Who is the Bigot?

See, that must really hit a nerve if all you can do is repeat the same thing over and over. Poor bigot, I almost feel sorry for you.

Are you ever going to answer the question?

How many of the posts are from Rumpy, let's see I'll simplify and go with a percentage - 70%? More... Get a fucking life you ignorant, self-serving, angry dick! Move on with your life and do something that actually gives it meaning versus name calling and basking in the demise of a company that employed a lot of hard working, intelligent reps. You may say that is a contradiction due to some people not making earlier changes (in employment), but you also may not have worked with the company long enough to realize what a good group of people were (and continue to be) taken down by the earlier blatant mis-management that this company continued to pay for and eventually paid the ultimate price for. But I really don't expect you to understand or sympathize or care on any level. I do hope you don't have a family because if you do they have to deal with your anger (as I'm sure this isn't the only place it's displayed). Do us all a favor and go get a life, get anger management counseling and start caring about making yourself look better by actually doing something to accomplish that versus trying to feel bigger by kicking people who are down. Some of the Critical employees may be riding the line as you love to say, but we also can sleep at night. I'm not sure I can say the same for you except that you are probably too ignorant to know what a nasty person you are! Sleep tight, Rumpy!

How many of the posts are from Rumpy, let's see I'll simplify and go with a percentage - 70%? More... Get a fucking life you ignorant, self-serving, angry dick! Move on with your life and do something that actually gives it meaning versus name calling and basking in the demise of a company that employed a lot of hard working, intelligent reps. You may say that is a contradiction due to some people not making earlier changes (in employment), but you also may not have worked with the company long enough to realize what a good group of people were (and continue to be) taken down by the earlier blatant mis-management that this company continued to pay for and eventually paid the ultimate price for. But I really don't expect you to understand or sympathize or care on any level. I do hope you don't have a family because if you do they have to deal with your anger (as I'm sure this isn't the only place it's displayed). Do us all a favor and go get a life, get anger management counseling and start caring about making yourself look better by actually doing something to accomplish that versus trying to feel bigger by kicking people who are down. Some of the Critical employees may be riding the line as you love to say, but we also can sleep at night. I'm not sure I can say the same for you except that you are probably too ignorant to know what a nasty person you are! Sleep tight, Rumpy!

hahaha, wow, must have hit a nerve! Hey asshole, I was talking to the bigot, not you....I guess you aren't the sharpest tool in the shed.

hahaha, wow, must have hit a nerve! Hey asshole, I was talking to the bigot, not you....I guess you aren't the sharpest tool in the shed.

It doesn't matter who you're talking to directly, your message is still angry and sad. Your ignorance is widely recognized and the only nerve you hit is your own. Enjoy your sad, big pharma, sleepless (oh wait you probably sleep since you don't have a conscience) lunch catering, brainless job! I hope you find happiness as some point in your life so that you know what the experience is like.

It doesn't matter who you're talking to directly, your message is still angry and sad. Your ignorance is widely recognized and the only nerve you hit is your own. Enjoy your sad, big pharma, sleepless (oh wait you probably sleep since you don't have a conscience) lunch catering, brainless job! I hope you find happiness as some point in your life so that you know what the experience is like.

Don't worry, I'm plenty happy and I sleep fine at night. It's great to know that my happy, big pharma, restful, lunch catering, brainless job pays me just as much as your job does and that I will still be employed in 2 months. Hey, wait a minute, that's more than you can say, isn't it? Who's the sad one now, idiot? I know, I know, you are still soooo superior. Have fun feeling superior on the unemployment line!

Why is Rumpy so angry?

Well, it’s a long story that begins back when CRTX started up the sales force. Rumpy was working in a big pharma pod selling some sort of allergy product; during his interview he presented himself as a “Specialty Rep”, the star of the pod, and he claimed he worked harder and longer than the rest of the pod. He presented market data that showed significant growth when compared to the rest of the country over the previous year. What he didn’t say was that there had been a managed care win, that 80% of his territory had to write for his product because of managed care, and that he was the least senior member of his pod. Rumpy misrepresented his abilities, skills, and impact on the territory.

On the other hand, nobody asked because CRTX needed reps for the big launch and Rumpy “appeared” to be a good candidate; he was hired, despite having only a few years of experience and only having sold in a pod environment. Rumpy jumped at the job because it was a significant bump in salary and an opportunity to get in on the ground floor of an exciting opportunity. He hooted and hollered with the best of them during the launch of Zyflo. He told anyone who’d listen about what a star he was and how he’d blow out the forecast and be number 1 in the country. As the weeks went on, however, it became painfully obvious that Zyflo wasn’t meeting the lofty expectations of senior management and Rumpy’s territory was languishing near the bottom 10%.

Rumpy started to blame access, managed care coverage, and physician objections for his woes; his manager listened carefully and spent extra time with Rumpy to help out (after all, other territories were doing so much better and Rumpy needed help). Ideas about accessing doctors, overcoming objections, and gaining prior authorizations were forwarded to Rumpy but to no avail. When Rumpy’s manager tried to coach him, Rumpy became defensive and insisted it wasn’t his fault he couldn’t see the doctors, it wasn’t his fault insurance wouldn’t cover Zyflo, and it wasn’t his fault he couldn’t handle objections.

And it was true, it wasn’t Rumpy’s fault. He was in over his head from the beginning. He had never had to “access” an office before, he only had to get a signature and check the box. He never really had to handle an objection before because his had never really talked to a doctor before; his products were “me too” drugs and managed care really drove market share. He never really had responsibility for a territory before because that responsibility was spread out over the 4 pod-mates. So, when it came time to cut some losses because of sales not meeting expectations, it was no surprise Rumpy’s territory was one of the first to go.

In some ways Rumpy HAD a right to be angry, he was put into a position that was way over his head and expectations for sales were (at the least) overly optimistic. But Rumpy has never taken responsibility for his role in all this; after all didn’t he misrepresent his abilities, didn’t he say he could do the job, didn’t he bother learn from what successful territories were doing? No, he only offered excuses and blamed everyone and everything but himself.

Rumpy’s back in a pod now, he says he’s happy and doing well, but Rumpy can’t let go of his anger because he hasn’t come to grips with his role in his own failure.

Why is Rumpy so angry?

Well, it’s a long story that begins back when CRTX started up the sales force. Rumpy was working in a big pharma pod selling some sort of allergy product; during his interview he presented himself as a “Specialty Rep”, the star of the pod, and he claimed he worked harder and longer than the rest of the pod. He presented market data that showed significant growth when compared to the rest of the country over the previous year. What he didn’t say was that there had been a managed care win, that 80% of his territory had to write for his product because of managed care, and that he was the least senior member of his pod. Rumpy misrepresented his abilities, skills, and impact on the territory.

On the other hand, nobody asked because CRTX needed reps for the big launch and Rumpy “appeared” to be a good candidate; he was hired, despite having only a few years of experience and only having sold in a pod environment. Rumpy jumped at the job because it was a significant bump in salary and an opportunity to get in on the ground floor of an exciting opportunity. He hooted and hollered with the best of them during the launch of Zyflo. He told anyone who’d listen about what a star he was and how he’d blow out the forecast and be number 1 in the country. As the weeks went on, however, it became painfully obvious that Zyflo wasn’t meeting the lofty expectations of senior management and Rumpy’s territory was languishing near the bottom 10%.

Rumpy started to blame access, managed care coverage, and physician objections for his woes; his manager listened carefully and spent extra time with Rumpy to help out (after all, other territories were doing so much better and Rumpy needed help). Ideas about accessing doctors, overcoming objections, and gaining prior authorizations were forwarded to Rumpy but to no avail. When Rumpy’s manager tried to coach him, Rumpy became defensive and insisted it wasn’t his fault he couldn’t see the doctors, it wasn’t his fault insurance wouldn’t cover Zyflo, and it wasn’t his fault he couldn’t handle objections.

And it was true, it wasn’t Rumpy’s fault. He was in over his head from the beginning. He had never had to “access” an office before, he only had to get a signature and check the box. He never really had to handle an objection before because his had never really talked to a doctor before; his products were “me too” drugs and managed care really drove market share. He never really had responsibility for a territory before because that responsibility was spread out over the 4 pod-mates. So, when it came time to cut some losses because of sales not meeting expectations, it was no surprise Rumpy’s territory was one of the first to go.

In some ways Rumpy HAD a right to be angry, he was put into a position that was way over his head and expectations for sales were (at the least) overly optimistic. But Rumpy has never taken responsibility for his role in all this; after all didn’t he misrepresent his abilities, didn’t he say he could do the job, didn’t he bother learn from what successful territories were doing? No, he only offered excuses and blamed everyone and everything but himself.

Rumpy’s back in a pod now, he says he’s happy and doing well, but Rumpy can’t let go of his anger because he hasn’t come to grips with his role in his own failure.

Hahahahaha, man, bigot, I haven't laughed that hard in ages! Thanks for that! Anyway, let's say you are correct about all of the above, which let's face it, we both know is a load of shit...at least I have a job right now and will have one in 6 months. This whole "holier-than-thou" superiority complex you have going on isn't going to pay your bills. Are you going to chant the above like some kind of mantra when your wife leaves you? You know she will. She didn't marry you so you could go out and barely subsist on welfare, she married you because she thought you would be a provider. Sorry to break it to you gunner, but "providers" bring home more than $20K a year.

Hear that? It's the sound of all your hopes and dreams crashing to the ground. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving douchebag. Cheers! :)

Laughed until you cried, eh Rumpy.

Come on bigot and cut the bs. We know you are the one crying.

me - employed, you - not so much
me - hot girlfriend, you - wife who will be packing her bags soon
me - happy, you - obsessed with someone you don't even know off the internet
me - living in reality, you - off on your own little world (that's a nice way of saying I'm sane and you are obviously not).

Only in that alternate reality you live in, bigot, am I crying over anything you do or say. Laughing, yes. Crying or anything resembling feeling, no.

Have fun Riding That Line.......................wait for it................BEEOCH! :)

Come on bigot and cut the bs. We know you are the one crying.

me - employed, you - not so much
me - hot girlfriend, you - wife who will be packing her bags soon
me - happy, you - obsessed with someone you don't even know off the internet
me - living in reality, you - off on your own little world (that's a nice way of saying I'm sane and you are obviously not).

Only in that alternate reality you live in, bigot, am I crying over anything you do or say. Laughing, yes. Crying or anything resembling feeling, no.

Have fun Riding That Line.......................wait for it................BEEOCH! :)

Look, Rumpy this BS of yours is getting old! I happen to come on CP for somewhat useful rumors/information that is shared between real reps. I am starting to think that you do not have a job. You live for responses from the bigot. I think that you are a 300lb. wanna be rep. who lives for CP. Please give it up. CRTX is a good company. By the way, I do not work for them, I do however, know some of the reps. and I have no idea who the Bigot is. I do work for another Pharm. company and I am a woman, so do not think that I am an imposter. If you do have a job and a girlfriend then MOVE ON! Get a life, and leave him alone. I have never posted anything before and as I have said, this is not even my company's board. Your pathetic postings have prompted me to do so!
Sorry to those who do work for CRTX, this guy is a LOSER who has a gripe with your company and I am sure he will have some negative attack on me as well!

Look, Rumpy this BS of yours is getting old! I happen to come on CP for somewhat useful rumors/information that is shared between real reps. I am starting to think that you do not have a job. You live for responses from the bigot. I think that you are a 300lb. wanna be rep. who lives for CP. Please give it up. CRTX is a good company. By the way, I do not work for them, I do however, know some of the reps. and I have no idea who the Bigot is. I do work for another Pharm. company and I am a woman, so do not think that I am an imposter. If you do have a job and a girlfriend then MOVE ON! Get a life, and leave him alone. I have never posted anything before and as I have said, this is not even my company's board. Your pathetic postings have prompted me to do so!
Sorry to those who do work for CRTX, this guy is a LOSER who has a gripe with your company and I am sure he will have some negative attack on me as well!

Thank you for seeing through the Rumpster as well, he is not at all he claims to be and there is strength in numbers, I've yet to see anyone (except you posting to your own posts) coming to your defense!!! And yet there are people out here working for other companies saying enough is enough to this jackass! Let it go, move on and you'll find that letting go of the anger will make you a much less self-centered, self-serving bitter person. Move on to another CP company site and see if anyone there buys into any of your bullshit postings. Good luck and God speed. By the way chances are the way you're (not) working, you won't have a job in 6 months. You know... the phrase what goes around comes around...

Thank you for seeing through the Rumpster as well, he is not at all he claims to be and there is strength in numbers, I've yet to see anyone (except you posting to your own posts) coming to your defense!!! And yet there are people out here working for other companies saying enough is enough to this jackass! Let it go, move on and you'll find that letting go of the anger will make you a much less self-centered, self-serving bitter person. Move on to another CP company site and see if anyone there buys into any of your bullshit postings. Good luck and God speed. By the way chances are the way you're (not) working, you won't have a job in 6 months. You know... the phrase what goes around comes around...

Oh bigot, your posts are music to my ears :)

Honestly, I think if you look at the times we post, it's pretty apparent I have a job. You, on the other hand, post during work hours and sometimes respond to me in less than 15 minutes. I strongly suspect that YOU are the one not working, my little friend. Admit it, you gave up on crtx a long time ago and basically spend your days trolling cafepharma and being an asshole.

As to the supposed outsider who posted earlier, I will give you the benefit of the doubt and go with the fact that maybe you are not the bigot posting in his own defense (which he loves to do, btw). Honestly, if you had been treated like I was by this company, you would understand where I am coming from. Since you have no idea, maybe it would be a good idea to shut your pie hole.

Have a nice day! :)

Oh bigot, your posts are music to my ears :)

Honestly, I think if you look at the times we post, it's pretty apparent I have a job. You, on the other hand, post during work hours and sometimes respond to me in less than 15 minutes. I strongly suspect that YOU are the one not working, my little friend. Admit it, you gave up on crtx a long time ago and basically spend your days trolling cafepharma and being an asshole.

As to the supposed outsider who posted earlier, I will give you the benefit of the doubt and go with the fact that maybe you are not the bigot posting in his own defense (which he loves to do, btw). Honestly, if you had been treated like I was by this company, you would understand where I am coming from. Since you have no idea, maybe it would be a good idea to shut your pie hole.
Have a nice day! :)

Wrong again, ass wipe! I am not who you refer to as the bigot, so I guess you should consider the possibility of multiple posters - not as bright as you claim - and you're still a loser as you post WAY more than any one person! I have found many wrong statements about the company and this person who you claim to know SO MUCH about and I am sorry for the way you were treated but neither the person who you refer to (quite wrongly I might add) nor I (or any of the people who have at some point in time had good experiences with Critical) had anything to do with what has left you so incredibly bitter. Sleep well and try to do a good deed sometime in the near future!

To posters #32 and #33.

Please, Rumpy needs your understanding; his problems are so deep that he can not control his need to lash out at someone (anyone) with visious name calling and personal attacks. He is so frustrated by his inablility to respond and communicate (without referencing someones wife or mother and lacing his sentences with vulgarities) that sometimes I wonder if he is about to have a stroke. I think I can help Rumpy through these tough times in his life by holding up a mirror to his face so he can reflect on his behavior in the hope he'll somehow develop some maturity and begin to understand his anger. By taunting him on CP with the realities of his life and personality I may be able to force a change in him and as a result, a change for the better in his life. If he can't change then I'm afraid that the trouble he has relating to others will continue to escalate and he will eventually self-destruct.

So please help Rumpy, keep him in your prayers, and give him your pity.

To posters #32 and #33.

Please, Rumpy needs your understanding; his problems are so deep that he can not control his need to lash out at someone (anyone) with visious name calling and personal attacks. He is so frustrated by his inablility to respond and communicate (without referencing someones wife or mother and lacing his sentences with vulgarities) that sometimes I wonder if he is about to have a stroke. I think I can help Rumpy through these tough times in his life by holding up a mirror to his face so he can reflect on his behavior in the hope he'll somehow develop some maturity and begin to understand his anger. By taunting him on CP with the realities of his life and personality I may be able to force a change in him and as a result, a change for the better in his life. If he can't change then I'm afraid that the trouble he has relating to others will continue to escalate and he will eventually self-destruct.

So please help Rumpy, keep him in your prayers, and give him your pity.

Was this written by the Bigot? I think that this person has Rumpy figured out. I am poster #32. Rumpy, however, should not be on CP, he should be in Anger Management and Psychotherapy. Hey, Rumpy, Where is your Girlfriend, did she get tired of looking for the stump under the rolls of fat? I bet that that tiny thing couldn't keep anyone's pie hole shut! Now get to work,you have to start surfing CP for a job! By the way, whatever CRTX did to you, you have no clue who the "Bigot" is. Just as I have no Idea who you are. When you are angry with someone and you hold onto that anger, you will allow the anger to destroy you.How could you be so angry with someone that you do not know? Let your anger go. Forgive CRTX and MOVE ON! Find a new job,or if you do already have one, put your time and effort into that job. You have had more posts on CRTX's boards than any other poster.You are so obsessed with what is going on at CRTX that you post constantly! I do not feel pity for you,however, you need to get some help for yourself.

Was this written by the Bigot? I think that this person has Rumpy figured out. I am poster #32. Rumpy, however, should not be on CP, he should be in Anger Management and Psychotherapy. Hey, Rumpy, Where is your Girlfriend, did she get tired of looking for the stump under the rolls of fat? I bet that that tiny thing couldn't keep anyone's pie hole shut! Now get to work,you have to start surfing CP for a job! By the way, whatever CRTX did to you, you have no clue who the "Bigot" is. Just as I have no Idea who you are. When you are angry with someone and you hold onto that anger, you will allow the anger to destroy you.How could you be so angry with someone that you do not know? Let your anger go. Forgive CRTX and MOVE ON! Find a new job,or if you do already have one, put your time and effort into that job. You have had more posts on CRTX's boards than any other poster.You are so obsessed with what is going on at CRTX that you post constantly! I do not feel pity for you,however, you need to get some help for yourself.

folks I got news for you - posters 32 33 34 35 36 were all the bigot posting to himself

folks I got news for you - posters 32 33 34 35 36 were all the bigot posting to himself

Wrong again and everyone sees that too. Hey by the way, we all knew you couldn't sleep at night!(either that or you're so obsessed that this is the first thing you do when you get up in the morning). Either way, it's pitiful! Let go of this obsession and move on!

Wrong again and everyone sees that too. Hey by the way, we all knew you couldn't sleep at night!(either that or you're so obsessed that this is the first thing you do when you get up in the morning). Either way, it's pitiful! Let go of this obsession and move on!

sorry but im not rumpy. you can still tell its the same person posting over and over