What's with the Novartis DM transpalnts from Galderma ?


They were hired as friends from an x-Galderma manager, who brought
them on as friends rather than talent.

I feel bad for the representatives that have to deal with the inflated egos .

Porto scammed the company with some fake titles and accomplishments he had nothing to do with at Galderma and post Galderma . The DM crew he is bringing over is not necessarily the cream of the crop either. Snow white characters including your new sales leader seems apropos. Time will tell but they will probably struggle with their launch product.

Many women are interested in leaving because we are sick and tired of getting screwed over by the boys in the home office. Amazing that this current upper management team is still in place with how poorly they have treated us over the years. If you don't believe it, look at how long it takes for us to get promoted and the pasts of those in charge. Shameful!!

I agree completely. Look at some of the managers who have been hired the past couple of years. How about RL, now gone since he got demoted. Good boys club!!! Let's wine, dine and sleep with people to get scripts... Then have home office get worked up and hear the stories. SMH

Porto scammed the company with some fake titles and accomplishments he had nothing to do with at Galderma and post Galderma . The DM crew he is bringing over is not necessarily the cream of the crop either. Snow white characters including your new sales leader seems apropos. Time will tell but they will probably struggle with their launch product.

Gotta love this post. The sad part is that it was likely from a member of our home office management team. They hate to see anyone leave and do well because they are frauds and want everyone to believe that Galderma is the only place to work. Is anyone excited about being here selling a bunch of old A and C products? Will any doctors really be excited? This company is way past it's prime! There are other companies that are now bringing much more to the table with innovation and opportunity. I am getting out if this place as soon as one of them hires me.

The X Dm's are spilling secrets, talking about how much rep's made, and what upper management thought about them . They are doing the best to piss reps off to join Novartis.

How is Mr. Wonderful , TJ , going to explain to his Galderma hires his years of
breaking every rule on expense reports and D.r. coverage that everyone is aware of
and be taken seriously for such a reputable company ?

Porto scammed the company with some fake titles and accomplishments he had nothing to do with at Galderma and post Galderma . The DM crew he is bringing over is not necessarily the cream of the crop either. Snow white characters including your new sales leader seems apropos. Time will tell but they will probably struggle with their launch product.

What was his role at Galderma?

I can't see Galderma missing any of managers that have left so far . Most where lazy , or bullies and one struggled with addictions .

Please take them back - impossible to work for. This is the first time that I am in a position where i am better qualified than my manager.
Let me guess- it was TF who had the issues. Wouldn't surprise me. I've seen him at meetings. Glad that I am not in his region.

Please take them back - impossible to work for. This is the first time that I am in a position where i am better qualified than my manager.
Let me guess- it was TF who had the issues. Wouldn't surprise me. I've seen him at meetings. Glad that I am not in his region.

Heard we are interviewing for more Galderma people here at Novartis. Not sure why. No one has proven they are worth it.