A Gingrich,/Santorum/Ronald Reagan fan, are you? FK U, you racist SOB.
Yes, Obama fan, you are so right!!
A Gingrich,/Santorum/Ronald Reagan fan, are you? FK U, you racist SOB.
Obama is the demise of this country you should get a grip on realty people!
Obama is the demise of this country you should get a grip on realty people!
You know who should quit ? All of you. Then for once you all would have some leverage. But the problem is that 95% of you have no balls and the other 5% are kissing ass.
You get a grip. I am an Independent.The only color that greed has is green. Get distracted by the divide an conquer rhetoric and let them push your emotional buttons if you chose. Racists like you can always be counted on to advocate against your own best interest as you identify with the elite who could give less than a damn about you unless they can use you as cannon fodder in their wars, a consumer or a production unit in their corp empire.
Being a racists has nothing to do with it! QUOTE]
Yeah! Leave his/her racism out of this!!
Being a racists has nothing to do with it! QUOTE]
Yeah! Leave his/her racism out of this!!
Give us a break. It has everything to do with this. You are in denial.
Being a racists has nothing to do with it!
People like you making stupid comments here such as Redneck and racist are the reason we are in a world of trouble!
Being a racists has nothing to do with it!
People like you making stupid comments here such as Redneck and racist are the reason we are in a world of trouble!
Being a racists has nothing to do with it! QUOTE]
Yeah! Leave his/her racism out of this!!
Funny. LOL.
Funny. LOL.
Liberalism is a mental disorder!
What are you trying to say? It is fine to make vicious racist redneck comments but inappropriate to unmask and call you out on it. That is pure lunacy. It is unacceptable in my presence no matter where it is.
Liberalism is a mental disorder!
This statement is so stupid I don't know where to begin. My guess is that you have no historicial or contemporary knowledge of what liberalism is. If you statement is true, then much of our freedom and political doctrines that make this country great is also a mental disorder. Duh. One can't tease out liberalism from the historical development of Western thought.
Pick up a book Dude.
You must be a Liberal sicko drinking the cool aid non stop!
Heritage GG reps have options, USL reps held on too long and have limited career options available.