Why are reps posting their silly national awards on LinkedIn?


Why do most parents brag about their ordinary kids? Why do physicians hang their degrees on the wall? Why did the vet ceo agree to have an article written about his bullshit? Why did you vote for biden? Why are most people fake? What happened to originality? Why do people buy fake Gucci and walk around with it in public?

Why do most parents brag about their ordinary kids? Why do physicians hang their degrees on the wall? Why did the vet ceo agree to have an article written about his bullshit? Why did you vote for biden? Why are most people fake? What happened to originality? Why do people buy fake Gucci and walk around with it in public?
Your pathological insistence of posting inane political jabs in every single thread fascinates us. By all means, please continue!

The narcissistic participation trophy generation knows no shame. They were fawned over as children and think the whole world revolves around them. People who really are great at their profession never talk about what they do and actually consider themselves ordinary. Idiots who know nothing are the ones always bragging themselves up. It's called the dunning-kruger effect

The narcissistic participation trophy generation knows no shame. They were fawned over as children and think the whole world revolves around them. People who really are great at their profession never talk about what they do and actually consider themselves ordinary. Idiots who know nothing are the ones always bragging themselves up. It's called the dunning-kruger effect
Why, exactly, should we pay any attention to a 40-something year old that is doing the exact same job that 22 year olds here do?

I bet you also get upset at kids games if they don't keep score.

you probably also keep telling people here they are going to get laid off.

they are posting it to set them up for a better opportunity in the future while you're trolling on an anonymous message board

I bet you also get upset at kids games if they don't keep score.

you probably also keep telling people here they are going to get laid off.

they are posting it to set them up for a better opportunity in the future while you're trolling on an anonymous message board

You are forgetting that no one really cares about your meaningless award that you post on LinkedIn. Try being humble instead of seeking attention.

Did you know that if you forgot your email and password for linkedIn that you are unable to access and/or delete your profile? Not even linkedIn is humble. linkedIn needs to provide that the impression that they are relevant and people use their platform. As far as the award(s) you won, luck definitely played a major role in you winning it/them.

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