What's going on?

Tres is the only exec worth a hoot.
Tres was a rock star in the Lone Star state.
From this reason Tres has lots friends in high places back in the Big D.
Fire him and Tres just returns home to cash even bigger checks.
And drive faster cars.
And tell more stories in the home of the Dallas Cowboys.

Tres is the only exec worth a hoot.
Tres was a rock star in the Lone Star state.
From this reason Tres has lots friends in high places back in the Big D.
Fire him and Tres just returns home to cash even bigger checks.
And drive faster cars.
And tell more stories in the home of the Dallas Cowboys.
Ya, Tres is solid. Fun to work with.

is now a good time to join Acell? Product looks promising I know some surgeons are very happy with it but I've heard some scary things about leadership and culture. Anyone have info?

...Don't walk run. This company is a nightmare. Company is run by vp sales who has no clue what he's doing and treats everyone like garbage. He's a total fraud that surrounds himself with "yes" men. Massive turnover continues and sales are not growing. Strategy is shoot from the hip. And the pay is garbage.

I've been with ACeLL almost 2 years. Here are the facts:
-Product is great.
-Turnover is unlike anything I've ever seen in my 20 year career.
-VP of Sales is a joke. He is an unethical, slimy, dictator in cowboy boots
-Reps are treated like crap.
-Money is okay for some, terrible for most
-company culture is beyond poor.

Posted in 2012
The above post is spot on, Acell is EXTREMELY poorly managed with all ex biomet distributor sales reps that lack any leadership qualities. I worked there for six LONG months before I left. I would say 6-12 months is the average duration for a sales rep. High turnover nationwide! The director of sales, T has low moral and is extremely unprofessional with very little knowledge of the market or how hospitals operate...
Acell simply does not have the proper foundation to build a successful company, they are unprofessional, unethical, poor leadership, no clinical data, unorganized structure and unstrategic business model.

Nothing has changed except now the DOJ has finally caught wind of the illegal activities. If you join acell you must not have any other options. You are better off unemployed. Good luck

The regional manager here in the west is telling everyone the VP of Sales will be fired soon and he's lined up for the promotion. He's telling people when he takes over the sales organization that he will grow the company 25%+ each year. sounds like it's happening soon. Bye-bye TR!

Yes sir! The cowboy will be fired (finally!). Probably after the NSM. West RM has been positioning himself for the job for several weeks. He's already preping with his team behind the scenes. It's only a matter of time y'all.

ACell is not doomed. There is a new board of directors that is well qualified. They know what they're doing and they are hiring a new CEO. Lots of things are improving and the future is bright here. The DOJ investigation will be over soon and the company will set up the IPO soon after. Don't believe all the nonsense.

Here a question to ask. Why are there no human studies? The product has been on the market for seven years. If it worked they would have done some studies.
Acell reps just make ridiculous unsubstantiated claims. These are the worst reps in the industry. I would never hire anyone that worked for Acell. You've been warned.

if the new board knows what they're doing, then they'll be firing the vp of sales. He's running the place into the ground. I put up solid sales here the last couple of years (top 15%) but I get paid horse doody. I'm leaving too. Company is moving backwards y'all. Everyone sees it. Even the folks in the home office are asking "why do all the reps keep quitting?" They can't hide the truth forever.

west coast RM is telling people the VP of sales is getting fired and he's sliding into the role after it goes down. is this a good thing for acell? I don't work directly for the RM but he seems like a solid dude. Thoughts?

I heard that too. West Reg Mangr can't wait for the current vp of sales to be canned. He's been plotting this for 2 months. Little dude is sneaky. Not cool brah. Thought you were a team player, playa. Remind me to watch my back around that guy

West coast RM is dilussional. No way he gets that job. He doesn't know what he's doing in his current position. Half of his business is a house of cards. We're all pretty sure he works 2-3 days a week.

Depends on your geography and your manager. Some areas of the country perform year after year while others have bone-head managers where that can't grow the business for 3,4 years in a row.

90% of reps make about $90k in year 1. Some a little more. Some less. Year 2 (if you don't quit after year 1) is about $115K on average. Those are the facts. Anyone that tells you otherwise is lying to you