What's Going On With This Company?

High Income? Yea right? Try high turnover. They fire people without blinking an eye and are going through major cut backs at all levels to due to low sales. All their senior sales leadership just left. What does that tell you? Do not listen to recruiters as they are just trying to get a commission. Do your research and talk to reps in the field. Any territory that is open is not expansion, it's a rep that was just canned because of lack of sales. They are consolidating territories and are in desperation mode. Definitely much better and stable companies to work for.

High Income? Yea right? Try high turnover. They fire people without blinking an eye and are going through major cut backs at all levels to due to low sales. All their senior sales leadership just left. What does that tell you? Do not listen to recruiters as they are just trying to get a commission. Do your research and talk to reps in the field. Any territory that is open is not expansion, it's a rep that was just canned because of lack of sales. They are consolidating territories and are in desperation mode. Definitely much better and stable companies to work for.

Thanks! Why would anyone want to work there? Every rep that has left there hated it. No wonder there is so much turnover. The sales managers are so full of shit as well as the recruiters. If your a recruiter and you push this, you are a creepy weasel.

Go CK - get your 70's management style on and whip the hair around like you are an old school management shark.
Nice work on the quotas - nice to see you stack more quota on top of people 'just because'. SO glad I cam here - not.

The anonymous poster is a dumb ass. That said I guess I am one as well. this quota is total BS. I'll take your bet that less than 25% of reps hit the magic 3 Systems. Go CK go. Nice quota. I am so motivated.

Why don't you just rephrase your post, I'm not a top sales person or a good enough sales person to sell 3 systems a quarter, costing less than 90k total, like the top 25% of the company, & I am costing this company more than I am worth?
You are sad.

Why don't you just rephrase your post, I'm not a top sales person or a good enough sales person to sell 3 systems a quarter, costing less than 90k total, like the top 25% of the company, & I am costing this company more than I am worth?
You are sad.

You are right, the majority of the company is not good enough. We will see how things look when your sales force start to resign for better opportunities in Q4. The openings will eventually be hard to fill. You ever fart so hard while you are asleep that you wake up screaming?

Love the prior poster:
Correct, we are great interviewers for your hired us. As for you, it is always the best move to call your sales force worthless and tell them to get interviewing vs. checking into reality. I find All successful companies hire the worst people, and are very excited to tell everyone how much they suck. Haha.
FYI: Also, you lied about what the quota system and territory ramp is - not even close!

In closing - just in and hot off the press. We just received the last poster's transcript and overall ratings for his (cause there are no female managers) prior management HR course:
- Motivate Employees (failed)
- Lead by example (failed)
- Treat others how you would like to be treated (failed)
- Underatand the dynamics of healthcare today vs. 1995 (failed)
- Beat people and then create an entire sales force who wonders - "why on earth did I come to this joke of a company' (passed)
- Manage via email and threaten daily (passed)
Overall grade PASSED. You are now a manager at SurgiQuest.

Hopefully, all you whiney biatches are better interviewers than sales persons, because at the rate you're going you all will be unemployed a VERY long time.

After reading this post, tomorrow is defiantly a shit your pants at work kinda day. This is a great example of why the environment is so bad. It will be hard to fill all of the openings.

You all do realize that open territories will be far more profitable than those occupied by you squatters? I still have yet to hear of anyone other than SF leaving on their own, most of your promises of resignation are less likely than your promises of selling a system.

It's all good boss (slipped, I meant dictator). We will hit this plan cause you have built so many sales plans that work over your extensive sales management career. Seeing this is what you have done your entire career, makes your opinion spot on and everyone else is wrong. There is no possible way that your plan is wrong, the CFO even checked off on this one. And I have only heard that this CFO is an ace.
Don't you worry. We will drop in 8 months of deficit this month.

A friend worked here for 2 years. He worked his ass off and exceeded plan both years, but due to the economic environment and finite accounts, impossible to hit plan past year 2. You can only go to the well so many times.

Hmm... product is strong... adoption is rapid... not a long learning curve for surgical teams... patient benefit is also good... margins are high... head count has almost tripled in 12 months... seems like a terrible position to be in...

Is there any economic data that will differentiate the technology to standard trocar?