Who is your fav AVP?

The only top sales report he would be on is from the bar. Or how to fuck up your own kids report
He is the worst
Always sits in a specific seat so he can watch the young girls walk in. He is slime and nothing more

Nothing ever changes in this bizarre land of misfit sociopaths. The entire industry is a joke

I love the robot line, directed by corporate. Incorrect, weak leaders
Puppets who live in fear because they need to pad their retirements. The VP of sales and the Sales Directors (area vp is a made up thing to make you feel important and get in line)

The challengers of the business have been pushed out. The puppets stayed like Hogan (because he owes his EX half his pension). He is a direct reflection of the state of the business. Celebrates loosing contracts for temporary list price business. And he still lost area of the year. He cares only for himself

He’s the fact kid that got beat up at school

Let’s hear it for 2nd place!

I love the robot line, directed by corporate. Incorrect, weak leaders
Puppets who live in fear because they need to pad their retirements. The VP of sales and the Sales Directors (area vp is a made up thing to make you feel important and get in line)

The challengers of the business have been pushed out. The puppets stayed like Hogan (because he owes his EX half his pension). He is a direct reflection of the state of the business. Celebrates loosing contracts for temporary list price business. And he still lost area of the year. He cares only for himself

He’s the fact kid that got beat up at school