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Who is the best rep ever at BMS?

Once again you expose your bitterness at being a mediocre sales rep all these years by belittling someone who achieved greatness in their field. "...among human beings jealousy ranks distinctly as a weakness; a trademark of small minds; a property of all small minds, yet a property which even the smallest is ashamed of; and when accused of its possession will lyingly deny it and resent the accusation as an insult... Twain - Letters from the Earth.

Thank you Steve. you were always so eloquent. To bad you did not use your Position to help others not just yourself. It is true that your career in your latter years was mediocre at best. Many reps passed you up regarding Pinnacle and Summit wins.

Once again you expose your bitterness at being a mediocre sales rep all these years by belittling someone who achieved greatness in their field. "...among human beings jealousy ranks distinctly as a weakness; a trademark of small minds; a property of all small minds, yet a property which even the smallest is ashamed of; and when accused of its possession will lyingly deny it and resent the accusation as an insult... Twain - Letters from the Earth.

"Achieved greatness in their field" ? Come on Steve, that's a bit much even from your bragging self.

Thank you Steve. you were always so eloquent. To bad you did not use your Position to help others not just yourself. It is true that your career in your latter years was mediocre at best. Many reps passed you up regarding Pinnacle and Summit wins.

I am a Steve believer but must admit nothing came good for us fellow reps as a result of his position with management

Thank you Steve. you were always so eloquent. To bad you did not use your Position to help others not just yourself. It is true that your career in your latter years was mediocre at best. Many reps passed you up regarding Pinnacle and Summit wins.

Believe me I am NOT Steve. I am a former BMS manager and I must admit that I too wondered how anyone could do so well. However I worked with a few others like him. People who could gain access where others couldn't and saw them build close relationships with doctors who blew off most reps. I would suggest that you stop wasting your time criticizing people like this and instead study what they do differently.

...one mustn't criticize other people on grounds where he can't stand perpendicular himself.
Mark Twain, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court

Believe me I am NOT Steve. I am a former BMS manager and I must admit that I too wondered how anyone could do so well. However I worked with a few others like him. People who could gain access where others couldn't and saw them build close relationships with doctors who blew off most reps. I would suggest that you stop wasting your time criticizing people like this and instead study what they do differently.

...one mustn't criticize other people on grounds where he can't stand perpendicular himself.
Mark Twain, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
Not criticizing just stating facts. Steve never did anything but for Steve. did not use his position to help other reps. That is what you supposed to do when you represent the salesforce in these organizations

Believe me I am NOT Steve. I am a former BMS manager and I must admit that I too wondered how anyone could do so well. However I worked with a few others like him. People who could gain access where others couldn't and saw them build close relationships with doctors who blew off most reps. I would suggest that you stop wasting your time criticizing people like this and instead study what they do differently.

...one mustn't criticize other people on grounds where he can't stand perpendicular himself.
Mark Twain, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court

Thanks Steve, self serving as usual.

Not criticizing just stating facts. Steve never did anything but for Steve. did not use his position to help other reps. That is what you supposed to do when you represent the salesforce in these organizations

WOW! You seem to know a lot about Steve , are you his biographer! How do you know what "you are supposed to do", when you are just a bitter nobody. What would you have a rep do with Steve's respect that he earned from management....4 day work week....10% raise. You have no idea what he did....your sorry ass may still be here because of his efforts, I mean......you don't know jack! You are one miserable person though and you have my sympathy.

WOW! You seem to know a lot about Steve , are you his biographer! How do you know what "you are supposed to do", when you are just a bitter nobody. What would you have a rep do with Steve's respect that he earned from management....4 day work week....10% raise. You have no idea what he did....your sorry ass may still be here because of his efforts, I mean......you don't know jack! You are one miserable person though and you have my sympathy.

I quite agree! Steve was an outstanding rep and a Leader. To the dipshit disparaging him, I think there must be some bad blood between you two. BMS Management listened to him but made their own decisions. You don't have a clue what he said, what they did, or if there was ever any positive outcomes for other reps. I loved the guy for his sense of humor, unique perspective on selling our products, and positive attitude about Life. I can't quite understand your anger at him and accusing him of answering your pissy posts against him is childish. Glad you and I are not partners. Steve Long was unique.

I quite agree! Steve was an outstanding rep and a Leader. To the dipshit disparaging him, I think there must be some bad blood between you two. BMS Management listened to him but made their own decisions. You don't have a clue what he said, what they did, or if there was ever any positive outcomes for other reps. I loved the guy for his sense of humor, unique perspective on selling our products, and positive attitude about Life. I can't quite understand your anger at him and accusing him of answering your pissy posts against him is childish. Glad you and I are not partners. Steve Long was unique.


This thread is comical and useless. Who cares about BMS or the reps? Everything is bottom feeder. It's like saying who is the best piss ant of an ant pile. Nobody cares about piss ants.

I quite agree! Steve was an outstanding rep and a Leader. To the dipshit disparaging him, I think there must be some bad blood between you two. BMS Management listened to him but made their own decisions. You don't have a clue what he said, what they did, or if there was ever any positive outcomes for other reps. I loved the guy for his sense of humor, unique perspective on selling our products, and positive attitude about Life. I can't quite understand your anger at him and accusing him of answering your pissy posts against him is childish. Glad you and I are not partners. Steve Long was unique.

Steve, thanks for chiming in, multiple times!

Long did nothing to help his fellow reps. Name one thing he accomplished that was not for his greater glory. Measure him not by his articulation but rather what he did to help the salesforce while he was kissing ass

Long did nothing to help the salesforce even though he had the ear of management. he just made sure he was taken care of. I agree he did nothing sales wise at the end of his career . There wad a girl in Texas that won several Summit awards which I think BMS considers tops. Long never won but Praha won several times as well. Get out of Long's ass for second and observe. My bet for best rep does not even have Long in the top three

Long did nothing to help the salesforce even though he had the ear of management. he just made sure he was taken care of. I agree he did nothing sales wise at the end of his career . There wad a girl in Texas that won several Summit awards which I think BMS considers tops. Long never won but Praha won several times as well. Get out of Long's ass for second and observe. My bet for best rep does not even have Long in the top three

Do you know how you appear? To make a statement like this, Your have lost all objectivity and are lost in your own envy.

Long did nothing to help the salesforce even though he had the ear of management. he just made sure he was taken care of. I agree he did nothing sales wise at the end of his career . There wad a girl in Texas that won several Summit awards which I think BMS considers tops. Long never won but Praha won several times as well. Get out of Long's ass for second and observe. My bet for best rep does not even have Long in the top three

Bev S., she was great, but Praha is tops.