Whistle Blower Case Upheld for India Operation?

Speak up we need more people like Matt.
Yes, more people with courage to report fraud and unethical behavior especially when all of the patients that were expired (due to incomptetent Indian people creating their reports for further treatment) are worth just few more bucks to this company.Wonder if all of the doctors would appreciate cheap Indian labor that LW uses and all of the crappy quality reports that are being sent to the accounts.

Sounds like a bunch of you are LW rejects that need to move on with your life. If this news is the highlight of your life then you are a very Sad person.
Look everyone we have a die hard LW kiss ass! The reject here is you. I am guessing you are one of the ones who are for criminal behavior. Sad to know how many people at LW are just like you with no integrity, morals or concern for others well being. You need to take a long look in the mirror, now that represents sad you idiot. Your ignorance amazes me.

Look everyone we have a die hard LW kiss ass! The reject here is you. I am guessing you are one of the ones who are for criminal behavior. Sad to know how many people at LW are just like you with no integrity, morals or concern for others well being. You need to take a long look in the mirror, now that represents sad you idiot. Your ignorance amazes me.
Sounds like you were a low performer.

Sounds like you were a low performer.
Thats the best you have? It appears your inept ability to comprehend my statement demonstrates your lack of education and intelligece. Must be a low level worker hoping for a future there. I wont waste anymore time with this or you. Good luck to you and wake up.

Lifewatch has pissed off many people over the years because of the insiders club there. Look at who is still there, who has been promoted and ask yourself why. CFO, VP blah blah blah...they all have one thing in common, they do ANYTHING they are told and kiss the arse of the god of money...very simple they are all greedy bastards who will walk all over people when they need to. Its amateur hour at Lifewatch, and time for them to be shut down.

The point is you Sad people with integrity and morals, Oops I mean Rejects didn't have any problem with your morals when you were collecting those commission checks.
Okay brainiac what makes you think we all collect commission checks or for that matter even still work for this place? Stupid people with stupid comments that do not pertain to anything related to the subject at hand. That would be Medicare fraud brainiac. Can I say "Duh".

LifeWatch Services Facing FCA Charges on Use of Foreign Personnel

Posted October 20, 2015, 3:14 P.M. ET

By Eric Topor

A federal district court in Illinois denied cardiac monitoring company LifeWatch Services Inc.'s motion to dismiss a whistle-blower's lawsuit accusing the company of using uncertified technicians in India to perform monitoring services in violation of federal health-care regulations.

False Claims Act whistle-blower Matthew Cieszynski, a technician with LifeWatch, alleged that his employer was using technicians in India to perform cardiac monitoring services to patients in the United States, and then switching the technician's name with a LifeWatch certified technician in the U.S. before submitting the claims for payment to Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE and the Veterans Administration Health Care. Cieszynski said LifeWatch knew that federal health-care program regulations require patients located in the U.S. to be treated by persons also located in the U.S., and that it falsely certified that it was in compliance with regulations with every claim submission.

The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois said the whistle-blower's allegations, which included four specific claims submitted to Medicare that involved Indian technicians whose names were switched with U.S.-based technicians before submission to a referring physician, plausibly alleged that LifeWatch submitted false claims to the government. The court also pointed to forms LifeWatch allegedly submitted with each claim that certified compliance with federal health-care regulations as sufficient to establish liability under an express certification theory of liability.

The case is United States ex rel. Cieszynski v. LifeWatch Servs., Inc., 2015 BL 342749, N.D. Ill., No. 1:13-cv-04052, 10/19/15.

This is strike two. Remember this one everyone?

Chicago-Based LifeWatch Services Inc. Settles Claims for Medicaid Fraud
The Department of Justice (DOJ) has reported a settlement with Chicago-based Lifewatch Services Inc. for submitting false claims to Medicare for Ambulatory Cardiac Telemetry Services. The company will pay the U.S. government $18.5 million. As part of the settlement, LifeWatch is also required to participate in a comprehensive Corporate Integrity Agreement (CIA) to ensure the company's future compliance.

LifeWatch is accused of fraudulently billing Medicare for ambulatory cardiac telemetry (ACT) services that the company knew were not eligible for reimbursement. ACT services provide cardiac event monitoring using cell phone technology without requiring patient participation. Traditional event monitoring requires the patient to push a button to record a cardiac event. ACT services are reimbursed by Medicare at a much higher rate.

Allegedly, even though LifeWatch knew ACT services were ineligible for Medicare reimbursement when the patient suffered only mild to moderate palpitations, the company still submitted false claims to Medicare for these patients and used a phony diagnostic code to trick Medicare into paying on the claims.

The complaints against Lifewatch also alleged that LifeWatch provided free, full-time employees to hospitals and medical practices as kickbacks.

A former LifeWatch sales representative blew the whistle on LifeWatch's Medicare fraud by filing a qui tam lawsuit in December 2009. Another former LifeWatch sales representative filed a similar complaint in another state in May 2011. Under the False Claims Act, whistleblowers who know about fraud against the government, like these former LifeWatch employees, are able to bring a lawsuit on behalf of the government and share in any recovery.

LifeWatch Services Facing FCA Charges on Use of Foreign Personnel

Posted October 20, 2015, 3:14 P.M. ET

By Eric Topor

A federal district court in Illinois denied cardiac monitoring company LifeWatch Services Inc.'s motion to dismiss a whistle-blower's lawsuit accusing the company of using uncertified technicians in India to perform monitoring services in violation of federal health-care regulations.

False Claims Act whistle-blower Matthew Cieszynski, a technician with LifeWatch, alleged that his employer was using technicians in India to perform cardiac monitoring services to patients in the United States, and then switching the technician's name with a LifeWatch certified technician in the U.S. before submitting the claims for payment to Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE and the Veterans Administration Health Care. Cieszynski said LifeWatch knew that federal health-care program regulations require patients located in the U.S. to be treated by persons also located in the U.S., and that it falsely certified that it was in compliance with regulations with every claim submission.

The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois said the whistle-blower's allegations, which included four specific claims submitted to Medicare that involved Indian technicians whose names were switched with U.S.-based technicians before submission to a referring physician, plausibly alleged that LifeWatch submitted false claims to the government. The court also pointed to forms LifeWatch allegedly submitted with each claim that certified compliance with federal health-care regulations as sufficient to establish liability under an express certification theory of liability.

The case is United States ex rel. Cieszynski v. LifeWatch Servs., Inc., 2015 BL 342749, N.D. Ill., No. 1:13-cv-04052, 10/19/15.

Remember this one everyone?

Chicago-Based LifeWatch Services Inc. Settles Claims for Medicaid Fraud
The Department of Justice (DOJ) has reported a settlement with Chicago-based Lifewatch Services Inc. for submitting false claims to Medicare for Ambulatory Cardiac Telemetry Services. The company will pay the U.S. government $18.5 million. As part of the settlement, LifeWatch is also required to participate in a comprehensive Corporate Integrity Agreement (CIA) to ensure the company's future compliance.

LifeWatch is accused of fraudulently billing Medicare for ambulatory cardiac telemetry (ACT) services that the company knew were not eligible for reimbursement. ACT services provide cardiac event monitoring using cell phone technology without requiring patient participation. Traditional event monitoring requires the patient to push a button to record a cardiac event. ACT services are reimbursed by Medicare at a much higher rate.

Allegedly, even though LifeWatch knew ACT services were ineligible for Medicare reimbursement when the patient suffered only mild to moderate palpitations, the company still submitted false claims to Medicare for these patients and used a phony diagnostic code to trick Medicare into paying on the claims.

The complaints against Lifewatch also alleged that LifeWatch provided free, full-time employees to hospitals and medical practices as kickbacks.

A former LifeWatch sales representative blew the whistle on LifeWatch's Medicare fraud by filing a qui tam lawsuit in December 2009. Another former LifeWatch sales representative filed a similar complaint in another state in May 2011. Under the False Claims Act, whistleblowers who know about fraud against the government, like these former LifeWatch employees, are able to bring a lawsuit on behalf of the government and share in any recovery.

Old news. What's the point? Medtronic, Cardionet, Boston Scientific, Etc. Etc. Etc all have been fined by Medicare. At least this company would appear to be trying to clean itself up.

Old news. What's the point? Medtronic, Cardionet, Boston Scientific, Etc. Etc. Etc all have been fined by Medicare. At least this company would appear to be trying to clean itself up.
Not really if they keep comitting the same fraud over and over again-same fraud different form...how is that trying to clean itself up?
It appears that they like to run fraudulent business vs.making profit in legal ways.

So just because all these companies you named got fined by Medicare it makes it ok to commit the fraud?
The real question is what is your point?

Not really if they keep comitting the same fraud over and over again-same fraud different form...how is that trying to clean itself up?
It appears that they like to run fraudulent business vs.making profit in legal ways.

So just because all these companies you named got fined by Medicare it makes it ok to commit the fraud?
The real question is what is your point?
This ignorant fool has no point. Stupid is as stupid does. Maybe one day they will open a book read it if they can and learn something. It is apparent they were not raised to do good by others, have good morals and ethics.