Who's disappointed in management?

Heres a question:

Can they terminate us if we dont perform to quotas?

If so, and we are not one of the chosen allowed to divert sales, can management legally justify termination?

Yes, and unfortunately, yes. I think a lot of it may have to do with which state your employment contract resides....with Merial, I think it's pretty much always Georgia, a "right to work state"....meaning they can fire you whenever they want, no reason required (my understanding of it at least)

But, can Merial or will Merial terminate over half of their sales force? Last year before the competition got a good hold, before the economy was a threat, and before we had two Marxists running for the office of President of the USA, half the Merial slales force failed to make their quota. Now we have new products catching on, pet owners are afraid of the economy, it takes $60 to fill their gas tank, and Big Boy Barrack and Hillary want to increase taxes over 20%. Recession proof ticks and fleas? I don't thinks so. So, the question is, how does a company justify getting rid of the half that doesn't divert? Put that half on PIP, etc. Is it legal? Who knows? Isn't anyone in this group married to a good corporate lawyer. Yes, Atlanta is an "at will" state, they can fire who ever they want to, but, they can also be sued for wrongful discharge for playing favorites, in a sense. A corporation can't allow some employees to behave one way, then punish others for behaving the same way. You may not win a suit against them, but they will probaly settle so they don' thave to deal with you. Who's in favor of a Union? Ha.

All right, all right guys.

How about taking a chill pill and just relax a little. Everything is tense right now...it's cold, money's tight, there's competition and we're all more than a little wound up. Exactly what's the issue here, I'm a little confused.

I personally love my boss, so I'm going to have to rate upper management AWESOME....here's why, SHE's the one I have to answer to. I'm betting she keeps about 14 pounds of crap off my shoulders that gets thrown on her daily.

Let's be a little more realistic, please. If you're on this post, chances are you haven't been terminated and if you have...it's not because of quota issues. There's more to your story. I've been around a long time and I've never heard of anybody getting fired for not making quota. Yes, there are some high expectations, yes it's a tough year, yes, it's pretty dang stressful and yes...I still like my job. For those of you that redline after reading this, maybe you need to evaluate just how much you really want this job. Come on guys, you make it sound like we are being held down while management shoves cinnimon tipped toothpicks under our fingernails!!

You want them to be more reall, get more real yourselves!

Got my merit "increase" letter this week and I must say I am so disappointed in Merial I don't think I will be staying much longer. I would really like to hear some feedback from other reps, both old and new, on how you feel concerning your raise for your performance in 2007.

Shame on you ZM, BC, BD, SB, TZ and RW for taking the lion's share of what we field reps have slaved our asses off for in the past 10 years. Your arrogant, condesending letter stating "we again surpassed our sales and profit targets and we continue to be a leader...to surpass $1 billion in annual sales" is not only a slap in the face, it's a reality check to me and countless others that is is way past time to start looking for a job that will appreciate what I do. I have not missed a quota in the past 5 years. I am a repeat VC and COE winner, yet, when it comes time for merit increases, the carrot that management promises all year long and dangles in front of my face is suddenly snatched away because ZM says there will be "no more give away ratings".

Thank you, upper management, for again showing me how much you simply disregard all of the hard work, overtime, loyalty, devotion and passion I have (uh, that would be HAD) for Merial. You disappoint me to the core....

I make my goals quarter after quarter and year after year. I work weekend VMA meetings and evening KOL meetings. I am constantly on email in the evening doing some kind of "urgent" "priority" report for yet another branch of this company. In return I get a tiny little tweak in my salary that doesn't even keep up with inflation. So I think it's high time the sales force rates what we think of Merial's disconnected, lying, all-about-me upper management.

I give Merial's upper management a rating of: "You Suck"

How about the rest of you???????????? I would like to hear from others, maybe I'm over reacting? You tell me. And how about hearing from somebody in upper management? I would LOVE to hear your defense.

I am so looking for another job!!!!!!!!!!!

Dude, relax. Wow.

What are you so pissed about? The raise? the rating? the boss? what exactly? Just trying to understand this a little better.

Keep this going folks, the truth needs to be heard. I am enjoying watching the company that I slave away for go down the tubes. When TZ, ZM and RW finally wake up to the reality of this joke, we will never be able to dig ourselves out. Those of us who have worked ourselves to the bone to give these jokers a huge bonus check every year with 21% profit margins hope it all comes crashing down. Survey says, who is not miserable with Merial?

I'm not.

it's just stressful right now for everybody. Don't you think TZ, ZM and RW feel it too??? Sure it's been more fun than it is right now but overall....I think we're pretty damn lucky to have these jobs. I have my share of "bad" days where i feel unappreciated so I'm not immune to what everybody is saying. What I really hear in this thread is fear more so than frustration. You think upper management isn't afraid for THEIR jobs too??? We're ALL in this together gang. How about we all start to row the boat together instead of trying to figure out who to throw overboard? I miss the days when we actually liked one another (sales, marketing, management)!

My question is what does management do all day? How many hours does it take to shuffle papers and play with spread sheets? Well, I guess some managers are cheerleaders with merial pom poms.

Not meaning to be offensive...but what would you like your manager to be? OF COURSE they need to be cheerleaders!! Would you feel very confident if the country were run by somebody a president who talked crap about the United States???????????

Try to see things from their point of view, too. I'm sure there are days when they would rather do anything else than face us because we are all so intense right now. Is your manager demotivating to you or what?

I would rather have merial pom poms than unemployment pom poms.

You got me curious so I went back and read this again. Reads like somebody trying to pose as somebody else...so I think you may be right about who wrote it. Nobody spends weekend after weekend on VMA meetings or KOL meetings though so that kind of gives away the greenhorn status of the author.

You got me curious so I went back and read this again. Reads like somebody trying to pose as somebody else...so I think you may be right about who wrote it. Nobody spends weekend after weekend on VMA meetings or KOL meetings though so that kind of gives away the greenhorn status of the author.

so who then

You got me curious so I went back and read this again. Reads like somebody trying to pose as somebody else...so I think you may be right about who wrote it. Nobody spends weekend after weekend on VMA meetings or KOL meetings though so that kind of gives away the greenhorn status of the author.

Old Dog must be management!

We're all disappointed in MERIAL!!! How unrealistic are they? Watch the nightly news. Even The Donald is worried about the economy...so, hey, maybe The Vet is too. You can't get blood out of a turnip, my Granny used to say, but I also had an uncle who told me , "you sure do got a pretty mouth"...but I digress...
Floods, fires and mud slides...welcome to Merial.
Ps. I give 'em the sheep rating too.

Got my merit "increase" letter this week and I must say I am so disappointed in Merial I don't think I will be staying much longer. I would really like to hear some feedback from other reps, both old and new, on how you feel concerning your raise for your performance in 2007.

Shame on you ZM, BC, BD, SB, TZ and RW for taking the lion's share of what we field reps have slaved our asses off for in the past 10 years. Your arrogant, condesending letter stating "we again surpassed our sales and profit targets and we continue to be a leader...to surpass $1 billion in annual sales" is not only a slap in the face, it's a reality check to me and countless others that is is way past time to start looking for a job that will appreciate what I do. I have not missed a quota in the past 5 years. I am a repeat VC and COE winner, yet, when it comes time for merit increases, the carrot that management promises all year long and dangles in front of my face is suddenly snatched away because ZM says there will be "no more give away ratings".

Thank you, upper management, for again showing me how much you simply disregard all of the hard work, overtime, loyalty, devotion and passion I have (uh, that would be HAD) for Merial. You disappoint me to the core....

I make my goals quarter after quarter and year after year. I work weekend VMA meetings and evening KOL meetings. I am constantly on email in the evening doing some kind of "urgent" "priority" report for yet another branch of this company. In return I get a tiny little tweak in my salary that doesn't even keep up with inflation. So I think it's high time the sales force rates what we think of Merial's disconnected, lying, all-about-me upper management.

I give Merial's upper management a rating of: "You Suck"

How about the rest of you???????????? I would like to hear from others, maybe I'm over reacting? You tell me. And how about hearing from somebody in upper management? I would LOVE to hear your defense.

I am so looking for another job!!!!!!!!!!!

Who started this? Come now, be brave. Give us a hint because everybody and his brother is trying to guess who this is. There's a poll out there that has narrowed it down to 14 possibles. I've got some real money on this. Can you give us a little hint? Anything!

Us, and them
And after all we're only ordinary men.
Me, and you.
God only knows it's not what we would choose to do.
Forward he cried from the rear
and the front rank died.
And the general sat and the lines on the map
moved from side to side.
Black and blue
And who knows which is which and who is who.
Up and down.
But in the end it's only round and round.
Haven't you heard it's a battle of words
The poster bearer cried.
Listen son, said the man with the gun
There's room for you inside.

"I mean, they're not gunna kill ya, so if you give 'em a quick short,
sharp, shock, they won't do it again. Dig it? I mean he get off
lightly, 'cos I would've given him a thrashing - I only hit him once!
It was only a difference of opinion, but really...I mean good manners
don't cost nothing do they, eh?"

Down and out
It can't be helped but there's a lot of it about.
With, without.
And who'll deny it's what the fighting's all about?
Out of the way, it's a busy day
I've got things on my mind.
For the want of the price of tea and a slice
The old man died.

Now go get that PING!