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When Does Vas Get Held to Account for his Role in Bribing Trump?

Thank goodness there were NEVER any immoral or unethical activities conducted during the last administration. U lost in '16, you will lose again in November and you Trump will win again in '20. Quit hating and enjoy the prosperity!

Thank goodness there were NEVER any immoral or unethical activities conducted during the last administration. U lost in '16, you will lose again in November and you Trump will win again in '20. Quit hating and enjoy the prosperity!

I have read this post from top to bottom.
I don't think this has anything to do with Trump but rather with Novartis and its attempt to do something that does not quite fit in with our Code and also with all the damn compliance training that keeps coming our way.
Or maybe you don't get the incessant requests that I do.

The real fact is that did not "just become" CEO. He was a very influential part of the senior team for many years. He was once global head of meningitis franchise. Then President, US Vaccines and was also made the Region Head North America. Then Global Head of the Sandoz Biopharmaceuticals and Oncology Injectables business unit. Then Global Head, Development. Then in 2016 Global Head of Drug Development and Chief Medical Officer in Novartis.
So for anyone that thinks Vas with his very long term at senior levels in Novartis is going to bring any refreshing change is sorely mistaken. He is merely a clone of Joe and just like Joe he will give lip service to ethics, etc. His new AI idea is going to take the big-brothering of the sales team to anew level. You won't be able to go to the toilet without big brother knowing. This is Vas. Get used to it.

The OP, in the title of the thread, said Trump took a bribe. However, Trump didn't take a bribe, a lawyer/consultant was paid... Nothing to do with Trump. The issues with VAS, are lost because the OP wants to also go off in the weeds with a fallacy that draws attention away from the real issue.

You're funny.
If NVS did nothing wrong then why are they still scrambling to distance themselves from the Cohen issue?
Why do so many rather influential organisations smell a rat?
Why the very quick response from NVS to make the point that Vas had nothing to do with this?
Why the sudden call from Vas to FIVE THOUSAND of his managers to talk about being more careful when hiring consultants?
If NVS did nothing wrong then why the defensive behaviour.
I am fully aligned with the OP and support her/his views on this.

You're a dope. The post you quoted was stating that dragging Trump into this is laughable and shows the extent of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Vas is a traitor to the American people. Period !!! He should relinquish his US citizenship and take up Swiss citizenship. How can an American disrespect his own people to benefit the Swiss economy? They use transfer pricing to ensure that the profits from most Novartis meds are retained in Switzerland before they supply the US patient.

Vas blatantly lied to the the staff at Novartis and the world when Novartis, under his watch, stated that there was a single communication with Michael Cohen.

These are the actual facts :

1. It was announced in September 2017 that Vas would become CEO in February 2018
2. Between the September announcement and February there was a handover taking place between Joe and Vas.
3. Vas duly took over as CEO on the 1st February 2018
4. From this day on Vas took FULL accountability for Novartis
5. On the 8th of May the Michael Cohen story broke. At that time there was an allegation that Novartis had paid Cohen 400k
6. On the 9th of May Novartis clarified that the payment was actually 1,2 million paid at 100k per month for 12 months. Novartis further stated that the one year agreement for which Essential Consultants was paid $100 000 per month "predated Vas Narasimhan becoming Novartis CEO and he was in no way involved with this agreement"

Up to now this all sounds very plausible.

7. Also on the 9th of May a Novartis "insider" made the following statement "At first it all sounded impressive, but toward the end of the meeting, everyone realized this was probably a slippery slope to engage him" the employee continued. "So they decided not to really engage Cohen for any activities after that"
Another Novartis carefully leaked statement to the media on the same day : "the drugmaker said that even though it determined after a single meeting that the firm would be unable to provide the services it anticipated and decided not to engage further, it was contractually bound to keep making monthly payments"
8. Vas then writes his now-famous soppy email to staff on the 10th May.
9. Also on the 10th May a Novartis spokesperson again re-iterates that they decided not to engage Cohen again after the first meeting.
Please bear in mind that this is now the period that Vas is CEO. He is accountable for Novartis and all its actions. He can see what is in the media. And he can see that the statement that Novartis only engaged Cohen ONCE and after that first engagement decided not to use his services. This is a SERIOUS issue for Novartis. Vas has every resource within Novartis at his disposal. He is a smart guy so he must have ensured that he was fully in the loop on all material aspects of the Cohen issue.
10. Novartis at this stage were still sitting on a somewhat arrogant high-horse in that they were pushing the story that what they did was "not wrong".
What Novartis did not anticipate was that on the 11th May a Senate Committee would send a letter of demand to Novartis with a whole range of questions that needed answering.

So how can I say Vas lied all along?
He allowed the lie that "Novartis only had one engagement with Cohen" to continue. He let people repeat this statement to give it credibility. As one reporter stated "Novartis seem to have a carefully choreographed response to this issue" and it seemed that Novartis was making strategic leaks to the media.
So the key message that kept on being repeated was that Novartis only had ONE engagement with Cohen.
He allowed the lie to continue being perpetrated and thus became a part of the lie and indeed accountable for the lie.

So where's the evidence :
Novartis had to comply with the Senate Committee's demands for documentation. Bear in mind that this demand came on the 11th May AFTER Vas had allowed the lie about a single interaction with Michael Cohen to be perpetuated.
So let's look at the bundle of documents Novartis had to supply the Senate Committee:

- Page 159 is a meeting request from Felix Ehrat to Thomas Kendris, Dan Casserlly and Michael Cohen for a meeting on the 1st March 2017 at Novartis Corporate office in New York
- Page 160 is an entry in Joe Jimenez's diary for a telephone call between Joe and Michael Cohen for the 4 April 2017. Joe to call Cohen on his cellphone
- Page 161 shows details of a TC organized by Joe Jimenez with Michael Cohen for the 7th April 2017
- Page 163 is an email from Joe Jimenez to Michael Cohen on the 5th June 2017 regarding ideas for lowering drug prices
- Page 166 is an email from Joe Jimenez to Michael Cohen on the 13th June 2017 thanking Cohen
- Page 167 is an email from Michael Cohen to Joe Jimenez
- Page 169 is an email from Joe Jimenez to Michael Cohen on the 28th May 2017 in reply to a mail from Cohen
- Page 171 is an email from Michael Cohen to Joe Jimenez on the 24th August 2017
- Page 173 is a mail from Michael Cohen to Joe Jimenez dated 24 August 2017
- Page 188 is a mail from Michael Cohen to Joe Jimenez dated 24 August 2017
- Page 190 is an email from Joe Jimenez to Michael Cohen dated 24 August 2017 regarding an Autism drug
- Page 191 is an email from Joe Jimenez to Michael Cohen dated 25 August 2017 again referring the Autism drug
- Page 192 relates to an entry in Joe Jimenez's diary for a TC with Michael Cohen on the 15 September 2017
- Page 193 is an email from Michael Cohen to Joe Jimenez dated 22 September 2017

So I count FOURTEEN interactions versus the ONE that Novartis under the leadership of Vas Narasimhan insisted had occurred. So effectively Vas is guilty of THIRTEEN counts of lying.


Thanks "Sue Slayer". Acknowledgement as requested :)

Vas is a traitor to the American people. Period !!! He should relinquish his US citizenship and take up Swiss citizenship. How can an American disrespect his own people to benefit the Swiss economy? They use transfer pricing to ensure that the profits from most Novartis meds are retained in Switzerland before they supply the US patient.

It is a Swiss company after all....

And every large company plays this game. Look up what goes on in Ireland and Bermuda.

America's finest know how to optimize their tax obligations.

It is a Swiss company after all....

And every large company plays this game. Look up what goes on in Ireland and Bermuda.

America's finest know how to optimize their tax obligations.

Sure. You are so right.
But none of the other companies claim to be doing what's good and right for American patients. Novartis claims to do so but then does everything in its power to screw the vulnerable in American society. And the damn CEO is supposed to be a patriot. If only Trump knew that Vas is destroying the care of the very support base that put him in power.

Only if he knew, only if he knew...whah, whah, whah. Good try snowflake, but you can feel comforted that with your post THE GREATEST US PRESIDENT IN HISTORY, now knows about Vas

Vas will never get held to account for anything. He will keep making his millions and continue doing business anyway he wants. Novartis is too big and powerful to care. Just keep earning your pay and make peace with it.

Sure. You are so right.
But none of the other companies claim to be doing what's good and right for American patients. Novartis claims to do so but then does everything in its power to screw the vulnerable in American society. And the damn CEO is supposed to be a patriot. If only Trump knew that Vas is destroying the care of the very support base that put him in power.

Novartis does what's good and right for the bottom line. As does Trump. We say that people are first. Yes, of course, MYSELF, MY FAMILY, AND MY PEOPLE!

The power manifesting at highest levels of political and corporate hierarchies will continue to rotate amongst the chosen ones.

The support bases are malleable to the extent that they are useful to maintain the chosen ones' hold on power.

And, no, this has nothing to do with any Jewish conspiracy. It's basic human history, been going on for thousands of years. It just is so.

Novartis does what's good and right for the bottom line. As does Trump. We say that people are first. Yes, of course, MYSELF, MY FAMILY, AND MY PEOPLE!

The power manifesting at highest levels of political and corporate hierarchies will continue to rotate amongst the chosen ones.

The support bases are malleable to the extent that they are useful to maintain the chosen ones' hold on power.

And, no, this has nothing to do with any Jewish conspiracy. It's basic human history, been going on for thousands of years. It just is so.

Wau – these people / comments show the new face / character of the Novartis formed under Joerg – „Obsequium amicus, veritas odium parit“ – thanks for this transformation of a once respected company, we all had been proud to work for long time ago.

Wau – these people / comments show the new face / character of the Novartis formed under Joerg – „Obsequium amicus, veritas odium parit“ – thanks for this transformation of a once respected company, we all had been proud to work for long time ago.

Just wondering, when did Novartis stop becoming a respected company? Were they ever a respected company? When did you stop being proud to work at Novartis? Was it a single event?

Vas will never get held to account for anything. He will keep making his millions and continue doing business anyway he wants. Novartis is too big and powerful to care. Just keep earning your pay and make peace with it.

What do you care? Novartis is a big, strong, fat company that does a lot of people a lot of good, pays you probably more than you deserve, and even has a lot of hot babes running around. Quit complaining and enjoy your job and life. And, btw, if you look at any other pharmaco's board here, they all have the same complaints, i.e., the boss sucks, the company's corrupt, their products suck, the pipeline sucks, etc., etc., etc. There is no Nirvana.