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Where's the raise?

Okay, now they are talking about having discussions. How about just telling us how much $$$ for our raise and when! Does anybody think they can influence/negotiate the amount of their raise by meeting with their DM for a discussion? HELL NO. So why not just announce the date and amount?

Come on Takeda, get it done!!

Okay, now they are talking about having discussions. How about just telling us how much $$$ for our raise and when! Does anybody think they can influence/negotiate the amount of their raise by meeting with their DM for a discussion? HELL NO. So why not just announce the date and amount?

Come on Takeda, get it done!!

This place drives me to fu*€ing drink! Seriously. WTF Takeda?! Every year there's a line item on where our pay ranks amongst others with our years of experience. It's not like they've ever tried to make any adjustments before, it's just a talking point. So if Takeda wants to make real change they should announce their intentions on a national level and not keep up the secret individual notifications so we're still kept in the dark. FU Takeda

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