Who is the biggest DSM Turkey?


Turkey's are stupid, right? Which DSM is so stupid that they continually chase off all their good representatives or fire them? Only a turkey with a very small brain who constantly attempts to hide his incompetence by getting rid of everyone around him. This idiot has been an account manager as well so you know he is the cream of the crop of incompetents that AZ is famous for developing. One thing he does very well, kiss ass and so this terrible manager, hated by his reps and the many who have left continues to survive. Does anyone know who this could be? Voted by Harvard Business Review as an example of how not to manage or motivate?

Dear Micromanager:
Owners of thoroughbreds never stop their horses mid-race, every ten seconds, to remind the horse and jockey how to run, where the finish line is, or that it’d be good to finish first. Why? It would slow them down. Only an idiot would do this.
If you’re a manager, you must assume you have thoroughbreds working for you. Your job is to give them what they need to win their respective races, agreeing with them on goals and rewards, but then getting the hell out of the way. Until they start jumping fences or attacking other horses, you must let them run their race.
Even if you are 30% better at a task than someone who works for you, the time it takes for you to check on them every few hours, and demand approvals over trivial decisions, costs more in lost morale, passion for work, and destruction of self-respect among your staff than the 30% you think you’re adding.* No one works well if they feel they are being treated like an idiot child. Having two people involved in work that should only require one wastes everyone’s time.
Perhaps you don’t think you are managing thoroughbreds and that your horses need lots of help.
This is possible.
But if you are in fact a micromanager, you started over-managing the first day others worked for you. You have no idea what they are capable of. You’re probably treating at least one potential*Seabiscuit as if he were a toy pony at the county fair.

Dear Micromanager:
Owners of thoroughbreds never stop their horses mid-race, every ten seconds, to remind the horse and jockey how to run, where the finish line is, or that it’d be good to finish first. Why? It would slow them down. Only an idiot would do this.
If you’re a manager, you must assume you have thoroughbreds working for you. Your job is to give them what they need to win their respective races, agreeing with them on goals and rewards, but then getting the hell out of the way. Until they start jumping fences or attacking other horses, you must let them run their race.
Even if you are 30% better at a task than someone who works for you, the time it takes for you to check on them every few hours, and demand approvals over trivial decisions, costs more in lost morale, passion for work, and destruction of self-respect among your staff than the 30% you think you’re adding.* No one works well if they feel they are being treated like an idiot child. Having two people involved in work that should only require one wastes everyone’s time.
Perhaps you don’t think you are managing thoroughbreds and that your horses need lots of help.
This is possible.
But if you are in fact a micromanager, you started over-managing the first day others worked for you. You have no idea what they are capable of. You’re probably treating at least one potential*Seabiscuit as if he were a toy pony at the county fair.

Hilarious. Comparing yourself to a thoroughbred! Talking about "tasks" and the DM's "trivial" decisions when the biggest decision you make is what to bring for lunch for the staff; the DM treating you like a child when your customers all pity and treat you as a child, because you are a child; the continual stick around and complaining.

If you're worth a shit, the get a better job with a better manager. Right? Face it, you can't. You're unable to improve your life so face it. Thanksgiving. STFU and be thankful things aren't a hell of a lot worse. Yet.

Turkey's are stupid, right? Which DSM is so stupid that they continually chase off all their good representatives or fire them? Only a turkey with a very small brain who constantly attempts to hide his incompetence by getting rid of everyone around him. This idiot has been an account manager as well so you know he is the cream of the crop of incompetents that AZ is famous for developing. One thing he does very well, kiss ass and so this terrible manager, hated by his reps and the many who have left continues to survive. Does anyone know who this could be? Voted by Harvard Business Review as an example of how not to manage or motivate?

Bozo DSM I met in MO. Wall Street Medical Building. What a tool.

Astra has the perception that if you praise reps too often you are coddling them, they will then find a "comfort zone" and as a result performance will suffer. There is also the perception that if you are DSM and not turning over a portion of reps, you are not doing your job, since there is always a perceived amount of waste in a district. Therefore the threatening pushy micromanager can be viewed by management as doing his/her job, especially if business results are forthcoming.

Mind you, not all managers are comfortable with this, but some are quite comfortable. After a few times it becomes easier and can even demonstrate how you are making strides to manage your district.

In effect you might expect people like your Inspector to flourish rather than perish, since this perception is consistent from the top down.

What is this, 1999 that you're referring to Astra? Troll back to whatever board you came from, or hole you crawled out of to bring your pablum here.

A leader is someone you trust, who you want to emulate, a person who inspires you to do your best because it is the right thing to do and for loyalty. A person like the Inspector, is someone who you give the finger to as soon as he turns his back to leave after two days of telling, not leading by example. A person who leads your mild mannered counterpart to want to punch him in the face after every ride a long. The carrot and gray headed asshole with the semi autistic personality who sends regular emails warning you about your performance even when you are in the top 15 percent.

Inspector, it's a good thing AstraZeneca is such a dysfunctional place. Otherwise, they would dump your sorry ass today.

A leader is someone you trust, who you want to emulate, a person who inspires you to do your best because it is the right thing to do and for loyalty. A person like the Inspector, is someone who you give the finger to as soon as he turns his back to leave after two days of telling, not leading by example. A person who leads your mild mannered counterpart to want to punch him in the face after every ride a long. The carrot and gray headed asshole with the semi autistic personality who sends regular emails warning you about your performance even when you are in the top 15 percent.

Inspector, it's a good thing AstraZeneca is such a dysfunctional place. Otherwise, they would dump your sorry ass today.

He is the worst. Amazed AZ has kept him as a DSM, Oh wait this is AZ afterall!!!!

BZ in GR, MI is back to check CP. So the accurate comments were deleted... as usual. Those he deleted and did not deserve it can provide the haunting he so deserves.
He obviously fired your lazy ass and now you come on here to constantly attack and smear him. Take a look at yourself before you accuse someone else of being worthless. He fired you because you were not working more than half days and taking Fridays off. He did his job because you weren't doing yours.

He obviously fired your lazy ass and now you come on here to constantly attack and smear him. Take a look at yourself before you accuse someone else of being worthless. He fired you because you were not working more than half days and taking Fridays off. He did his job because you weren't doing yours.

You don't know the whole story. He does.

You don't know the whole story. He does.
And you know the truth. His story is very short; you were not working and he fired you for it. He had to do his job because you were not doing yours. You cannot accept that fact and therefore have to make it about something else. That is your problem not his. I am sure he has moved on.

And you know the truth. His story is very short; you were not working and he fired you for it. He had to do his job because you were not doing yours. You cannot accept that fact and therefore have to make it about something else. That is your problem not his. I am sure he has moved on.

If he has moved on, why do you have to keep responding?