Who is the Bigot?

Well bigot, you worthless fuck, we're all STILL waiting to hear what great Ivy League school you attended....Harvard? Yale? From where I'm standing, looks like a colossal waste of your parent's hard earned cash since it managed to propel you all the way to cornershit! Not even management material either! Just a simple delivery boy! "Hey boy, can't let you back today, you didn't get my coffee order right!" - bet you are used to hearing those words, aren't you bigot?

Bet class reunions at Harvard are a blast for you! Every else can talk about how they are president of such and such company....I bet you are one of those losers who rent a nice car and wear an expensive suit so everyone thinks you're successful! You probably have a how cover story about how you run cornershit...."youngest VP in corporate history!" you say! HAHAHAHA!!!! I bet you also hire an escort so everyone thinks Mrs Bigot is hot and not the frumpy, overweight, acne covered hag you ended up marrying (the only woman who would have you, it's worth noting). Poor bigot, I almost feel sorry for you.....naw, you're still the biggest asshole ever to roam the planet! Sympathy time for you is OVER! Back to cornershit, BEEOCH!!!!!!! :)

How many times will bigot post and not answer simple questions? Very, very, very, very often.

It's almost feeding time for the office sows, better get a move on! Make sure you get the order right this time, loser!! :)

Sounds like you're describing your own life there, bigot! Bet it kills you that the guy in the pod went on to bigger and better things while you just start over on the lowest rung of the ladder at yet ANOTHER piece of shit company. It pisses you off that anyone can walk in off the street and get hired into your exact same position! How old are you now, loser? How much longer are you going to carry the bag? Low expectations + lack of intelligence + lack of work ethic = working at cornershit for the rest of your miserable life. In short, you have all the hallmarks of a loser. Enjoy!! :)

Sounds like you're describing your own life there, bigot! Bet it kills you that the guy in the pod went on to bigger and better things while you just start over on the lowest rung of the ladder at yet ANOTHER piece of shit company. It pisses you off that anyone can walk in off the street and get hired into your exact same position! How old are you now, loser? How much longer are you going to carry the bag? Low expectations + lack of intelligence + lack of work ethic = working at cornershit for the rest of your miserable life. In short, you have all the hallmarks of a loser. Enjoy!! :)

Poor bigot. I almost feel sorry for you. ALMOST.....naw, you're too much of an asshole for that! :)

Just a little insight for you, bigot. Drug reps are going the way of the dodo. So while you may have your cozy little entry level job with cornershit now, don't count on it lasting much longer. Me? I was smart. I moved up the ladder, so when the industry as a whole goes to direct to consumer marketing in the near future, I will still have a J-O-B. Wonder what you will do then? Hmmmmm, no more piece of shit companys to glam off of.....that means your great career "options" will be: unemployment line, McDonalds, or maybe a catering job. That's all you're really qualified for, huh bigot? Couldn't have happened to a more deserving asshole :)

Just a little insight for you, bigot. Drug reps are going the way of the dodo. So while you may have your cozy little entry level job with cornershit now, don't count on it lasting much longer. Me? I was smart. I moved up the ladder, so when the industry as a whole goes to direct to consumer marketing in the near future, I will still have a J-O-B. Wonder what you will do then? Hmmmmm, no more piece of shit companys to glam off of.....that means your great career "options" will be: unemployment line, McDonalds, or maybe a catering job. That's all you're really qualified for, huh bigot? Couldn't have happened to a more deserving asshole! :)

Just a little insight for you, bigot. Drug reps are going the way of the dodo. So while you may have your cozy little entry level job with cornershit now, don't count on it lasting much longer. Me? I was smart. I moved up the ladder, so when the industry as a whole goes to direct to consumer marketing in the near future, I will still have a J-O-B. Wonder what you will do then? Hmmmmm, no more piece of shit companys to glam off of.....that means your great career "options" will be: unemployment line, McDonalds, or maybe a catering job. That's all you're really qualified for, huh bigot? Couldn't have happened to a more deserving asshole! :)

Just a little insight for you, bigot. Drug reps are going the way of the dodo. So while you may have your cozy little entry level job with cornershit now, don't count on it lasting much longer. Me? I was smart. I moved up the ladder, so when the industry as a whole goes to direct to consumer marketing in the near future, I will still have a J-O-B. Wonder what you will do then? Hmmmmm, no more piece of shit companys to glam off of.....that means your great career "options" will be: unemployment line, McDonalds, or maybe a catering job. That's all you're really qualified for, huh bigot? Couldn't have happened to a more deserving asshole! :)


Here's some more truth for you: you are still obsessed with me. You obviously spent all night thinking of me (again). Posting all night. Pretty sad, bigot. Time for a hobby!

How was cornershit this week? Did you have fun feeding the office cows?

I don't expect someone like you to understand where our industry is heading. You are too far down the totem pole (to say nothing of your manager's pole). Let me enlighten you though. 90% of reps will be gone soon. Direct marketing will take their place. In house marketing folks (such as myself) will be relied on even more than we arlready are. Smaller companies (the cornershits of the world) will not be able to compete and will be absorbed into larger companies (like mine). In other words, I have a future and you don't (unless you count turning tricks behind the 7-11 as a "future"). That's the truth. I know there's no way you can accept it, but that's the way it's going to be.

Within 5 years I will have been promoted at least one more time if not twice. You will be forced out of a failing industry to start over, at what? Age 40 or so? Starting out at entry level at age 40. HAHAHAHAHA, VERY well deserved, bigot! :)

Here's some more truth for you: you are still obsessed with me. You obviously spent all night thinking of me (again). Posting all night. Pretty sad, bigot. Time for a hobby!

How was cornershit this week? Did you have fun feeding the office cows?

I don't expect someone like you to understand where our industry is heading. You are too far down the totem pole (to say nothing of your manager's pole). Let me enlighten you though. 90% of reps will be gone soon. Direct marketing will take their place. In house marketing folks (such as myself) will be relied on even more than we arlready are. Smaller companies (the cornershits of the world) will not be able to compete and will be absorbed into larger companies (like mine). In other words, I have a future and you don't (unless you count turning tricks behind the 7-11 as a "future"). That's the truth. I know there's no way you can accept it, but that's the way it's going to be.

Within 5 years I will have been promoted at least one more time if not twice. You will be forced out of a failing industry to start over, at what? Age 40 or so? Starting out at entry level at age 40. HAHAHAHAHA, VERY well deserved, bigot! :)

I STILL own your ass, bigot! Did you have another great week spent on your knees, sucking as much cock as you could get your hands on? Of course you did!

I STILL own your ass, bigot! Did you have another great week spent on your knees, sucking as much cock as you could get your hands on? Of course you did!

I went ahead and gave you some time to cool off my little whore. But after 2 months I'm now both bigot and racist. So any of you black hoes and white bitches that need a good pimp I will pimp you out to earn extra cash. I will insist on changing any african names like Shukeshia or Desamiquianica and any whitey names like Brenda or Suzy to whore names like Foxy Fiona, Starfire, and Naughty Nikki just to name a few. If you have a name preference it must be approved by me 1st!