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I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO BELIEVE. I thought that maybe we'd all be gone, but then they named TN as the head of the "new" neurology business unit so they must be keeping some of us. But, we hardly got any samples at all. I'm already out. A few managers have left, but I don't think any reps have left at all. I believe everyone just wants their severance.

Why would they tell us this so many weeks ago and know we are not working and they are still paying us salary and bonus if so many of us are going to be let go? It makes no sense. I know hardly anyone is making any calls, and we may be doing a lunch or two a week as we have direction to only call on some A's. This is driving me whacko as I have no clue what their strategy is? Did we get WARN yet? I don't think so which means this is going on for more than 60 days. Does anyone have any real insight into this? I have been looking but can't find anything. The holidays are not a good time to look for a job, and I hate to walk away from 4 to 6 months of pay for any job. I heard we may find out in a week, but then someone else said not until Feb. Why would Amgen continue to pay these salaries, etc. knowing that we are not moving business. There is so much falsification of calls going on as we don't know if we will be here and have no samples anyway. I truly know of no one who is working. People are on vacation and sitting at home logging in a few calls a day. Managers certainly aren't looking now. It's beyond bizarre and I'd love answers..

At this point, I can not even imagine what being retained will look like. With no real budget to plan past the next 2 weeks, no samples, no speaker programs, upset customers, larger territories, extremely low morale, we are losing momentum in a market that requires all of these necessities for share of voice. Even if you are working hard, you are handcuffed. The most excruciating part of this is the lack of any communication. Other BU’s are watching this unfold and it is a true lesson on what each of our value is at Amgen. I never look at this page, but feel like it’s the only hope at the moment to get any hint of an answer.

At this point, I can not even imagine what being retained will look like. With no real budget to plan past the next 2 weeks, no samples, no speaker programs, upset customers, larger territories, extremely low morale, we are losing momentum in a market that requires all of these necessities for share of voice. Even if you are working hard, you are handcuffed. The most excruciating part of this is the lack of any communication. Other BU’s are watching this unfold and it is a true lesson on what each of our value is at Amgen. I never look at this page, but feel like it’s the only hope at the moment to get any hint of an answer.

At this point, I can not even imagine what being retained will look like. With no real budget to plan past the next 2 weeks, no samples, no speaker programs, upset customers, larger territories, extremely low morale, we are losing momentum in a market that requires all of these necessities for share of voice. Even if you are working hard, you are handcuffed. The most excruciating part of this is the lack of any communication. Other BU’s are watching this unfold and it is a true lesson on what each of our value is at Amgen. I never look at this page, but feel like it’s the only hope at the moment to get any hint of an answer.

Agree. I rarely come to this site, but the O/P is spot on. It makes no sense. The morale has been so low already and we've been beat up in this market for over 2 years. NOW this....it's so ridiculous that they are not yet telling us. I do think they were thinking 50% of us would leave. Well, the market is not good, there's a looming recession, jobs are not plentiful and people are not walking away from months of severance for a job they don't want. Amgen truly is not a culture that I want to be a part of, but I guess I stay until told otherwise.

I make a call or so a day but have no samples so am logging in a few as everyone is doing. Management has to know this, but they don't care unless they want to get rid of us. At this point, I don't think any manager is looking at any of our calls so it's giving everyone free reign to sit on their azzzes all day and get paid. I'm angry as so many others are. It's embarrassing how after the first of the year I told many of my customers I'd load them up with samples, and now I have to eat crow as have nothing to give them. They obviously don't want us to transfer samples so they are just making us sitting duck. What a company!! UGGGGH

I think I heard one rep left and went to another division. a couple of managers left. no one else leaving. their plan backfired. everyone wants their severance

I heard next Tuesday may be the call

after 3 warnings the others do not have, I bet they sell this off in a year. whoever makes it through this cut probably has a year. I think we all need new jobs.

Amgen's cultiure is not what it once was

Excellent thread - all these posts are well-considered and thoughtful. Thank you.

I am convinced we are selling Aimovig to some other company.

I won’t be shocked if we start Feb 1st with 30 reps nationwide. My prediction is virtually everyone will be laid off by Feb 1st- and Amgen will have sold Aimovig within 6 months of that.

Many mgrs have left or have moved to another division…they don’t know the specifics of what will happen…but they clearly understand that NUBU is going to be non-existent soon.

It’s also possible that 100% of NUBU is gone on Feb 1st- and Aimovig is given to another sales force after we were all put into this general business unit

Excellent thread - all these posts are well-considered and thoughtful. Thank you.

I am convinced we are selling Aimovig to some other company.

I won’t be shocked if we start Feb 1st with 30 reps nationwide. My prediction is virtually everyone will be laid off by Feb 1st- and Amgen will have sold Aimovig within 6 months of that.

Many mgrs have left or have moved to another division…they don’t know the specifics of what will happen…but they clearly understand that NUBU is going to be non-existent soon.

It’s also possible that 100% of NUBU is gone on Feb 1st- and Aimovig is given to another sales force after we were all put into this general business unit

I think they are in the works of selling it off, but it's not a definite. Something is definitely going down as all the managers are looking to get out. More managers have left than reps so the "aboves" may be trying to protect them. The odd thing is having TN still named as Neuro director...but that could just be a temporary thing. I can't see them going down to only 30 reps. Maybe 70 or so. Cuts will be big, but some of the states have over 10 reps. California has a lot of reps, Texas has a lot of reps, how could they go down to 2 or so? That just does not make sense. Nothing makes sense with this division and nothing ever has made sense with this division--it's truly the mess of the company. Amgen mismanaged a great product from start to finish...The hub was the beginning of the debacle getting hypertension, constipation and alopecia sealed the BAD fate with this product. Even if we make it through this, we are gone soon.

I just find it hilarious how no reps are leaving. We all are lame duck waiting to be fed

You are right - it is funny that no one is leaving. Heck, part of that is because the reps would really, really like this to have worked - and nobody wants to bail on Aimovig.

Except Amgen.

it is funny that no one is left, and it’s kind of sad how many people have remained hopeful. There is nothing to be hopeful about. IF you make it through this one, it only delays your eventual departure a few more months. It’s over.

You are right - it is funny that no one is leaving. Heck, part of that is because the reps would really, really like this to have worked - and nobody wants to bail on Aimovig.

Except Amgen.

it is funny that no one is left, and it’s kind of sad how many people have remained hopeful. There is nothing to be hopeful about. IF you make it through this one, it only delays your eventual departure a few more months. It’s over.
You all are not leaving because you are unwanted elsewhere. You are only as committed as your options.

You are right - it is funny that no one is leaving. Heck, part of that is because the reps would really, really like this to have worked - and nobody wants to bail on Aimovig.

Except Amgen.

it is funny that no one is left, and it’s kind of sad how many people have remained hopeful. There is nothing to be hopeful about. IF you make it through this one, it only delays your eventual departure a few more months. It’s over.

great point. We have all remained hopeful for no reason. No reps are leaving, and their plan backfired. Their plan was to tell us early so we'd leave and they'd not have to lay off as many and look bad to Wall Street. Amgen does not care about its people. HR is toxic, many managers are toxic and the aboves protect each other. I think quite a few managers have left no only maybe one or two reps switched divisions. I don't even think any quit which is comical as we have had months. We will all be gone in a year or less. The division was a complete failure and the reps were the only ones who cared. TN is going to be taken care of in a new division.

Agreed. The people who logically think TN staying in charge of Neuro indicates something…are wrong, is my guess.

she could absolutely be in charge of Neuro until it totally gets eliminated- sometime later this year. And at that point she simply slides in to another executive vacancy.

This new announcement with TN…is meaningless for the sales force.

Agreed. The people who logically think TN staying in charge of Neuro indicates something…are wrong, is my guess.

she could absolutely be in charge of Neuro until it totally gets eliminated- sometime later this year. And at that point she simply slides in to another executive vacancy.

This new announcement with TN…is meaningless for the sales force.

TN will certainly slide into another division. This is short lived. Probably cutting down to 70 to 90

They’re giving Aimovig to another sales team and we are ALL gone. Just my guess.

Makes no sense though. Why would they just not have told us that when the first call was taken place months ago? They have not even given us WARN so they will be paying us more. Plus TN is head of Neuro. No, I think they are cutting to 90 to 100 and then the division will be sold off in a year. Any of us who keep our jobs need to find a way to get out this year. This bleeding has to stop and the division is not viable. Amgen is NOT investing in neuroscience though they initially told us that. The bandaid will be totally off this year, but I think at least half of us will be here after the changes. It depends on where you live and perhaps other factors like tenure, etc. could come into play. BUT that's not always the case. Sometimes they do weird stuff with reorgs . I just want to know.

You lost me at “makes no sense”….because man it doesn’t make much sense at all to just spend the last 2.5 months with hardly anyone working.

IF any of us do keep our jobs on Feb 1st…we are going to be in for a rude awakening when we have to go back to actual work!!

You lost me at “makes no sense”….because man it doesn’t make much sense at all to just spend the last 2.5 months with hardly anyone working.

IF any of us do keep our jobs on Feb 1st…we are going to be in for a rude awakening when we have to go back to actual work!!

Agree. No one's been working. And to think for years they manage people out managers want off the team if they falsify a few calls to make these ridiculous poa s. Comical to say the least. I've made about 10 calls since they told us 2.5 months ago. It's been a nice vacation--stressful as I don't know if I have a job, but so easy collecting this money doing basically nothing. I know of no one who is doing much of anything but recording 2 or 3 fake calls a day to check the box.

I hope we find out soon.

The strangest part is that management knows it. Management WANTS you to NOT work right now.

The incredibly low # of samples, the complete lack of engagement from management…we have not had one “rah-rah patients still need us” message. Our manager told us directly that no one would be checking activity. I think from a company perspective, they don’t want the costs or liability of reps in the field.

the field sales force quit? Management quit!! They know what we don’t know yet.

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