Who's Next to Quit....

He is soooooooo much better than what we got stuck with after he left. He is smart, accountable, knows the product and industry and leads by example. Cant say that about anyone that was in upper mgmt after he left.

Well ! When the bough breaks the cradle will fall ... The followers of the almighty will crumble to the sea without their Captain. Ms. E.L.V. from legacy Genzyme @ 57 Street (6th Fl) has escape from Alcatraz ... leaving behind the lost souls of her regime.
She can be found at Mt Sinai Hospital in East Harlem mopping the floors with her tongue within their laboratory. Good Riddance !!! Although she escaped ... She really deserves to walk the plank along with her Poisonous regime.

Well ! When the bough breaks the cradle will fall ... The followers of the almighty will crumble to the sea without their Captain. Ms. E.L.V. from legacy Genzyme @ 57 Street (6th Fl) has escape from Alcatraz ... leaving behind the lost souls of her regime.
She can be found at Mt Sinai Hospital in East Harlem mopping the floors with her tongue within their laboratory. Good Riddance !!! Although she escaped ... She really deserves to walk the plank along with her Poisonous regime.

Do you think anyone that has left GG or us labs regrets leaving and misses this place? Do any ever ask to come back? Do they put lab corp on their resume or leave the past company name of their resume?

I think most people don't have regrets. Most people aren't going to jump ship just to jump, it's going to be a better move. Sure they make mistakes but in the long run I'm sure they will be fine. I think many people miss the good things about GG but whether or not they miss LC/Genz (since the transition) is questionable.
I am pretty sure most people leave their old company name on their resume because that's what people know them as. We are a division under lab corp and you have to differentiate between the two especially since most of us aren't applying to clinical sales jobs if applying at all.
We are almost one year into this since being acquired. Many people who were planning to leave have left, the rest are being very thoughtful about their next steps whether it be with GG or somewhere else.

I think most people don't have regrets. Most people aren't going to jump ship just to jump, it's going to be a better move. Sure they make mistakes but in the long run I'm sure they will be fine. I think many people miss the good things about GG but whether or not they miss LC/Genz (since the transition) is questionable.
I am pretty sure most people leave their old company name on their resume because that's what people know them as. We are a division under lab corp and you have to differentiate between the two especially since most of us aren't applying to clinical sales jobs if applying at all.
We are almost one year into this since being acquired. Many people who were planning to leave have left, the rest are being very thoughtful about their next steps whether it be with GG or somewhere else.

The people that are still with Genzyme are here for one reason and one reason only. No one will pay what we are getting paid. The economy is horrible and all the other good labs to work for are being bought just like GG was.

If you could go to another company and get paid close to what you are now you would be gone. People need to speak the truth on here and not sugar coat things. The truth hurts and so does going somewhere else and taking a 20% pay cut.

you will be happy to take the paycut once lab corp really gets into your company. The conf calls, the reports that generate no action, the co travel with lab corp reps that "own" the budget, competing with the lab corp hospital reps because thats what their bosses in burlington tell them to do when you are not around etc... 20% is nothing if it gets you away from what is coming.

Stop blaming Labcorp for everything. GG management sold off the bussines unit like a live munition. GG cheer leaders put this deal together are kicking back without a thought how you're doing. Go contact them and tell them you were sold out to the evil empire.

Get back to work!!!


GG reps are not paid more. They are paid about the same and this is the problem with moving on. No one wants to take a side step and they shouldn't

This has to be the funniest thing I have ever heard. FACT GG reps are paid 15-20% higher. The managers are paid 25-30% higher. Oh yea that's because they have so much more experience.

This has to be the funniest thing I have ever heard. FACT GG reps are paid 15-20% higher. The managers are paid 25-30% higher. Oh yea that's because they have so much more experience.

There is no stock in experience with LCA. The less experience you have, the more likely you will hang around when the RIF hits.

I know who SHOULD quit, the lazy phlebotomy supervisors in NJ & the ghetto trash they bring into this company. It's nothing but young girls with kids who could give a shit about a job because they all have welfare to fall back on.

You know who should quit ? All of you. Then for once you all would have some leverage. But the problem is that 95% of you have no balls and the other 5% are kissing ass.

I know who SHOULD quit, the lazy phlebotomy supervisors in NJ & the ghetto trash they bring into this company. It's nothing but young girls with kids who could give a shit about a job because they all have welfare to fall back on.

A Gingrich,/Santorum/Ronald Reagan fan, are you? FK U, you racist SOB.