Where is HR to deal with OB's Hostile Work Environment?

Last year OB said the sales force deserved a "D"
This year OB says we deserve an "F".
What does it say about OB and our leadership?
Isn't this a failure of OB and our leadership that we are getting worse?! Where was OB's leadership to improve the sales force?
What does it say about our training program for the last year if our grades keep going down?
Is it ever OB's fault?

OB said the sales force deserves an F? Really? when and where? I never heard that. Stop making stuff up and get lost troll.

OB creates a hostile work environment to show LC and Japan that he is "aggressively managing" the sales force. When things do not work out, it is not his fault. See, the sales fierce just sucks. Ha ha!

OB creates a hostile work environment to show LC and Japan that he is "aggressively managing" the sales force. When things do not work out, it is not his fault. See, the sales fierce just sucks. Ha ha!

It is never OB's fault. The reps and DMs are to blame for OB's mixed messages as well as his total lack of planning!

Report OB to HR with your full name! I am sure HR will keep your name confidential and it will not be used against you!!!!!

I didn't know HR protects OB. When did this happen?! I thought HR was a separate entity from OB. I guess I was wrong! Eisai has the shittiest HR. It is made of nothing but a bunch of shameless apologists for OB and management.

OB survives here because we have a lousy HR with loose lips. Eisai's HR is the epi-center of every watercooler gossip. These HR staffers have access to a large amount of sensitive information like salaries, medical details and performance reviews. There are no privacy concerns. They give OB everything he wants to blackmail the reps. Don't you dare to seek any psychiatric treatment using the company's medical health plan because OB will learn about it and within a day or two all other reps will learn about it too.

OB survives in Eisia because we have a few hypocrites running the HR department who don't even apply their policies to their own team. HR management forgets its own policies, especially when it comes to reviews of its people.

Thanks to OB, there is an atmosphere of suspicion here. Everyone is nervous to some degree and no one trusts the company and particularly OB. There is excessive monitoring here. This can only happen because we don't have a real HR department.

OB's biases are common knowledge. He plays favorites and put the people he likes on the top of the pile for promotions even though this is so unfair to other candidates. HR knows about this issue for years and has done nothing to deal with this.