Who's Next to Quit....


With people leaving every other week, who will be next??? Will it be Repro, Onc, or Both?? I hope the nasty little rumor that SLT were being commissioned to retain employees wasn't true because that check is surely in the mail....

With people leaving every other week, who will be next??? Will it be Repro, Onc, or Both?? I hope the nasty little rumor that SLT were being commissioned to retain employees wasn't true because that check is surely in the mail....

Me, me. me... I am next. Nex Friday is the day. Can not wait!!!!

please tell me your a usl person and not another GG person. That would just really turn us into lab corp drones

Genzyme is going to assimilated.

The BORG on Star Trek were a look into the future "Lab Corp of the Universe".

We will assimilate you..Resistance is futile!!

Welcome To LCA...Welcome to LCA..No more Dianon, no more USL...soon no more Genzyme...

'Tis true - so much for the "you're safe for a year" theory most people latched onto courtesy of the smoke being blown up our butts by JH et al.

The article states "LabCorp said that employee support programs will be provided during the transition."

Bull - one of our staff who'd been pulled from a high-ish position within her dept. to work on the debacle known as Gedi (and is now being laid off because she's viewed as "IT development") was told "you can apply for another job within Labcorp if you like, but you lose all seniority you earned with GG". Basically, she'd be like a new employee.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not the least bit surprised. But it still leaves a very sour taste...

I don't know how JH lives with himself, much less has the stones to send out his ongoing "updates" (death sentences). The man is a complete and utter failure as a leader and businessman, yet he seems to feel qualified to stay on and actually think he's taken seriously. If he had any decency, he's commit sepuku and get out of our lives. "Judas Goat" is putting it nicely.

I don't know how JH lives with himself, much less has the stones to send out his ongoing "updates" (death sentences). The man is a complete and utter failure as a leader and businessman, yet he seems to feel qualified to stay on and actually think he's taken seriously. If he had any decency, he's commit sepuku and get out of our lives. "Judas Goat" is putting it nicely.

Actually he is an excellent businessman. everyone is taking everything that is going on personally, which from your view point is very understandable, you are going through a change in life that you didnt see coming and is not something you planned.

as far as a corporate standpoint JH is doing his job 100% the right way. When Labcorp bought GG they had a 5 year plan in place of when they wanted to do with both USLabs and GG. both of those business had stong points, GG has prenatal and USL had Oncology, both of those business expanded to other testing but nowhere near to the level they had with their primary business... so now they have in place a group and a leader to take over prenatal and a group and a leader to take over oncology. if you take a step back and look this was a perfect union for labcorp and they now have the people in place to make this part of thier business thrive.

on a personal aspect you feel lied to, betrayed, and generally pissed off, and you have every right to be. but if you bought the everything is going to be fine line, then you were living in a fantasy world and you need to ground yourself that you were not working for a small 10 person operation, you were working for a corporation. Henry Tremier tossed GG aside as a tool to save his butt which led you to where you are now. dont blame JH for doing his job or Labcorp doing whats best for their business... blame Genzyme for poor planning and the inability to handle a crisis. All Henry had to do was have a contract with a generic production company that incase of a fault like the one at allston they could have still manufactured their drugs and none of this would even be a thought. but they didnt plan and now GG employess are paying for his mismanagement of the company. he should have retired years ago.

So dont look at JH, look towards henry, he is the reason you are all losing your jobs.

Actually he is an excellent businessman. everyone is taking everything that is going on personally, which from your view point is very understandable, you are going through a change in life that you didnt see coming and is not something you planned.

as far as a corporate standpoint JH is doing his job 100% the right way. When Labcorp bought GG they had a 5 year plan in place of when they wanted to do with both USLabs and GG. both of those business had stong points, GG has prenatal and USL had Oncology, both of those business expanded to other testing but nowhere near to the level they had with their primary business... so now they have in place a group and a leader to take over prenatal and a group and a leader to take over oncology. if you take a step back and look this was a perfect union for labcorp and they now have the people in place to make this part of thier business thrive.

on a personal aspect you feel lied to, betrayed, and generally pissed off, and you have every right to be. but if you bought the everything is going to be fine line, then you were living in a fantasy world and you need to ground yourself that you were not working for a small 10 person operation, you were working for a corporation. Henry Tremier tossed GG aside as a tool to save his butt which led you to where you are now. dont blame JH for doing his job or Labcorp doing whats best for their business... blame Genzyme for poor planning and the inability to handle a crisis. All Henry had to do was have a contract with a generic production company that incase of a fault like the one at allston they could have still manufactured their drugs and none of this would even be a thought. but they didnt plan and now GG employess are paying for his mismanagement of the company. he should have retired years ago.

So dont look at JH, look towards henry, he is the reason you are all losing your jobs.

Well said...

Agreed about Henri but the 200+ million spent on geDI and the poor planning was all on JH's watch. A good leader accepts advice but he ruled by fear and as a result we lost business and patient care suffered. A week before "go live" most employees had no hands on experience and the result was a tumuluous, excruciating mess. Even if Genzyme kept us, we'd still be suffering under this person so I don't see how you can say he is a good businessman, other than his assistance in the transition process, which is debatable. It's been downhill since he arrived.

Who's next? Anybody who can.

It's like being in a bank that's being robbed, and you're lying on the floor hoping you don't get shot.

anyone who can is getting out !!! Welcome to LCA !!! This is the way business is done here we buy companies then get rid of the employees an keep all LCA knuckle heads !!! No competition this way !!!! Its the LCA way ! Run by N Carolina!!!

Agreed about Henri but the 200+ million spent on geDI and the poor planning was all on JH's watch. A good leader accepts advice but he ruled by fear and as a result we lost business and patient care suffered. A week before "go live" most employees had no hands on experience and the result was a tumuluous, excruciating mess. Even if Genzyme kept us, we'd still be suffering under this person so I don't see how you can say he is a good businessman, other than his assistance in the transition process, which is debatable. It's been downhill since he arrived.

What about NG--the joke VP of Ops for JH? The woman was clueless and worked out of her bedroom in her pajamas in San Diego. Never even came to the labs or knew the employees.

really, i would have loved to had that plan... i dont know of anyone who had that setup.

The geDI team. Especially after "go live". For years they travelled around the country, screening potential vendors, partnering with consultants. Directors, managers, supervisors -all recruited to work full time on this fiasco. Once it was implemented, many of them basically stayed home - until the Strategic Partnership. Several have bailed. The remaining members are back in the office in token positions, trying not to overlap with the people who replaced them when they joined the Elite.

Yeah--what about all these 6 Sigma robots that ex-VP NG put in place. They all work from home, and most have left.
LC doesn't do 6 Sigma--thank goodness. 6 Sigma sux!

6 Sigma is not a tool to be used where variables can happen. it only works if its pick up hammer... hit nail... put down hammer... wait for next nail... pick up hammer... hit nail... etc...

trying to put it in a lab enviroment was stupid, but you had all the suck ups running around saying how great it was and trying to become green belts. i would like to have slapped them with their green belts till they got a clue.

Gedi was a waste of money. but the people at genetics are so anal about everything that they couldnt be happy with a premade system they had to spend hundreds of millions trying to customize it... HEY MORONS YOU COULD HAVE BUILT A SYSTEM FOR A 10th OF THAT. not saying it would have changed what happened, but maybe, just maybe if genetics wasnt a sinkhole they would now be owned by the french too.