Cyberknife is radiation, not actual surgery like the dV.
Titan, imho, is taking notes from ISI and their customers and will plan to do exactly the opposite. Titan will probably target small hospitals or hospitals that haven't pulled the trigger on a system yet (Consider there are over 6000 hospitals in the US, and 1200 or so dV's have been sold. Many hospitals have more than one.) and offer a robot at $500K or so.
ISI is preparing for this by taking back all the old 1st gen robots. They'll refurbish them and sell them around the same price....or try to enter 3rd world countries with them. Hospitals have been abused by ISI and they will make it known. Only problem is, everyone at ISI has made the money they wanted so they won't learn a lesson. These people don't care about karma and will just move on to something else. In the end, ISI will make a ton of cash by using unethical practices (both w/ employees and with customers) and ultimately win. Unless they get taken down from, just guessing here, cooking the books by claiming more surgeries than actually have taken place. But who knows? Just a shot in the dark.