individuals, rather than a job title as a whole.

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