Where is HR to deal with OB's Hostile Work Environment?

Hey OB,

Stop telling the world how smart you are. This place is a mess and obviously your "smart" is not doing us any good.

OB is an arrogant piece of work. His luck is gonna run out one of these days. The blame game is over now. He has no one else to blame but himself now and he knows it. OB knows the place is a mess. He has been here for years and he still acts as if he is an outsider.

This is a good summary of OB's constant VMs. He talks a lot but doesn't say much.

Constant VMs? Wrong. Proof you don't work here anymore but rather you're part of the group of disgruntled, former employees and losers who need to come on this forum and trash Eisai and whatever, just to make themselves feel better. Get off cafepharma and get back to flipping the burgers, idiot.

Constant VMs? Wrong. Proof you don't work here anymore but rather you're part of the group of disgruntled, former employees and losers who need to come on this forum and trash Eisai and whatever, just to make themselves feel better. Get off cafepharma and get back to flipping the burgers, idiot.

Hey OB,

You are full of canal water! You don't get it do you? You don't see the forest for the trees. That is all left of you. Your success is to find typos in someone's post. The above post proves again that you are non-strategic. You are bogged down in the tactical stuff — the “how”.

The psychological mess behind all of the OB posts is quite interesting. I would even say entertaining, but I don't believe in taking pleasure in other people's misery and/or mental instability.

If my memory serves me right, HR has been in the same location for at least 3 years. They're email address hasn't changed either. Therefore, instead of passive-aggressively lashing out on a website, at what you believe to be a serious problem, try picking up the phone or writing to HR to explain your "case". IF you've already taken that route, then hire an attorney and leave Eisai. IF you CHOOSE to continue working here then you really have no right to complain.

I'm not quite sure what your definition of "hostile" is, but something tells me that you may not be cut out for this industry, or business in general. When goals aren't met (in any industry), every one from the top on down, feels the pressure. Some handle it better than others. If you are doing everything in your power, which includes giving 100% effort each and every day, then the pressure won't be felt as much. On the flip side, if your efforts are lacking, then yes, the pressure is far more intense.

If you want to know what a "hostile" environment is like, go work for any of the firms on Wall Street, and your days at Eisai will seem like a walk on the beach.

One more thing, let me guess...you think this is OB taking the time during the leadership meeting to respond to your posts. Now that's laughable!

The psychological mess behind all of the OB posts is quite interesting. I would even say entertaining, but I don't believe in taking pleasure in other people's misery and/or mental instability.

If my memory serves me right, HR has been in the same location for at least 3 years. They're email address hasn't changed either. Therefore, instead of passive-aggressively lashing out on a website, at what you believe to be a serious problem, try picking up the phone or writing to HR to explain your "case". IF you've already taken that route, then hire an attorney and leave Eisai. IF you CHOOSE to continue working here then you really have no right to complain.

I'm not quite sure what your definition of "hostile" is, but something tells me that you may not be cut out for this industry, or business in general. When goals aren't met (in any industry), every one from the top on down, feels the pressure. Some handle it better than others. If you are doing everything in your power, which includes giving 100% effort each and every day, then the pressure won't be felt as much. On the flip side, if your efforts are lacking, then yes, the pressure is far more intense.

If you want to know what a "hostile" environment is like, go work for any of the firms on Wall Street, and your days at Eisai will seem like a walk on the beach.

One more thing, let me guess...you think this is OB taking the time during the leadership meeting to respond to your posts. Now that's laughable!

Hey OB,

You are an idiot! The more you say it is not you, the worse it gets. You sure woud love to have the HR giving you the names of the "troubemakers". Nice try!

The psychological mess behind all of the OB posts is quite interesting. I would even say entertaining, but I don't believe in taking pleasure in other people's misery and/or mental instability.

If my memory serves me right, HR has been in the same location for at least 3 years. They're email address hasn't changed either. Therefore, instead of passive-aggressively lashing out on a website, at what you believe to be a serious problem, try picking up the phone or writing to HR to explain your "case". IF you've already taken that route, then hire an attorney and leave Eisai. IF you CHOOSE to continue working here then you really have no right to complain.

I'm not quite sure what your definition of "hostile" is, but something tells me that you may not be cut out for this industry, or business in general. When goals aren't met (in any industry), every one from the top on down, feels the pressure. Some handle it better than others. If you are doing everything in your power, which includes giving 100% effort each and every day, then the pressure won't be felt as much. On the flip side, if your efforts are lacking, then yes, the pressure is far more intense.

If you want to know what a "hostile" environment is like, go work for any of the firms on Wall Street, and your days at Eisai will seem like a walk on the beach.

One more thing, let me guess...you think this is OB taking the time during the leadership meeting to respond to your posts. Now that's laughable!

Good post. It's about time someone else other than myself stepped up and responded to the handful of former sales employees and losers who just can't get on with their life but have to come on this forum and exact their revenge and try to make themselves feel better by trashing OB and Eisai. Seriously, there are probably a handful of losers who are responsible for the majority of the negative threads and posts on this forum and 99.99% of their posts are pure BS. I come on here about once or twice per week not to respond to their idiocy but to remind them of who they are, which is disgruntled, obsessed, loser former employees.

The psychological mess behind all of the OB posts is quite interesting. I would even say entertaining, but I don't believe in taking pleasure in other people's misery and/or mental instability.

If my memory serves me right, HR has been in the same location for at least 3 years. They're email address hasn't changed either. Therefore, instead of passive-aggressively lashing out on a website, at what you believe to be a serious problem, try picking up the phone or writing to HR to explain your "case". IF you've already taken that route, then hire an attorney and leave Eisai. IF you CHOOSE to continue working here then you really have no right to complain.

I'm not quite sure what your definition of "hostile" is, but something tells me that you may not be cut out for this industry, or business in general. When goals aren't met (in any industry), every one from the top on down, feels the pressure. Some handle it better than others. If you are doing everything in your power, which includes giving 100% effort each and every day, then the pressure won't be felt as much. On the flip side, if your efforts are lacking, then yes, the pressure is far more intense.

If you want to know what a "hostile" environment is like, go work for any of the firms on Wall Street, and your days at Eisai will seem like a walk on the beach.

One more thing, let me guess...you think this is OB taking the time during the leadership meeting to respond to your posts. Now that's laughable!

Notify HR? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA now that is rich!

Good post. It's about time someone else other than myself stepped up and responded to the handful of former sales employees and losers who just can't get on with their life but have to come on this forum and exact their revenge and try to make themselves feel better by trashing OB and Eisai. Seriously, there are probably a handful of losers who are responsible for the majority of the negative threads and posts on this forum and 99.99% of their posts are pure BS. I come on here about once or twice per week not to respond to their idiocy but to remind them of who they are, which is disgruntled, obsessed, loser former employees.

Nice try Walt. Enjoy your life of mediocrity.

It is OB writing the so called "OB's defense". Search CP. OB's been posting here since 2007. The place is a mess and OB knows that. What else can he do? Who else is he gonna blame for the problem? There is no one else left.

There is a hostile work environment in Eisai thanks to OB and his regime. Sales reps experience workplace harassment and fear every day because of the offensive, intimidating, or oppressive atmosphere by OB.

Where is our beloved HR? Is the current hostile work environment okay? Could we please get some direction from the HR about this issue? How far OB can go before a leash is ordered?

HR here: don't worry! The company is sending him to management training. This school is in Paris, France. It is called Les Unversities de Armstrong. He will learn people management skills, testicular onology knowledge, and ways to deal with government review boards. In addition, integrity, ethics, and honesty will be taught at this school.

Last year OB said the sales force deserved a "D"
This year OB says we deserve an "F".
What does it say about OB and our leadership?
Isn't this a failure of OB and our leadership that we are getting worse?! Where was OB's leadership to improve the sales force?
What does it say about our training program for the last year if our grades keep going down?
Is it ever OB's fault?