The Biggest Problems AZ has...

Quit congratulating yourself. You gave it away. Your DM could give a crap and does not work a full day. Your life is fucking great here at AZ. I happen to have a DM that has few reps, does three day rides, expects 6 min F2F IPAD details with ICs or clinicals when he's with you, and wants to work from 8:30 to 4:30 no exceptions. Everything is by the book from account plans, to pre call planning to the proper message for the right target to ensuring a close that gains commitment. You miss any one of those things and he WILL give you a NI or write you up. It is like living in HELL. Oh, and the rides for all of us are SURPRISE. Meaning no 1 day notice. This jerk actually calls you at 3 pm and is riding with you the next day. We have a dozen different trackers and best practices. I do not no where to begin or end with how bad this is for our group. I have not figured out how to fool this guy and I sure have not gotten over the PTSD of having literally 2 hours or less to plan a GREAT fucking busy day for this prick as a threat looming 24/7. I have never been under so much stress in my entire life and this prick is just part of the marvels at AZ.

I also have it made at AZ. I might work 5 hours on a long day, but usually it's about 4. I spread out the sig time so between the mall, movies and golf, I have plenty of sigs around 4 PM. 75% of the calls are lies. My DM NEVER stays past lunch. They seem to have a lot of conference calls to be on. LOL! I've been doing this for years. My life is pretty much stress free here at AZ.

I don't know how you survive under such stress. Brilinta has had 2 years to perform and it hasn't, and it won't. Think about it, 2 years!!! AZ needs to cut their loses, but they don't have the business acumen to realize it. My suggestion is that you spend every waking hour on trying to find something and leave your hell hole. Good luck!

I also have it made at AZ. I might work 5 hours on a long day, but usually it's about 4. I spread out the sig time so between the mall, movies and golf, I have plenty of sigs around 4 PM. 75% of the calls are lies. My DM NEVER stays past lunch. They seem to have a lot of conference calls to be on. LOL! I've been doing this for years. My life is pretty much stress free here at AZ.

I don't know how you survive under such stress. Brilinta has had 2 years to perform and it hasn't, and it won't. Think about it, 2 years!!! AZ needs to cut their loses, but they don't have the business acumen to realize it. My suggestion is that you spend every waking hour on trying to find something and leave your hell hole. Good luck!

I am not. My health both mental and physical are downhill like you cannot believe. I have gained 30 lbs for the first time in my whole life. I cry all the time. I cannot sleep. I do not feel like going anywhere and have zero energy - course, I'm working all the time and right now in 140 degree car until the bitch cools off. My partners are horrible - understatement who have never shared one SINGLE THING! Not one. In fact, on top of the boss shit and all the meaningless busy work, they are little gossipy backstabbers. I am older and I have health issues so getting a new job is so hard, even harder to have that sparkly postive attitude needed at IVs when you feel dead inside. Honestly, at my wits end. I've used all my vacation time but I am still EXHAUSTED and every Sunday I start to feel sick to my stomach to the point of vomiting or diarrhea. Yeah, this job absolutely sucks. Not one good thing to say about selling Brilinta. Wish to God I had never come here. My old job was nice but that 12k bump in pay and to sell something new lured me right over to AZ - that a bunch of fucking lies from management. I could shoot myself. I could be working five hour days, with a great boss and a nice company - old as dirt product and nothing new in 10 years, but it was a quiet, peaceful gig. WTF was I thinking coming to this hellhole? How do I hang in there or find a way to deal with so much stress outside of my control that AZ thinks I CAN control?

I am not. My health both mental and physical are downhill like you cannot believe. I have gained 30 lbs for the first time in my whole life. I cry all the time. I cannot sleep. I do not feel like going anywhere and have zero energy - course, I'm working all the time and right now in 140 degree car until the bitch cools off. My partners are horrible - understatement who have never shared one SINGLE THING! Not one. In fact, on top of the boss shit and all the meaningless busy work, they are little gossipy backstabbers. I am older and I have health issues so getting a new job is so hard, even harder to have that sparkly postive attitude needed at IVs when you feel dead inside. Honestly, at my wits end. I've used all my vacation time but I am still EXHAUSTED and every Sunday I start to feel sick to my stomach to the point of vomiting or diarrhea. Yeah, this job absolutely sucks. Not one good thing to say about selling Brilinta. Wish to God I had never come here. My old job was nice but that 12k bump in pay and to sell something new lured me right over to AZ - that a bunch of fucking lies from management. I could shoot myself. I could be working five hour days, with a great boss and a nice company - old as dirt product and nothing new in 10 years, but it was a quiet, peaceful gig. WTF was I thinking coming to this hellhole? How do I hang in there or find a way to deal with so much stress outside of my control that AZ thinks I CAN control?
Sounds like you should have done more research first. You should never have trusted management at AZ but had you simply talked to a few of us PSSs first, then you would have heard the same shit that you are speaking of now. This is a hell hole and will only keep getting worse under current leadership.

This is your Dm. No you won't. You sold out for 40 pieces of silver. You will do what you are told and you will kiss my ass. You are good at talking behind my back but to my face you melt. You make me sick. You will never I mean never grow a set. It's a shame you are 45 years old and can't get a job anywhere else and decades from retirement. Now go finish those spreadsheets I ordered you to do and keep the tracker current. LOL

Then clearly you do not know who I am AT ALL. You know the sales prequestion that asks, "would you rather a) shoot someone from afar, b) stab someone in the chest while looking at them or c) push someone off a roof?

(No idea why this is a selling skills question)

Dude, my life is such a living breathing HELL and so fucking meaningless, that you will be damn lucky I do not open your side door doing 70 miles an hour, cut your fucking seatbelt and physically kick your sorry ass out of my car in front of the biggest damn semi I can find on the highway. FU Asshole. Oh, and I am the last person on your team that you would even think has this potential - you just said it yourself: you think I'm a spineless old wash up. Hey, you know what else might be fun? Next time you leave your coffee on the table to piss or walk out the door to take that important phone call, I am going to squirt some Hemlock extract into your cup or maybe industrial flouride. You'll be dead before they ever figure out what happened - maybe your fucking wife hates you enough to just burn you before an autopsy. This place has made me nuts and I was pretty bad to begin with. You do NOT know what I think about doing during every fucking second of every day that I'm here. Will I get caught? Maybe, but I am a great liar, a real gift you might say. Do I really give a shit at this point in my sorry loser life? Nope. You would be just the start of a very productive truly well-planned day.

BTW: these were random thoughts where I'm sure I'd get caught. I actually have a much better one that I just love thinking about every time you sit by my side and I have to spend an hour listening to you coach me with your scary bad ass experience.

The less like human you treat someone, the less like a human they will become. . . . "me"

And, please no one tell me to go get help. There is NO help. That is like telling someone who is burning in Hell to go get some help for their misery. There isn't any one of you that has not thought about killing an asshole manager. Not a one. If you say you have not, you have not really had a bad one or you don't belong in sales.

The best part of all of this is my boss truly, really believes he is the best boss and best guy on the planet. No shit. He believes he is top notch professional, well deserving and hardworking for that 230k he earns, Mr. Family Guy, Mr. Advice, Great Coach. It amazes me that he has NO idea every team he has ever "coached" hates him and we all hate him. That is AZ for ya.

Then clearly you do not know who I am AT ALL. You know the sales prequestion that asks, "would you rather a) shoot someone from afar, b) stab someone in the chest while looking at them or c) push someone off a roof?

(No idea why this is a selling skills question)

Dude, my life is such a living breathing HELL and so fucking meaningless, that you will be damn lucky I do not open your side door doing 70 miles an hour, cut your fucking seatbelt and physically kick your sorry ass out of my car in front of the biggest damn semi I can find on the highway. FU Asshole. Oh, and I am the last person on your team that you would even think has this potential - you just said it yourself: you think I'm a spineless old wash up. Hey, you know what else might be fun? Next time you leave your coffee on the table to piss or walk out the door to take that important phone call, I am going to squirt some Hemlock extract into your cup or maybe industrial flouride. You'll be dead before they ever figure out what happened - maybe your fucking wife hates you enough to just burn you before an autopsy. This place has made me nuts and I was pretty bad to begin with. You do NOT know what I think about doing during every fucking second of every day that I'm here. Will I get caught? Maybe, but I am a great liar, a real gift you might say. Do I really give a shit at this point in my sorry loser life? Nope. You would be just the start of a very productive truly well-planned day.

BTW: these were random thoughts where I'm sure I'd get caught. I actually have a much better one that I just love thinking about every time you sit by my side and I have to spend an hour listening to you coach me with your scary bad ass experience.

The less like human you treat someone, the less like a human they will become. . . . "me"

May I humbly suggest membership in our club: the "AZ Malcontents". The only requirements for membership are bitterness, cynicism, resentment, anger, and most of all - hatred. I spent my years with AZ working on and cultivating all of these attitudes. Am now retired, and miss AZ not at all.


Mel Content

wow. this is only a job. If you really mean this and I think you do you need to seek some help. Really get some help dude.

Then clearly you do not know who I am AT ALL. You know the sales prequestion that asks, "would you rather a) shoot someone from afar, b) stab someone in the chest while looking at them or c) push someone off a roof?

(No idea why this is a selling skills question)

Dude, my life is such a living breathing HELL and so fucking meaningless, that you will be damn lucky I do not open your side door doing 70 miles an hour, cut your fucking seatbelt and physically kick your sorry ass out of my car in front of the biggest damn semi I can find on the highway. FU Asshole. Oh, and I am the last person on your team that you would even think has this potential - you just said it yourself: you think I'm a spineless old wash up. Hey, you know what else might be fun? Next time you leave your coffee on the table to piss or walk out the door to take that important phone call, I am going to squirt some Hemlock extract into your cup or maybe industrial flouride. You'll be dead before they ever figure out what happened - maybe your fucking wife hates you enough to just burn you before an autopsy. This place has made me nuts and I was pretty bad to begin with. You do NOT know what I think about doing during every fucking second of every day that I'm here. Will I get caught? Maybe, but I am a great liar, a real gift you might say. Do I really give a shit at this point in my sorry loser life? Nope. You would be just the start of a very productive truly well-planned day.

BTW: these were random thoughts where I'm sure I'd get caught. I actually have a much better one that I just love thinking about every time you sit by my side and I have to spend an hour listening to you coach me with your scary bad ass experience.

The less like human you treat someone, the less like a human they will become. . . . "me"

wow. this is only a job. If you really mean this and I think you do you need to seek some help. Really get some help dude.

A job that thanks to a completely impossible and douchebag boss, I have NO fucking life anymore. Where did you miss that? I work probably 10 hours a day maybe more only to get written up by this prick because I didn't close on the brand message. RUFKM? I am probably 10 years older than this turd with as much experience managing teams as he has had. He has nearly zero critical/acute care hospital experience and wants to compare that to my lifetime of talking to and working with doctors. But HE is COACHING me!!! Fuck Him. I am serious. You never know who you are sitting next to on that ride along where you decide to act like a corporate douchebag instead of a real human being realizing the great limitations of this job. I did not sign on to having 7 counterparts calling on the same damn account for access. Why then is access my problem too? Worse, access is a problem because this idiot gives zero notice and likes to be with each of HIS team at least three times a month. Who thinks this is normal? What account thinks this is OK? Wow! If I blow - fuck all of you and an entire industry that is complete bullshit while everyone just collects massive paychecks, rips off the American public and goes with the status quo. The only help I need is more people at this Hellhole to speak up, be honest about what they need to function and what it will take to actually sell this drug. Oh, and it is not ONE MORE marketing resource that will be out-dated as soon as I get it off my front porch! Resources for doctors are what is in your mind - all the studies you can memorize, all the guidelines, the treatment algorithms, the new devices, the new lawsuits. . . . Guess what? Crickets is all anyone is going to hear at AZ.

. . . . hey, just kidding dirtball. I'm going boating.

Hmmmm. . . . .

1. Management is not listening to their employees (Management does not care and there are way, way too many of them! They do what they can to look busy.)
2. Arrogance is killing morale (Really? Morale died a long time ago with forced rankings and too many mirror image counterparts who have to shove their nose up managements' ass to stay employed. If you have not noticed AZ likes to PIP people out of every district every single year and for no good reason as they keep the mirrors they like and we all have the same fucking goals. That's not arrogance, it's stupidity and hostility. Makes people quit sharing anything because that "one" thing might be the valuable egg they will need at chopping time!)
3. Good opinions are stifled (There are no good opinions at AZ - only yes men)
4. Direction is misguided (Direction? What fucking direction and to whom? Are you kidding me? This would be like herding cats!)
5. No consistency across regions (Oh, there is. Just because the top down leadership is to rule by intimidation and create a culture of fear does not mean it is not crossing regions - I assure you, it is. Even bad is consistency - think about that.)
6. Product messaging is unfocused (Oh, well, here you are just wrong. Messaging is all AZ is about. In fact, any sales person NOT out messaging will be executed. I mean it. No one here can even think outside the box. This does not mean the messaging is good - but do not tell that to marketing as they had a team of "consultants" tell them our message is what doctors want to hear!!!)
7. Sales people are not aligned correctly (You think having sales people stacked one on top of the other, piled into districts where there is like 1 rep for every account and they are all trying to do the exact same thing is a problem? How would you align like 8 mirror image partners who have five different bosses and refuse to share even one contact?)
8. District managers are undisciplined in their assigned care settings (They don't know the business). (Well, you beat me to that one, but they don't care either! They just want to check boxes and stay off the radar.)
9. Very limited team efforts (What team effort? - forced ranking and a culture of fear makes this place The Hunger Games of pharma - there is no I in team and AZ fosters only giving a shit about yourself. I have yet to see any team actually act like a team - you know, where you all want to win the same game and do not care who gets credit but just want to get from point A to point B? Not here. It's every man or woman for himself or herself and the more credit they can take AWAY from their partners the better they look to their manager!)
10. Empty pipeline (Uh, yes. But I think we bought some fish oil and a risky biologic for cancer recently. Anyone who watches drug approves for Oncology knows that is one hell of a crap shoot!)

Spot on! I'd like to see this person promoted.

I don't understand it. Some people have not learned this is all a game. If you are looking for a job that has meaning. Go someplace else. We make a ton of money for little work. It's all a house of cards. Everyone knows that. Yes it will end soon. But hell it may go on for 20 more years? Who knows? Play the game. Give them what they want. Tell your 28 year old manager they are the best. Make them look good. Give them the metrics they ask for. Always be positive. 90% of the time you will be alone. You can go sit and have coffee look at women. Goof off whatever. Just play the silly game for god sakes!

Again...if you are looking for "meaning" in your work. Go elsewhere. Get a masters in social work. I cash my checks and stuff the bills in my shirt. I have a great side business going that I really enjoy. Oh and tell no one in the company about it. I mean no one!!!'s all a game play it well don't let it get to you. If you want to take on that dm of yours you will lose. So either play the game or get out. Me? I hate to work that's why I'm a pharma rep. LOL!

I don't understand it. Some people have not learned this is all a game. If you are looking for a job that has meaning. Go someplace else. We make a ton of money for little work. It's all a house of cards. Everyone knows that. Yes it will end soon. But hell it may go on for 20 more years? Who knows? Play the game. Give them what they want. Tell your 28 year old manager they are the best. Make them look good. Give them the metrics they ask for. Always be positive. 90% of the time you will be alone. You can go sit and have coffee look at women. Goof off whatever. Just play the silly game for god sakes!

Again...if you are looking for "meaning" in your work. Go elsewhere. Get a masters in social work. I cash my checks and stuff the bills in my shirt. I have a great side business going that I really enjoy. Oh and tell no one in the company about it. I mean no one!!!'s all a game play it well don't let it get to you. If you want to take on that dm of yours you will lose. So either play the game or get out. Me? I hate to work that's why I'm a pharma rep. LOL!

This is understandable but if you act this way you simply must have a plan b and other plans if plan b doesn't pan out. Stick around long enough w/o a promotion to management and every employer out there will run from your resume like the plague. Most real sales jobs go as far as adding "pharma reps need not apply" to their ads for salespeople.

And it really isn't a ton of money. 100K plus a car is solid middle class, with a wife and 2 kids you're lucky to afford a vacation once a year, and no way private school. It's a nice income for a young person, but if you're 40 making 100k, you're topped out. If you had a big time equipment or disposables job you'd make twice that, drive a nice car you own, bought by the company with an auto allowance. If you really were moving up you'd be looking at $250k per year one day. Hell if you worked for yourself as a good plumber you could make that -- they make $85.00 per call. Do six of those calls a day five days a week and it's over $130,000.00 a year, plus plenty of the calls are cash paying.

Plus you're going to look back on your career and feel like a dipshit. Your character is formed by your life's work.

This is understandable but if you act this way you simply must have a plan b and other plans if plan b doesn't pan out. Stick around long enough w/o a promotion to management and every employer out there will run from your resume like the plague. Most real sales jobs go as far as adding "pharma reps need not apply" to their ads for salespeople.

And it really isn't a ton of money. 100K plus a car is solid middle class, with a wife and 2 kids you're lucky to afford a vacation once a year, and no way private school. It's a nice income for a young person, but if you're 40 making 100k, you're topped out. If you had a big time equipment or disposables job you'd make twice that, drive a nice car you own, bought by the company with an auto allowance. If you really were moving up you'd be looking at $250k per year one day. Hell if you worked for yourself as a good plumber you could make that -- they make $85.00 per call. Do six of those calls a day five days a week and it's over $130,000.00 a year, plus plenty of the calls are cash paying.

Plus you're going to look back on your career and feel like a dipshit. Your character is formed by your life's work.

I would suggest that you move. I make $120K plus a company car worth about 8K per year in compensation working for AZ. My wife makes about 40K. We have a very nice lifestyle living in the South.

I also have a nice boss. My life at AZ is relatively stress free. I sell old products like Crestor and Symbicort and I enjoy visiting with my customers. If the ride ends in 2016 when Crestor goes generic, I simply am not going to worry about it. I will find a new job and move on. The economy in most of the South and Southwest is booming. Plus, I don't like cold weather anyway! Again, why would anyone want to live where $100K is not a lot of money?

Bah....I'm not in the field by 8:30..this is quality time for me to smack the carrot to racy internet pics and movies and eat my strawberry pop tarts and a cup of coffee!!

I would suggest that you move. I make $120K plus a company car worth about 8K per year in compensation working for AZ. My wife makes about 40K. We have a very nice lifestyle living in the South.

I also have a nice boss. My life at AZ is relatively stress free. I sell old products like Crestor and Symbicort and I enjoy visiting with my customers. If the ride ends in 2016 when Crestor goes generic, I simply am not going to worry about it. I will find a new job and move on. The economy in most of the South and Southwest is booming. Plus, I don't like cold weather anyway! Again, why would anyone want to live where $100K is not a lot of money?

Why would you suggest I move? Good for you things are good for you, all I wrote is that $100 per year isn't all that, and you could work less with less stress and make more as a plumber.

From that, you suggest I should move? WTF?

The Biggest Problems AZ has...

1. Management is not listening to their employees
2. Arrogance is killing morale
3. Good opinions are stifled
4. Direction is misguided
5. No consistency across regions
6. Product messaging is unfocused
7. Sales people are not aligned correctly
8. District managers are undisciplined in their assigned care settings (They don't know the business).
9. Very limited team efforts
10. Empty pipeline

Number 10 should be number 1.
Almost anyone, even the AZ sales organization, can sell a good drug with good data. AZ doesn't have any of those coming once the current crop of patents on the older products expire. How do all those cost savings on discovery, development and clinical research look now? Next.

Why would you suggest I move? Good for you things are good for you, all I wrote is that $100 per year isn't all that, and you could work less with less stress and make more as a plumber.

From that, you suggest I should move? WTF?

I agree with the rep who lives in the South. If you can't get by making $100K per year with basically a free company car and quite a few comped meals at lunches for Doctors, then you DO live in New York City or San Francisco.

That must suck to have to rent an 800 square foot apartment when I am living in a nice brick home with 3300 square feet and the sun shines almost every day! Plus, the public schools where I live in the Southwest (Hook Em Horns!) are great! No money wasted on private schools!

Move my man, improve your life!

I agree with the rep who lives in the South. If you can't get by making $100K per year with basically a free company car and quite a few comped meals at lunches for Doctors, then you DO live in New York City or San Francisco.

That must suck to have to rent an 800 square foot apartment when I am living in a nice brick home with 3300 square feet and the sun shines almost every day! Plus, the public schools where I live in the Southwest (Hook Em Horns!) are great! No money wasted on private schools!

Move my man, improve your life!

Be careful what you wish for. More are moving your way and as a result pollution and urbanization are increasing. But yeah, there are still areas in the US where you can live like a King for that amount.