What's it really like to work here?

So they start the rest of the sales force at mid 50's to 61k, but you 76k. That sure makes sense. ?. Then you make an additional 22k in bonus, which is doable: but would put you in the top 10% of the country. Good for you, that's fantastic! But it's not realistic. For most in this company, 60k plus 6 to 12 k in base is where you'll be.

6 to 12k in "bonus", not base.

If you really want an honest opinion, you should not be looking to cafepharma to help you find that. Most people on here are the complainers of the company. If it's so bad, leave. I have made $10,500 in bonus this calendar year so far and we get paid monthly so it's a nice perk.

My base is lower than some people in my geography in pharma but I am happy to not have an awful micromanager and I live in my territory. It's not the greatest job in the world but it certainly isn't the worst either. You have to make every situation work for you. There are awful managers in some geographies here that I would never in a million years work for but I got lucky with one that doesn't ride us too hard and is nice and layed back.

When it comes to pay there are plenty of people with no experience making somewhere in the $50's but there are also plenty of people in the $80's as well. Negotiate your pay and vacation and if they don't work with you, then don't take it. It's all what you make it.

If you really want an honest opinion, you should not be looking to cafepharma to help you find that. Most people on here are the complainers of the company. If it's so bad, leave. I have made $10,500 in bonus this calendar year so far and we get paid monthly so it's a nice perk.

My base is lower than some people in my geography in pharma but I am happy to not have an awful micromanager and I live in my territory. It's not the greatest job in the world but it certainly isn't the worst either. You have to make every situation work for you. There are awful managers in some geographies here that I would never in a million years work for but I got lucky with one that doesn't ride us too hard and is nice and layed back.

When it comes to pay there are plenty of people with no experience making somewhere in the $50's but there are also plenty of people in the $80's as well. Negotiate your pay and vacation and if they don't work with you, then don't take it. It's all what you make it.

I would say this is accurate except the part about people in the 80's. I don't know anyone hired in for more than low 60's. Maybe the pay scale changes based on geography.
Anyway, this job is easy unless you have a jerk for a manager. You just have to know how to think on your feet and apply some street smarts. A good understanding of the disease state is essential too. Nothing too complicated if you have a basic command of these things.

Stability??? We just went thru reallignment...they let 10 people go... Offered them basically nothing didn't even give them 30 days of insurance or pay it was awful what they did to them. Not only that... How much life does lipofen have left... Under a year. And livalo less than 2 years! And we can't even get from "RTB"!! The sales force talking about livalo shrunk with the Lilly loss... Yet they think they are gonna help stop that bleed by hiring 20 reps??

If you really want an honest opinion, you should not be looking to cafepharma to help you find that. Most people on here are the complainers of the company. If it's so bad, leave. I have made $10,500 in bonus this calendar year so far and we get paid monthly so it's a nice perk.

My base is lower than some people in my geography in pharma but I am happy to not have an awful micromanager and I live in my territory. It's not the greatest job in the world but it certainly isn't the worst either. You have to make every situation work for you. There are awful managers in some geographies here that I would never in a million years work for but I got lucky with one that doesn't ride us too hard and is nice and layed back.

When it comes to pay there are plenty of people with no experience making somewhere in the $50's but there are also plenty of people in the $80's as well. Negotiate your pay and vacation and if they don't work with you, then don't take it. It's all what you make it.

This place is a shit show.

What I don't understand is the mind set most of the reps have...why are you all so content making 75K a year (IF YOU'RE LUCKY) at this dump and just getting by. Is that what you signed up for in life? I guess for some, working for Kowa means "they've arrived" in the world.

If you really want an honest opinion, you should not be looking to cafepharma to help you find that. Most people on here are the complainers of the company. If it's so bad, leave. I have made $10,500 in bonus this calendar year so far and we get paid monthly so it's a nice perk.

My base is lower than some people in my geography in pharma but I am happy to not have an awful micromanager and I live in my territory. It's not the greatest job in the world but it certainly isn't the worst either. You have to make every situation work for you. There are awful managers in some geographies here that I would never in a million years work for but I got lucky with one that doesn't ride us too hard and is nice and layed back.

When it comes to pay there are plenty of people with no experience making somewhere in the $50's but there are also plenty of people in the $80's as well. Negotiate your pay and vacation and if they don't work with you, then don't take it. It's all what you make it.

What?!?!?!? First... Why are you on here then?? You should be out spending your big KOwa money. Second... You are a complete misrepresentation of what reality is at KOwa. There are NUMEROUS reps that have made ZERO dollars in bonus while having positive growth! The current and last 2 IC plans paid more money per month in bonus to reps who have high volume but had negative growth.... Vs a low volume territory that gets paid ZERO dollars despite being in the top 30 for growth!!!! What kind of sales organization pays big bonuses on negative growth!!! You need VOLUME to win here. A rep in 2012 had over 200% growth with livalo but was BARELY in the top 50 percent of the sales force. I will say you are correct that it is laid back and not micro managed.

What?!?!?!? First... Why are you on here then?? You should be out spending your big KOwa money. Second... You are a complete misrepresentation of what reality is at KOwa. There are NUMEROUS reps that have made ZERO dollars in bonus while having positive growth! The current and last 2 IC plans paid more money per month in bonus to reps who have high volume but had negative growth.... Vs a low volume territory that gets paid ZERO dollars despite being in the top 30 for growth!!!! What kind of sales organization pays big bonuses on negative growth!!! You need VOLUME to win here. A rep in 2012 had over 200% growth with livalo but was BARELY in the top 50 percent of the sales force. I will say you are correct that it is laid back and not micro managed.[/QUOTE

LIKE I SAID BEFORE, IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT HERE........LEAVE!!!!!!!!!! and stop ripping on the people that do like it here. I am content, like my manager and like my territory. IF that was different, I would be looking for a job and moving on with my life. I am not going to stay here forever but the four years that I have put in have been good and I'm not afraid to say it.

What?!?!?!? First... Why are you on here then?? You should be out spending your big KOwa money. Second... You are a complete misrepresentation of what reality is at KOwa. There are NUMEROUS reps that have made ZERO dollars in bonus while having positive growth! The current and last 2 IC plans paid more money per month in bonus to reps who have high volume but had negative growth.... Vs a low volume territory that gets paid ZERO dollars despite being in the top 30 for growth!!!! What kind of sales organization pays big bonuses on negative growth!!! You need VOLUME to win here. A rep in 2012 had over 200% growth with livalo but was BARELY in the top 50 percent of the sales force. I will say you are correct that it is laid back and not micro managed.[/QUOTE

LIKE I SAID BEFORE, IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT HERE........LEAVE!!!!!!!!!! and stop ripping on the people that do like it here. I am content, like my manager and like my territory. IF that was different, I would be looking for a job and moving on with my life. I am not going to stay here forever but the four years that I have put in have been good and I'm not afraid to say it.

I did!

I was hired 2 months ago. I got considerably more in base (84500). I find it hard to believe people are making 65.

I concur on that salary! I am an experienced rep they brought me in at 86k base plus bonus. Was told I should hit $40k bonus without a problem. I am stoked bro! Besides this company likes to party. I heard the VP of sales and RD's like to swig!

If you can cut through the sarcasm and bitterness, listen to the more objective replys. Best gig, no. Worst gig, no.

You know what you want and need more than any of these total strangers. I have always thought, "go with your gut", based on solid, constructive feedback.

I wish you well no matter what you do.

I concur on that salary! I am an experienced rep they brought me in at 86k base plus bonus. Was told I should hit $40k bonus without a problem. I am stoked bro! Besides this company likes to party. I heard the VP of sales and RD's like to swig!

Seriously....Why does someone like the poster above feel the need to lie so badly? I realize it's an anonymous poster on Cafe Pharma. But....it's just hard to imagine what type of joy someone gets by b.s.-ing?

If you're truly curious about what type of base salary you can expect, then why don't you just pose the question instead of throwing out a figure that's obviously not even close to what you'd earn?

No matter how many years of experience you have, how great your resume is or who you know: they didn't "bring you in" as a rep at 86k. They didn't bring you in at 76k and they probably didn't bring you in at 66k.

If someone told you that you'd make 40k in bonus "no problem". That true was a lie. You have to rank at the top for volume, growth and mkt share every single month for an entire year to make that. Is it POSSIBLE? Yes. Is it probable? No. Would someone tell you that you would make that "no problem"? Absolutely not. The second you see the I.C. plan, you'd know the manager was full of crap that told you that and you'd be looking for another job!

Just ask next time and don't lie, Douche. No one likes a liar and most religions consider it a sin.

What?!?!?!? First... Why are you on here then?? You should be out spending your big KOwa money. Second... You are a complete misrepresentation of what reality is at KOwa. There are NUMEROUS reps that have made ZERO dollars in bonus while having positive growth! The current and last 2 IC plans paid more money per month in bonus to reps who have high volume but had negative growth.... Vs a low volume territory that gets paid ZERO dollars despite being in the top 30 for growth!!!! What kind of sales organization pays big bonuses on negative growth!!! You need VOLUME to win here. A rep in 2012 had over 200% growth with livalo but was BARELY in the top 50 percent of the sales force. I will say you are correct that it is laid back and not micro managed.[/QUOTE

LIKE I SAID BEFORE, IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT HERE........LEAVE!!!!!!!!!! and stop ripping on the people that do like it here. I am content, like my manager and like my territory. IF that was different, I would be looking for a job and moving on with my life. I am not going to stay here forever but the four years that I have put in have been good and I'm not afraid to say it.

Guys, it is what it is. Its works for some, it does not work for some. Territory, formulary, access,etc. Just try to be objective, and yes, don't listen to management who monitor. They have their own agenda, as do the rest of us. It is really that simple. Current rep here doing her best to be objective.

I was hired a little over a year ago. Base 76000. W2 was 98000 for 2012. Don't believe all the bs. You can do well here.

Not true. I interviewed because it was announced that my company was doing a major restructuring. I have enough years and successes to warrant much more than a $76k base.

I was offered the position at a salary much lower and an apology by the DM.

There is some serious reading comprehension issues with some people on here. O.k. "Junior"....If you had the attention span to read more than one sentence: obviously, "pretty good gig" is the only thing you are able to retain, so I'll spell it out slowly for you.

BEFORE, the "pretty good gig" was stated....are you still with me? Before those three words, I stated that the base salary is one of the lowest in the industry, the bonus is very low for the industry, the benefits are not that good and the products are "me too" with many generic competitors.

If your ADHD has allowed you to still be with me....I then said that if you are able to get by and be o.k. with the lower pay (for the industry)...that's "IF", now.....then, with the company car and being a relatively stable company in a not stable industry, THEN it's a "pretty good gig".

Believe it or not, there are millions of people who'd love a job like this: just like I said. Let's be real: the job itself (pharma) is much easier than the average job. That in itself, plus $65-$70K, plus another $10K for company car for one of the few stable companies in the industry. YES, that is desirable for many people: regardless of their education, experience, etc.

You throw around the $120K, etc, figures which USED to be more common in pharma, but was never any type of average or mean income: even for drug reps with experience. If you make 120K a year, you're in the top 4 or 5% of all earners in the U.S. Even if you were/are lucky to make that, you probably had/will have to go through a "realignment" of some kind every year and most likely were/will be laid off because they will find someone to take 50K for a base and be happy with it.

I stated facts, which I'll stand behind, and you didn't have the ability to comprehend anything but the pretty good gig line. I didn't say anything about not moving up in the corporate world, economy, excuses or anything close to that. I don't even work for the company, anymore; I just gave an honest assesment of the company to possibly help someone make an informed decision in their career. You're just on here to be a Douche, it appears. :)

Wow! So much self pitty. The job sucks dude, stop trying to validate why you suck!