Why are reps posting their silly national awards on LinkedIn?

You are forgetting that no one really cares about your meaningless award that you post on LinkedIn. Try being humble instead of seeking attention.

No one is trying to impress you, bud. They are trying to impress whoever gives them access the their next opportunity. No one cares about what you think

Interesting thread here. I for one have won multiple national awards with multiple companies. I mention to others if asked. Otherwise I just go about doing my job quietly and successfully.

A sales award is like a degree. You achieved something. If you are in sales, regardless of your age, you should list all of your achievements on your resume. That being said, being humble about your achievements screams louder than bragging about how great you probably aren't.

Why, exactly, should we pay any attention to a 40-something year old that is doing the exact same job that 22 year olds here do?

Experience is more than doing the same job. It is called Gravitas, intelligence and relationship...all come from years of doing the same job as it evolved when they were a snot nosed 22 year old who thinks their parroting the company line carries any weight with physicians.

Experience is more than doing the same job. It is called Gravitas, intelligence and relationship...all come from years of doing the same job as it evolved when they were a snot nosed 22 year old who thinks their parroting the company line carries any weight with physicians.

the only thing a 22 years old can sell is knives or cookies.

You really aren't good at selling unless you have about 5-7 years of experience. You can kid yourself all you want, but you are still an amateur at the end of the day. Its not your fault that you haven't experienced the adversity, but this is very true.

Managers that get promoted with less than 7 years of outside selling should be avoided because they suck at sales and suck at managing as well. Its never fails. In my 23 years of selling, I have seen it all.

So I guess you haven’t won any awards…

We are talking a pharma award here. Please. We all know there is a lot of luck and circumstance involved(previous rep did not work so you received a low goal, new advocate moved in to your territory, new territory alignment that benefited you, payor mix, etc..).

the only thing a 22 years old can sell is knives or cookies.

You really aren't good at selling unless you have about 5-7 years of experience. You can kid yourself all you want, but you are still an amateur at the end of the day. Its not your fault that you haven't experienced the adversity, but this is very true.

Managers that get promoted with less than 7 years of outside selling should be avoided because they suck at sales and suck at managing as well. Its never fails. In my 23 years of selling, I have seen it all.

Every single human being starts selling the second they come out of the womb.

Well, if you work for Pfizer then you know you need to keep your resume current for when the newest BM comes down and shits on you. So yeah, broadcast your wins now so at the next round of layoffs you’ll stand out over the folks who didn’t win a trip. Is it bragging? Yup. Is it necessary in the new “you are a brand” world? Yes.

If you don’t scream “look at me” now no one will when you really need them to.

So the Newest and Best joke out there are Managers at all levels posting their family spring break photos on who can "up" the next w/ best vacation. What a bunch of insecure losers.

Please, post a link to all your awards on your various social media platforms. I can't wait to read about them!!!! You must be a real winner! :D:D:D

anyone posting an award here should be embarrassed putting up a fake award. Seems dumb to be celebrating an award sitting home with your dogs every day for 2 years. Everyone knows that, I put my phone on mute to the bathroom not to listen to the winners this year call me miserable just saying it pretty stupid to brag on an award with no success.

People who post about their sales awards also think they are saving Ukraine. Until the next variant comes out. Then they'll be back to being Pfizer Proud again. Unless another Floyd happens. Then they will be all united as one. People are so nauseating its hilarious

These people are emotionally fragile and need constant affirmation to reinforce their underlying lack of self esteem. Social media in general tends to do that to people. The above poster is correct- the most successful people don't do that stuff because they simply do not see the need. And it's not just young kids. People in their 50's do it too.

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