Who should a pharma rep vote for in Nov?


I'm an independent. Not sure who my vote should go to this Nov.'12. Any suggestions....seriously thinking about our industry and what we do. Who would favor us, my family and our future the best? Came form modest beginnings, worked hard in school and doing this job as a rep for a long time. What facts should I consider? Serious inquiries please....


I'm an independent. Not sure who my vote should go to this Nov.'12. Any suggestions....seriously thinking about our industry and what we do. Who would favor us, my family and our future the best? Came form modest beginnings, worked hard in school and doing this job as a rep for a long time. What facts should I consider? Serious inquiries please....

Romney 2012!!!

I'm an independent. Not sure who my vote should go to this Nov.'12. Any suggestions....seriously thinking about our industry and what we do. Who would favor us, my family and our future the best? Came form modest beginnings, worked hard in school and doing this job as a rep for a long time. What facts should I consider? Serious inquiries please....

How can you even wonder? The Obama legacy...a lousy, horifically managed economy, the newly exploding deficit, our new "all for free" food stamp welfare nation, (brought to you by the shrinking middle class), the "real" unemployment picture including all those who are no longer eligible for UI...yes, it is closer to 20%-25%, the going nowhere job market, the cost prohibitive health insurance mess, the screwing of the little business owners, the softening of national defense, the jobs to China fast track, border non-control, the illegal immigration welcome wagon........please, the list can go on and on.

Romney...will free up the markets, stimulate business and job creation and turn this mess around...seriously.

How can you even wonder? The Obama legacy...a lousy, horifically managed economy, the newly exploding deficit, our new "all for free" food stamp welfare nation, (brought to you by the shrinking middle class), the "real" unemployment picture including all those who are no longer eligible for UI...yes, it is closer to 20%-25%, the going nowhere job market, the cost prohibitive health insurance mess, the screwing of the little business owners, the softening of national defense, the jobs to China fast track, border non-control, the illegal immigration welcome wagon........please, the list can go on and on.

Romney...will free up the markets, stimulate business and job creation and turn this mess around...seriously.

Awesome post!

Why would you even asked in the first place? Vote Obama if you want more government price control and mandates plus Obamacare. If a miracle happens and MRL discovers a blockbuster drug, do you want someone to dictate the price?

Why would you even asked in the first place? Vote Obama if you want more government price control and mandates plus Obamacare. If a miracle happens and MRL discovers a blockbuster drug, do you want someone to dictate the price?

Hello....Spacecadet orbiting Venus! Planet earth here, dealing with reality....

Happy mediums can exist....but in this administration no happy medium has ever, or will ever exist...

The real compassion for people and social issues comes from conservatives. Look at what the different politicians donate t charity. Biden gave 750.00 last year, nancy poolside pilosi gave nothing, dick Cheney gave away over 60%, Romney gave over 40% of his income.

See the difference is the liberals want to take your money and give it away, conserv people put their money on the line.

And if you think Obama cares about the poor- look at what he's done- nothing good. More are unemployed, household debt has doubled, the national debt is up 40%, black unemployment nears 50%. He's had four years and accomplished nothing but a socialist agenda making people dependent on gov.

Mitt will win with 10-20 percent over. Look at the polls, mitt has even opened quite a margin with women.

Do you have a social conscience or are you part of the 1%?

We should all be "part of the 1%", which, by definition, is impossible. The voting preferences demonstrate clear differentiators. Blacks all vote for Obama, indicating where true racism resides. (To the 1% of blacks that vote intelligently, thank you for demonstrating a true moral compass.)Those with IQs less than 90 also all vote for Obama, demonstrating where true stupidity and its resultant ignorance resides.

Your social conscience exists because your lack of intellect does as well.

Romney isn't ideal, but voting for the biggest failure in the history of the US presidency isn't an option....(apparently) unless you're black or stupid, that is.

Do you have a social conscience or are you part of the 1%?

...social conscience that truly seeks to empower and improve the lives of others starts with teaching personal responsibility and the need for effort and hard work to get ahead......Instead, we have created a system that rewards dependency and subsidizes laziness.....the current system helps only vote seeking politicians, while crippling the poor and crushing the already overburdened middle class....

Not a 1%.....but recognize many of the 1% were once part of the 99% .

...social conscience that truly seeks to empower and improve the lives of others starts with teaching personal responsibility and the need for effort and hard work to get ahead......Instead, we have created a system that rewards dependency and subsidizes laziness.....the current system helps only vote seeking politicians, while crippling the poor and crushing the already overburdened middle class....

Not a 1%.....but recognize many of the 1% were once part of the 99% .

If Obama is re-elected, Merck will be a thing of the past quicker than if Romney goes into office. The Dems are hell bent on putting the pharma companies out of business. I thought that was readily apparent. But we are talking about some dumba** Merck rep who needs to ask the dumbest question I've ever heard.

The pharma industry has it's own problems regardless of who's in office. Rx product management/sales/promotion will collapse under it's own weight soon without the help of either political party. The people who come on here touting the republicans as the saviour of pharma are grasping at air. Remember Mcain and his "support" of pharma? Then the industry tried to buy thier way into the good graces of the current admin. by "donating" millions in support of Obama care.How far did that get them? So lets be objective. Regardless of who gets elected, layoffs in this industry will continue. When you're un-employed, trust me, you're biggest concern is paying for healthcare. If you are a merck retiree (I am) you qualify for the merck plan but it is very very expensive and doesn't include life or dental. If you're not a retiree, well go ahead and shop for a indivdual health plan on the open market and then get back to me. The republicans are running on the repeal of obama care but none of them have said what, if anything they will do about, now un-affordable health insurance. Whats thier alternative? crickets (chirp, chirp). The republican party has indeed become the party of "No" and "vote for me. I'm not Obama." Sorry that's not good enough.
And I'm a life long Republican.