The Biggest Problems AZ has...

Be careful what you wish for. More are moving your way and as a result pollution and urbanization are increasing. But yeah, there are still areas in the US where you can live like a King for that amount.

The key part of your response, and I quote: "But yeah, there are still areas in the US where you can live like a King for that amount."


The last time I worked for a company that was this fucked up was about 11 years ago. I have no idea how we can get appointments (sometimes 20 phone calls), complete about 10 emails a day, that four hour expense report, the trackers, the account plans, wait for all that shit and the blue circle of death to load anything on the laptop, complete the training and all the fucking reading ON OUR OWN TIME!!! Yes, Our BOSS actually said we will get written up if we are not in the field by 8:30 and we cannot leave an account until 4:00 pm. While this sounds great it really does not work that well as you cannot leave at 8:30 for an account that is 2 hours away. Likewise if you are two hours away and leave at 4 pm - you won't get home until 6 pm and still have all the B.S. OK, where did I just squeeze in 10 to 20 phone calls to get that one or two more appointments? I am more than exhausted. If I am lucky enough to get out of here, I am going to write a horrible letter to HR, copy my attorney regarding AZ's practice about overworking their reps - I saved my boss's lovely "expectation letter" !!!!.

Office days are needed at least two a month! My last company had no call requirement just dollar targets and we had one office day a week. People loved the company and most felt they had a great work life balance. I was being downsized, hence being here. Since coming to AZ, I have not had time
to work out, to cook, to go for a walk - nothing. In fact, I have so much shit to do left over from any given week that I usually have to take a VACATION DAY to do it. I bet my last eight vacation days I did AZ work on them. Nice. I fucking hate this place.

Am I alone here or is this nuts, especially the folks with the long drive times? I am CVAS.

BTW, during any given ride day with my ASSHOLE manager: he spends ALL day on GOOD on his phone typing all of his emails and reading. He makes about 10 to 20 phone calls and pays little
attention to what is going on at my account. Then he feels free to criticize me after that lack of attention to anything that was important to me or my customer. He also has pointed out that he needs to be home by 5 and does not work after that. . . . Oh, but not his fucking reps. Amazing.

be confident in this piece of knowledge. The moment you get in the car in your drievway, you are IN THE FIELD and on company business. If it was a bank job, your drive in your personal car is a personal commute. However, you are transporting az material, in an az car, for the purpose of az business. You ARE in the field. Same for your ride home. If last office visit is 3pm, and you have 2 hour drive home, you are STILL on az business time, again transporting az promo materials and az car back to your home base. Driving the company car is NOT personal commuting time, you are actually fully on the job. Managers don't even know the difference, the IRS regs on it, and the imolications. Unfortunately, new reps get the idea that they have a free car, and are commuting to a drs office, and think, VERY INCORRECTLY that they are not in the field until they get to the first office. Know the difference between what a personal commute is and a business trip. Consider a trucker: would you say that a trucker isn't working at all, is not on the job until he makes his delivery? Wrong, both the outbound and inbound trip are figured in the costs of goods for biz purposes. Likewise, az is expensing the case and the mileage for your work, that alone tells you that the drive to the first office..and the drive home from last office, is company time, and you ARE in the field. Bank on it. Your workplace IS the car, so once you are in it, you are in the field. The time of the first call is irrelvant. The BIG PROBLEM is that az knows that YOU don't know about this, and they exploit the rep's ignorance on the matter, to make you believe that you need to leave your house earlier and get home later, so they can squeeze more sales calls out of reps. A company car is your office. You're in the field the moment you open the door. Its not commuting TO work when you're already at work. And driving IS a part of the job. Take a look at the job description.

Oh, I do consider being in the car my office. That still leaves countless hours at night for all the computer work. It is impossible to do the job without a day in the home office.

be confident in this piece of knowledge. The moment you get in the car in your drievway, you are IN THE FIELD and on company business. If it was a bank job, your drive in your personal car is a personal commute. However, you are transporting az material, in an az car, for the purpose of az business. You ARE in the field. Same for your ride home. If last office visit is 3pm, and you have 2 hour drive home, you are STILL on az business time, again transporting az promo materials and az car back to your home base. Driving the company car is NOT personal commuting time, you are actually fully on the job. Managers don't even know the difference, the IRS regs on it, and the imolications. Unfortunately, new reps get the idea that they have a free car, and are commuting to a drs office, and think, VERY INCORRECTLY that they are not in the field until they get to the first office. Know the difference between what a personal commute is and a business trip. Consider a trucker: would you say that a trucker isn't working at all, is not on the job until he makes his delivery? Wrong, both the outbound and inbound trip are figured in the costs of goods for biz purposes. Likewise, az is expensing the case and the mileage for your work, that alone tells you that the drive to the first office..and the drive home from last office, is company time, and you ARE in the field. Bank on it. Your workplace IS the car, so once you are in it, you are in the field. The time of the first call is irrelvant. The BIG PROBLEM is that az knows that YOU don't know about this, and they exploit the rep's ignorance on the matter, to make you believe that you need to leave your house earlier and get home later, so they can squeeze more sales calls out of reps. A company car is your office. You're in the field the moment you open the door. Its not commuting TO work when you're already at work. And driving IS a part of the job. Take a look at the job description.

You make a reasonable argument, but you argue like a pharma salesman. Obnoxious repetition. Overkill. It makes me think you doubt what you wrote. The doctors think you doubt what you present to them. It comes across.

I am not. My health both mental and physical are downhill like you cannot believe. I have gained 30 lbs for the first time in my whole life. I cry all the time. I cannot sleep. I do not feel like going anywhere and have zero energy - course, I'm working all the time and right now in 140 degree car until the bitch cools off. My partners are horrible - understatement who have never shared one SINGLE THING! Not one. In fact, on top of the boss shit and all the meaningless busy work, they are little gossipy backstabbers. I am older and I have health issues so getting a new job is so hard, even harder to have that sparkly postive attitude needed at IVs when you feel dead inside. Honestly, at my wits end. I've used all my vacation time but I am still EXHAUSTED and every Sunday I start to feel sick to my stomach to the point of vomiting or diarrhea. Yeah, this job absolutely sucks. Not one good thing to say about selling Brilinta. Wish to God I had never come here. My old job was nice but that 12k bump in pay and to sell something new lured me right over to AZ - that a bunch of fucking lies from management. I could shoot myself. I could be working five hour days, with a great boss and a nice company - old as dirt product and nothing new in 10 years, but it was a quiet, peaceful gig. WTF was I thinking coming to this hellhole? How do I hang in there or find a way to deal with so much stress outside of my control that AZ thinks I CAN control?

Get out on stress disability . . . need psych to put you out and take that time to look for another job.

Get out on stress disability . . . need psych to put you out and take that time to look for another job.

You know, if I cannot lie to DO the job, how in the hell do you think I'm going to qualify for psych disability? I mean it. They give you maybe six weeks off since that is ALL any insurance will cover for shrink visits. WTF is six weeks going to do for me? Nothing. You act like there are dozens of jobs out there. There are not, especially when you're older, not so healthy, not so pretty and don't have some kind of increditble work history and education. I have been looking and interviewing for over a year. Always come in third or fourth. Not that that is bad but it's not a different job. Ideally, I would like to get OUT of pharma. I think the only way I'm going to do that is to network like crazy and keep trying to re-invent my resume to show-off a different skill-set. I hate the thought of going back to school since I really cannot afford it with retirement looming and my savings sucks.

You know, if I cannot lie to DO the job, how in the hell do you think I'm going to qualify for psych disability? I mean it. They give you maybe six weeks off since that is ALL any insurance will cover for shrink visits. WTF is six weeks going to do for me? Nothing. You act like there are dozens of jobs out there. There are not, especially when you're older, not so healthy, not so pretty and don't have some kind of increditble work history and education. I have been looking and interviewing for over a year. Always come in third or fourth. Not that that is bad but it's not a different job. Ideally, I would like to get OUT of pharma. I think the only way I'm going to do that is to network like crazy and keep trying to re-invent my resume to show-off a different skill-set. I hate the thought of going back to school since I really cannot afford it with retirement looming and my savings sucks.

Are you really that fucking weak? I know the board here is anonymous, but the sniveling horrible entitled shit you wrote is beyond the pale.

Wake up. Find the man that used to live in you, if one ever did. Flip burgers, start a company. Be a prepper and live off the land. Your crying that you are entitled to have a good lifestyle makes me fucking sick! If you're entitled to it, then go get it! Stop trying to have other people provide it to you.

You know, if I cannot lie to DO the job, how in the hell do you think I'm going to qualify for psych disability? I mean it. They give you maybe six weeks off since that is ALL any insurance will cover for shrink visits. WTF is six weeks going to do for me? Nothing. You act like there are dozens of jobs out there. There are not, especially when you're older, not so healthy, not so pretty and don't have some kind of increditble work history and education. I have been looking and interviewing for over a year. Always come in third or fourth. Not that that is bad but it's not a different job. Ideally, I would like to get OUT of pharma. I think the only way I'm going to do that is to network like crazy and keep trying to re-invent my resume to show-off a different skill-set. I hate the thought of going back to school since I really cannot afford it with retirement looming and my savings sucks.

Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ! You are a malcontent masquerading as a psycho case.

Mel Content

If it isn't clear yet it never will be:

A team of high school students could do a far better job of running AZ. (So long as they didn't get to decide how much they got paid, and had to live at home with their Mom and Dad.)

Then clearly you do not know who I am AT ALL. You know the sales prequestion that asks, "would you rather a) shoot someone from afar, b) stab someone in the chest while looking at them or c) push someone off a roof?

(No idea why this is a selling skills question)

Dude, my life is such a living breathing HELL and so fucking meaningless, that you will be damn lucky I do not open your side door doing 70 miles an hour, cut your fucking seatbelt and physically kick your sorry ass out of my car in front of the biggest damn semi I can find on the highway. FU Asshole. Oh, and I am the last person on your team that you would even think has this potential - you just said it yourself: you think I'm a spineless old wash up. Hey, you know what else might be fun? Next time you leave your coffee on the table to piss or walk out the door to take that important phone call, I am going to squirt some Hemlock extract into your cup or maybe industrial flouride. You'll be dead before they ever figure out what happened - maybe your fucking wife hates you enough to just burn you before an autopsy. This place has made me nuts and I was pretty bad to begin with. You do NOT know what I think about doing during every fucking second of every day that I'm here. Will I get caught? Maybe, but I am a great liar, a real gift you might say. Do I really give a shit at this point in my sorry loser life? Nope. You would be just the start of a very productive truly well-planned day.

BTW: these were random thoughts where I'm sure I'd get caught. I actually have a much better one that I just love thinking about every time you sit by my side and I have to spend an hour listening to you coach me with your scary bad ass experience.

The less like human you treat someone, the less like a human they will become. . . . "me"

To the guy whose life is a living hell - what your manager is doing to you is inhumane. I am not joking around here. Sounds like your manager is the typical pharma idiot. They berate you to hide their own inadequacies. I feel the best leaders have teams who respect them and work hard for them because they know that their "leader" is out for the teams best interests. Take a deep breath and know that your piss poor example of a boss is not a leader of any kind. Enjoy your weekend and try not to let it get to you.

To the guy whose life is a living hell - what your manager is doing to you is inhumane. I am not joking around here. Sounds like your manager is the typical pharma idiot. They berate you to hide their own inadequacies. I feel the best leaders have teams who respect them and work hard for them because they know that their "leader" is out for the teams best interests. Take a deep breath and know that your piss poor example of a boss is not a leader of any kind. Enjoy your weekend and try not to let it get to you.

Ya think? Asshole did it again this week. Texted at 4 that he was riding with me next day. i am so fucking fed up. Now I hear other companies are starting to do this. You know, if they are HERE to coach us, why the fuck just not hire them to sell to these asshole customers? Seriously, if I have a tough customer and my manager, my coach, my mentor (who also lives and dies by the numbers), should just take the call and show me how to slam that close home! I am going to insist. I see no reason to have two of us in the field: One who clearly needs coaching and a babysitter and the expert who knows just how to do it. Let the expert do MY job.

Who is with me? I say say we all just step aside at let our managers show us how it's done. I think they should explain how to get 20 to 30 appointments a month without a single office day and while driving three to five hours a day as talking on the cell is not allowed. I will probably get fired at my next ride along as I really do not give a shit. This jerk can kiss my ass. He better be prepared to 1.) show me just how to overcome a real tough objection 2.) close the doc on brand strategy and 3.) gain access to a closed department.

Well in any other industry of sales, u maybe see your manager once a quarter or only at meetings. Do you have any idea how absolutely stupid it looks to have a manager coach standing in a clinic setting right next to you all the time? Picture this in say car sales, industrial or IT sales, financial sales, other manufacturing....does not happen, and IF management is there, it is to be an integral part of the overall presentation. They sure are not there to grade you on some babysitting sheet. That, my friend, is as low as telemarketing.

Grasshopper when are you going to get it? You give give yourself such heartache over nothing. When are you going to learn this is all a game? Your manager no matter what you think of him or her knows exactly what is going on in the field. Does he or she care? Nooooo!! Your DSM is making a very nice salary to keep up the charade. They need to kiss their bosses ass by doing what the regional wants them to do. My advice to you....first chill the hell out! Relax. Think this through. Learn to play the game. Give the metrics to your manager they ask for. Throw in a best practice every now and then. Be positive all the time in front of everyone. Now when you are with the manager---be proactive. Ask for their "wonderful" advice how to handle a tough account. Of course ask them to demo a call but don't be an asshole about it. Come up with your own tracker that isn't being used in the district and brag to your manager how it "helps" you. Now here is one for you....when you have an appointment with a key customer--give your manager a call and ask them to work with you that day because you value their input. My friend managers classify reps two ways.....those that are on their team and those who are not. The one's who are not on their team get managed out. The ones on their team get protected. It's a game. For god sakes...learn this!!!! This will buy you time and if it doesn't improve your overall happiness look for another job elsewhere. Understand this---working in corporate America is the same all over. You will probably trade a pot for a kettle. You will need to start your own business. Many people at AZ have figured it out. I mean everyone in sales....reps, DM's, RSD's etc etc. It's a game. Play it and have no worries. You fight will eat you up inside. is too short to be this upset over a damn job. Work it to your advantage.

Ya think? Asshole did it again this week. Texted at 4 that he was riding with me next day. i am so fucking fed up. Now I hear other companies are starting to do this. You know, if they are HERE to coach us, why the fuck just not hire them to sell to these asshole customers? Seriously, if I have a tough customer and my manager, my coach, my mentor (who also lives and dies by the numbers), should just take the call and show me how to slam that close home! I am going to insist. I see no reason to have two of us in the field: One who clearly needs coaching and a babysitter and the expert who knows just how to do it. Let the expert do MY job.

Who is with me? I say say we all just step aside at let our managers show us how it's done. I think they should explain how to get 20 to 30 appointments a month without a single office day and while driving three to five hours a day as talking on the cell is not allowed. I will probably get fired at my next ride along as I really do not give a shit. This jerk can kiss my ass. He better be prepared to 1.) show me just how to overcome a real tough objection 2.) close the doc on brand strategy and 3.) gain access to a closed department.

Grasshopper when are you going to get it? You give give yourself such heartache over nothing. When are you going to learn this is all a game? Your manager no matter what you think of him or her knows exactly what is going on in the field. Does he or she care? Nooooo!! Your DSM is making a very nice salary to keep up the charade. They need to kiss their bosses ass by doing what the regional wants them to do. My advice to you....first chill the hell out! Relax. Think this through. Learn to play the game. Give the metrics to your manager they ask for. Throw in a best practice every now and then. Be positive all the time in front of everyone. Now when you are with the manager---be proactive. Ask for their "wonderful" advice how to handle a tough account. Of course ask them to demo a call but don't be an asshole about it. Come up with your own tracker that isn't being used in the district and brag to your manager how it "helps" you. Now here is one for you....when you have an appointment with a key customer--give your manager a call and ask them to work with you that day because you value their input. My friend managers classify reps two ways.....those that are on their team and those who are not. The one's who are not on their team get managed out. The ones on their team get protected. It's a game. For god sakes...learn this!!!! This will buy you time and if it doesn't improve your overall happiness look for another job elsewhere. Understand this---working in corporate America is the same all over. You will probably trade a pot for a kettle. You will need to start your own business. Many people at AZ have figured it out. I mean everyone in sales....reps, DM's, RSD's etc etc. It's a game. Play it and have no worries. You fight will eat you up inside. is too short to be this upset over a damn job. Work it to your advantage.

Very good advice. No wonder all these years my bosses have loved my as a person but had a tough time with me as their rep. I am sure that I knew this. Not sure at my late age that I care to play this BS game everywhere I go. Do not understand why it has to be this way. It is wasteful, unproductive, not innovative and no account wants to be overrun with reps and their managers. It does make me sick. But I see you are right.

AZ problem is not firing a rep in VA that drunk at the district meeting..did not show up the next day, had to get the hotel staff to wake this bum up...still employed in the roanke area

Very good advice. No wonder all these years my bosses have loved my as a person but had a tough time with me as their rep. I am sure that I knew this. Not sure at my late age that I care to play this BS game everywhere I go. Do not understand why it has to be this way. It is wasteful, unproductive, not innovative and no account wants to be overrun with reps and their managers. It does make me sick. But I see you are right.

Of course this poster is right. It's all a house of cards. Management makes an ungodly amount of money. They don't want the truth to be told. That would cause the company to decrease the amount of managers. So we all play the game. When the company is profitable and we all know how much profit drug companies can make....everything is fine. Now in our case..the pipeline is running dry and the end is coming. People now running scared. Nobody wants to topple the house of cards. Enjoy it while you can. The poster who was depressed and almost suicidal needs to understand this and play the game and lead the good life...