Who’s jumping ship?

Nothing is bad, these people are just lazy and don’t work. Do your job and you’ll like it here. Dont do it and be negative and well you won’t like any company you work for
Put your lolly pop down pal. What do you live under a rock? Stop giving bad tips to new reps. They need to know the reality and your ass kiss mentality is misleading them.

So much for the days of recruiting the best out there and getting them to come over and join us. Then again we all realized that in a few years back when the garbage piled in at middle management levels.

This is a company of hire someone shiny and new instead of promoting from within. We would rather start from scratch with an unknown who doesn't know our business than take a chance on promoting a high performer because his colleagues will be resentful. We do nothing to develop people to move up. We just create layer after layer to manage the people who have been loyal to the company.

This is a company of hire someone shiny and new instead of promoting from within. We would rather start from scratch with an unknown who doesn't know our business than take a chance on promoting a high performer because his colleagues will be resentful. We do nothing to develop people to move up. We just create layer after layer to manage the people who have been loyal to the company.
We have no need to promote you mediocre idiots. It is not just us, no company believes you are talented. Otherwise, you would have left.