Who got cut in hospital/anti-infective?

AI is profitable for Allergan, so there is no panic on their end. Prematurely announcing the divestment was colossally stupid, but it is what it is. I'll keep selling if they continue paying me.

Looks like we are hear to stay and yet no one in upper management is giving us ANY formal direction about it. No announcement, they just want us to go along as if it’s business as usual. What a joke, losing respect fast for this company and how they communicate. All that talk about how we will be better off once sold to a small private company. I wonder how many other people were sold on salary increases to “industry standard” once the sell-off happened....

Looks like we are hear to stay and yet no one in upper management is giving us ANY formal direction about it. No announcement, they just want us to go along as if it’s business as usual. What a joke, losing respect fast for this company and how they communicate. All that talk about how we will be better off once sold to a small private company. I wonder how many other people were sold on salary increases to “industry standard” once the sell-off happened....

blah blah blaaaahhhhh......shadduppp!

It is VERY disappointing. I am shocked by the uncertainty of the future of the AI franchise. Allergan is a callous employer that has completely lost sight of the fact that we are human beings with financial responsibility for our families. How long do they plan on dragging out the stress and worry of the unknown?