Who's disappointed in management?


Got my merit "increase" letter this week and I must say I am so disappointed in Merial I don't think I will be staying much longer. I would really like to hear some feedback from other reps, both old and new, on how you feel concerning your raise for your performance in 2007.

Shame on you ZM, BC, BD, SB, TZ and RW for taking the lion's share of what we field reps have slaved our asses off for in the past 10 years. Your arrogant, condesending letter stating "we again surpassed our sales and profit targets and we continue to be a leader...to surpass $1 billion in annual sales" is not only a slap in the face, it's a reality check to me and countless others that is is way past time to start looking for a job that will appreciate what I do. I have not missed a quota in the past 5 years. I am a repeat VC and COE winner, yet, when it comes time for merit increases, the carrot that management promises all year long and dangles in front of my face is suddenly snatched away because ZM says there will be "no more give away ratings".

Thank you, upper management, for again showing me how much you simply disregard all of the hard work, overtime, loyalty, devotion and passion I have (uh, that would be HAD) for Merial. You disappoint me to the core....

I make my goals quarter after quarter and year after year. I work weekend VMA meetings and evening KOL meetings. I am constantly on email in the evening doing some kind of "urgent" "priority" report for yet another branch of this company. In return I get a tiny little tweak in my salary that doesn't even keep up with inflation. So I think it's high time the sales force rates what we think of Merial's disconnected, lying, all-about-me upper management.

I give Merial's upper management a rating of: "You Suck"

How about the rest of you???????????? I would like to hear from others, maybe I'm over reacting? You tell me. And how about hearing from somebody in upper management? I would LOVE to hear your defense.

I am so looking for another job!!!!!!!!!!!

The real question would be who ISN'T disappointed with management??

I don't think you could find 10 people working for Merial (other than management themselves...legends in their own minds) that would have anything good to say about our present leaders. Sheeple. Follow, follow, follow because they are too afraid to think outside of the box and then bleat and bahhhhh about the current situation.

Hey management!!! Thanks for leading us straight into the slaughter house!!

The current promo is so VERY effective!! Yeah!!

My rating: You not only suck, your REALLY suck.

MUST READ! I know most of us have ignored the line at the top of this site that asks that we read the congressional commitee request. I actually read it, yeah, I know, I need a life...but it has me somewhat concerned. Congress is requesting cafepharma log on info, etc because info about drug trials and confidential legal info is being discussed openly. Log on to www.brandweeknrx.com and read about it, or just follow the line at the top. You gotta know NOTHING is ever truly confidential or anonymous! Welcome to big brother. We thought the GPS was an invasion!
Oh, and my rating for Merial is: sucks, blows, and what a freakin' down the drain, soon to be last in line animal health company. Thanks upper management.

My question is what does management do all day? How many hours does it take to shuffle papers and play with spread sheets? Well, I guess some managers are cheerleaders with merial pom poms.

Pom poms? That would be the Kool aid drinkers. My manager is more of a palm palm kinda guy. He and Rosie Palm sit around all day holding onto Johnson, letting go only for a second to type a scathing email to the district. OOOOyuck, nasty key board!
I say cut out middle management, and give us a bigger merit increase! Aren't we the ones doing all the work? I don't see Ol' Palmer doing anything worth a darn.

Keep this going folks, the truth needs to be heard. I am enjoying watching the company that I slave away for go down the tubes. When TZ, ZM and RW finally wake up to the reality of this joke, we will never be able to dig ourselves out. Those of us who have worked ourselves to the bone to give these jokers a huge bonus check every year with 21% profit margins hope it all comes crashing down. Survey says, who is not miserable with Merial?


Isnt that what management is kind of forcing upon us via unrealistic quotas, lower than average merit increases, pie-in-the-sky bonuses, allowing certain sales reps to divert (depending on the time of the year) while "warning" against diversion.

If they really want a 40 hour work week, I guess we can all give it to them...all the awards, plaques and trips mean nothing without happiness and a good work environment. See what sales become if we all stop going above and beyond those 40 hours a week.

Think about our NSM...I mean who are all those people there other than overhead.

The only non complacent action taken in the past two years has been the GPS unit....novel idea to motivate.

Yeah I'm motivated all right....to find another job ASAP.

Thanks again upper management!!! You took a fun job and made it hell. Hope you're able to maintain your double digit growth goals once all your real reps leave!!

Wow, looks like the moral boat is quickly sinking. This board's starting to sound like the Schering one! That's unfortunate....used to be an alright place to be. It's obvious that this a result from top-down pressure. It's going to be interesting (insert: scary) to see what happens when we (the company collectively) tank the first quarter quota. It's inevitable. Not a quitter, just a realist.

Actually, can't wait to watch the fire works fly as we tank the first quarter. Let's see what brilliant ideas upper management has for us the last two weeks here of the quarter as they begin to panic. Don't forget to stay on schedule and get your good report card while we are running around trying to get these whopping orders!

Your wish has come true! We have a Merial collective CYA incentive that starts ASAP. Now your clinics can order a whopping 125 cartons and get back $250. Boy, oh boy, can I play too? Not only do they GET to order thousands of dollars in product to sit on their self during the recession, they also GET to sucum to a lunch and learn and a dispencing gimmick. Lucky clinic, we're allowing them to buy more!!! They'll even get $250 to fill their gas tank. And, all under the gise of Business Builder Funds! Shouldn't we actually be calling this Business Buying Funds. Where's the Attorney General when you need 'em?
All I can say is, gang, get your pings, hit your targets, spend $$ with wild abandon, use samples to ensure purchases, etc. If you don't make your quota, they'll be watching you. No longer livin' under the radar, we're all under the microscope now...well, except for the glorified diverters.

Damn! You forgot to rate upper management on that last post!

Let's hear ANOTHER inspiring email from ZM about how we have "no excuses" now that we have the (yippie) asthonishing, huge, motivating miracle of an extra $250 incentive to order $28,000 in product!!!!!

Too late guys....your arrogance is showing.

How's that humble pie taste now Atlanta????? Got room for another slice???

I just started recently. Did I make a mistake by coming to this company?? It sounds like everybody is promised something a lot different than what is delivered come evaluation time!!

Go to Eli Lilly, everyone else is from Merial. Jump out of the sinking ship before you drown. Merial is old news........ with GPS.

Sorry cant rate the management because I dont work for Merial, thank god.

just loved zm motivational speach (nsm)to see where merial and the fl train is going to break the necks of the no good new comers to the game..of flea/tick

the high and mighty will fall again they are so out of touch with our 10+ year old product...
wheres the beef ? not in the poor raises...should of never believed bc in coming to this mess,not at all truthful as well watch your back with rh

Heres a question:

Can they terminate us if we dont perform to quotas?

If so, and we are not one of the chosen allowed to divert sales, can management legally justify termination?