Who will be the first to go?

Fed investigation is over. But lack of leadership and CEO who sits on his throne will do nothing more than barely keep company afloat. Avista forced Miraca to indemnify all the financial exposure. All they have to do is not let the wheels fall off and Avista succeeds. Too bad the good people RIFd and remaining get screwed in the process. Beware of the snakes.

Fed investigation is over. But lack of leadership and CEO who sits on his throne will do nothing more than barely keep company afloat. Avista forced Miraca to indemnify all the financial exposure. All they have to do is not let the wheels fall off and Avista succeeds. Too bad the good people RIFd and remaining get screwed in the process. Beware of the snakes.
What was the investigation for and what was the result?

Derm moves confuse me. They cut some people/ move some people ( understand it but not who), they keep 2 rvp”s for 12 SD’s and they keep AH? He returns no emails, never works and when you are lucky enough to
Speak with him his kids are screaming in the background. New ownership listening to the wrong people already.

Derm moves confuse me. They cut some people/ move some people ( understand it but not who), they keep 2 rvp”s for 12 SD’s and they keep AH? He returns no emails, never works and when you are lucky enough to
Speak with him his kids are screaming in the background. New ownership listening to the wrong people already.
Derm moves confused you when derm is the only business that's grown (Heme tech flow growth is not really growth)? Get rid of AH and bring in who? You to run the show since you already know how to make it work?

Significant part of the billing in AP is for biopsies unnecessarily performed, labelled, and put in individually labelled jars and shipped across the country. At the lab end significant number of those undergo ancillary testing like immunostaining, molecular tets etc( a lot of times performed upfront and justified later with a vague diagnosis, unnecessary or redundant). All this is done in total cahoots with the referring physicians with both parties having significant skin in the game. Unfortunately both parties profit from inflated billing. At the end of the day its the patient who is left wondering.
At the end of day its a flawed business model. Someone has to seriously look into the whole operation. Mutually beneficial deals with referring GI, Oncology groups, Urologists, Dermatologists etc has led to tremendous wastage of federal, private, and state funded tax dollars.

I have know AH since he was a pimple faced punk. GR sent DH to his territory to teach him how to sell and he still couldnt. He was a joke as a SD. He got out of sales because he couldn’t sell and now he tries to teach people how to sell which I think is the funniest thing in the world. I will give him credit because he does know how to play the game, there is no way he should’ve survive the cuts. It is simply because him and TZ are close.

I have know AH since he was a pimple faced punk. GR sent DH to his territory to teach him how to sell and he still couldnt. He was a joke as a SD. He got out of sales because he couldn’t sell and now he tries to teach people how to sell which I think is the funniest thing in the world. I will give him credit because he does know how to play the game, there is no way he should’ve survive the cuts. It is simply because him and TZ are close.

Looking at the five year track record, pretty impressive performance in terms of "strategic development" by this team.

I have know AH since he was a pimple faced punk. GR sent DH to his territory to teach him how to sell and he still couldnt. He was a joke as a SD. He got out of sales because he couldn’t sell and now he tries to teach people how to sell which I think is the funniest thing in the world. I will give him credit because he does know how to play the game, there is no way he should’ve survive the cuts. It is simply because him and TZ are close.
If you actually knew what was going on you would realize TZ and AH aren't that close nor on the same page.

If you actually knew what was going on you would realize TZ and AH aren't that close nor on the same page.

But they do have a lot in common. Incompetent, full of BS and can't execute on a strategy. Overpaid, keeps their buddies employed and teflon coated. TZ has been in his role a long time and his "leadership" is one of the reason Avista got a deal on the purchase of MLS. Never executed on a strategy just protected his a** and has stayed on the corporate welfare rolls. Both think they should be running this company. We are in deep sh** if Scott and Avista continue to employ TZ and AH. Give it a few more months and then leave if they are still here or accept the ongoing downward spiral of this company.

Except Accounting and finance, all other SVP's(HR, General counsel, QA, strategic operations) and CMO are directly responsible for firesale and other mess. Sales did their job pretty good despite of the effect last few years have seen reimbursement cuts, billing policy changes etc.
Still all are still rocking and only guy who got the boot is SVP sales.

Except Accounting and finance, all other SVP's(HR, General counsel, QA, strategic operations) and CMO are directly responsible for firesale and other mess. Sales did their job pretty good despite of the effect last few years have seen reimbursement cuts, billing policy changes etc.
Still all are still rocking and only guy who got the boot is SVP sales.

Agreed that all SVP's should go. It is the team that drove the value down. Avista either has a plan or not and if so they need to execute it sooner vs. later. Disappointed the SVP exits haven't happened before now, unless Avista is marking time until they can sell the client list to someone bigger and make their $$ and avoid the challenge of building a great lab. Those of us who want this lab to grow either hang in there or leave..

AH, BM, GC and MB running derm. Lets think about this. AH couldnt sell anything, BM no AP experience, GC never closed a large GLOBAL account over 50 cpd and MB quit once and came back as golden child.
This is who is in charge? At this juncture anyone else would be appreciated. I actually like TZ, think he is a good guy but his opinions are easily influenced by others with their own agenda.
If they take away our base case money get ready for the exodus. Lets not forget sales built this company. And jesus with the conference calls every 2 weeks and the ride alongs. You never sold plz dont pretend you did when you are in my front seat. Its insulting.
Everything changed when LC stepped down as our leader, only she can fix morale.
B Mcg and ML screwed over!!

It’s more than just Zaves. He’s crippled with Lash and his antiquated ways. He needs to run pathology and allow business to drive sales & strategy. Anyone know impacts other than derm