Who will be our band in Vegas?

So if Genentech would lower the per diem meal expense for employees at company meetings, you somehow think it would affect finding the cure for cancer? There's no connection. The budgets are not related in any way. Who's the idiot?

Likely someone who was fired from BioOnc over the past year or two with a grudge.

So where does the money come from to pay for sales expenses? It does not matter if they are related to sales or to sales meetings. You would have never lasted at Genentech when having a brain was required.

So where does the money come from to pay for sales expenses? It does not matter if they are related to sales or to sales meetings. You would have never lasted at Genentech when having a brain was required.

Why don't you show the sincerity of your protest by dropping off the grid for a few years? That will really get back at the corporate world. Don't use any of their products, live in a tiny cabin far back in the woods, wear animal skins for clothing, and hunt for your food each day. Let us know how it goes. Now don't post for at least three years. We can't wait to NOT hear from you.

You do realize a sales persons salary and commission only make up .05% of his or her sales. We are a drop in the old bucket. I never understand why they cut sales people, cut admin first.

You do realize a sales persons salary and commission only make up .05% of his or her sales. We are a drop in the old bucket. I never understand why they cut sales people, cut admin first.

You want to cut something, cut useless meetings over and over again. Also, stop sending action figures and junk to my home.

You do realize a sales persons salary and commission only make up .05% of his or her sales. We are a drop in the old bucket. I never understand why they cut sales people, cut admin first.

Are you attributing all drug usage in your territory as your "sales"? The truth is that 95%+ of what occurs in your territory, would happen whether you were there or not;besides that, the costs of a rep go far beyond their salary and include salary, pension costs, 401k costs, medical benfits, car associated costs, travel and entertainments costs, product promotion costs (lunches), etc.

Remember drug sales is not really selling anything! It is really difficult to attribute value to a specific rep. If you dont believe me, just look at any ranking report, and notice that and see that "vacant" territories are rarely at the bottom, and many times are in the middle to top of the rankings. Besides that, look at BioOnc, where there are 5 or more reps calling on the same office, do you really need that many reps? If you cut BioOnc by 20% or even 40% would sales decrease by that amount? I doubt it would decrease at all.

I have seen sales forces cut, with zero impact on sales. "Sales" people are a MUST in the drug industry, but reps really do not "sell",they "promote" and are merely extensions of marketing. They are very importsnt, but do not have a linear relationship to the generatio of $$$.

Besides, if you believe that a rep is directly responsible for all $$$ in their territory, why don't the $$$ go to zero when reps leave?

Are you attributing all drug usage in your territory as your "sales"? The truth is that 95%+ of what occurs in your territory, would happen whether you were there or not;besides that, the costs of a rep go far beyond their salary and include salary, pension costs, 401k costs, medical benfits, car associated costs, travel and entertainments costs, product promotion costs (lunches), etc.

Remember drug sales is not really selling anything! It is really difficult to attribute value to a specific rep. If you dont believe me, just look at any ranking report, and notice that and see that "vacant" territories are rarely at the bottom, and many times are in the middle to top of the rankings. Besides that, look at BioOnc, where there are 5 or more reps calling on the same office, do you really need that many reps? If you cut BioOnc by 20% or even 40% would sales decrease by that amount? I doubt it would decrease at all.

I have seen sales forces cut, with zero impact on sales. "Sales" people are a MUST in the drug industry, but reps really do not "sell",they "promote" and are merely extensions of marketing. They are very importsnt, but do not have a linear relationship to the generatio of $$$.

Besides, if you believe that a rep is directly responsible for all $$$ in their territory, why don't the $$$ go to zero when reps leave?

I am not saying all sales are due to the sale force but, I am saying that sales peoples salary etc are but a small portion of the cost. Almost none of us have pensions anymore by the way. We pay people more to distribute our product, 1 1/2 to 2 percent. Also, we get a raise every year that is less than the cost of living increase so we actually lose money each year. As a Genentech employee, we lost our ESP while Roche people got to keep their pensions. We have lost a lot of good people because there isn't anything other that good products to keep us. we will continue to have people leave because of poor management and no incentive to stay, sad to say.

I'm taking my sabbatical early on this year and then will disclose all. I'm disgusted that patient's don't come first and we are spending so much money on a band. This will be the last year of this nonsense when it goes to the press

Ha ha! Who is this idiot? You're going to report that large corporations hire bands for entertainment? LOL!!!

I am a drug rep, not w Genentech, not in onc, and I'm also a stage 4 cancer pt on kadcyla.
This whole thread makes me sick!!! You guys really have no clue

That's Genentech for you! We don't care about your diseases because we charge top dollar, drive top cars, have great parties and all at YOUR expense Mr. Medicare!

Sorry you are sick. Look for our nsm bangfest on YouTube. Love Vegas!

Journey was ok considering a 46 year old Filipino is playing the role of Steve Perry, the rest of the band looked a little long in the tooth. Maybe time to change it up a bit and let Van Helix do the whole thing

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