What's going on @ Otto Bock?


In the past few months we have been deluged with inquiries for positions with our company (major player in medical) from Otto Bock staff. Now, the powers that be are interviewing one of their "top" sales managers in Florida. Is Otto Bock the Titanic and everyone is jumping ship?

Without a doubt! They will not be in business in one year. Since BD joined and implemented their new process, their business is down 50%. Customers are dropping them right and left. Beware the Florida person if his initials are CG. He was a total yes man and shoved the new process downs everyone's throats and berated people right and left. They used to be a great company!

WOW!!Otto Bock and Layback were the 2 biggies when I worked for E&J!I think awhile ago one of or account managers went to Otto Bock a Rick something from Minn?Anyway thats upper management for yeah!

The only thing Ben david has managed to do since joint the company is dismantle and ruin it at the same times. germany should be appaled at his business antics and what he has done to the numerous employees he has disregarded in his attempt to promote his "hitler" type approach to mangement.

How about the inept Apria cronies he has surrounded himself with? Billing has finally caught up, and there is nothing in the pipeline for revenue. When they have 4 months straight of close to zero in revenue, he will be fired.

now with the southeast business manager leaving for the better side of otto bock, the SE has maybe seen its best days behind them, leading the country in revenue and they were going to decide to let him go, must have known something as he decided to take a chance
two more hires this wek, both with APRIA exp. goodbye cruel world

So far, all of the post are correct. Ben David is a megamaniacal self-absorbed spoiled little boy who has ruined 2 companys with his management style. Some of us left on our own terms prior to the ship wreck but the recuriters I have talked to are not interested in my services until they find out when Otto Bock goes under. It's really sad.

the layoffs had nothing to do with the orthopedic services side, it was the technical orthopedic side, the plant manager and 4 others, it happened 2 years ago also, slow times for them, and a manager who didn't care anymore

What's going on is that OS is being run by a set of medical device masterminds the likes orthopedic sales has never seen. Literature that explains how to use literature, literature that explains how to use samples, centralized intake, removing sales reps from the sales process.......absolutely awesome! On top of that, let's spend hundreds of thousands of dollars pursuing non-competes that don't hold up. Let's "elimimate" positions because revenue isn't trending the right direction and "right size" the organization so we can be profitable. After that, let's tell the doctors that they don't know what the hell they are doing; and that we have a better way to do it so make sure you use us because we "know better". Let's all cut the grass the way the "big cheese" wants it because we don't know anything about anything. The problem with this whole scenerio is that it's not the cutting of the grass that makes it grow, it's the feeding, watering, and tending to the weeds.

It's impressive to me to watch this whole thing play out. I thought experience dictated who was qualified for a position, but I guess not. Let's all High Five all the way down the yellow brick road. The wicked witch from the east is poised and ready to cover his A$%. What we really need is for BD to talk some more about previous OS employees being "idiots" so we all can wonder at what point we will be the next "idiot" in his mind. I once saw a tee-shirt that read:

"The beatings will continue until moral improves"

I wonder is the author of this very insightful quote thought there would actually be an organization that would "embrace the philosophy". Congrats to BD in successfully bringin' down the house. Props to the sales management team; you guys define the term "a#$ kisser"; I mean team players! I don't claim to know the future, but I would bet BD's paycheck that this can't go on much further. Karma's a b%^%h, run with it. The universe has a way of making things right and I have a feeling you won't be sitting pretty much longer. JF, keep the projects coming, it's all about activity.....who cares about actual results! Peace out!

the layoffs had nothing to do with the orthopedic services side, it was the technical orthopedic side, the plant manager and 4 others, it happened 2 years ago also, slow times for them, and a manager who didn't care anymore

It seems they now only have 8 employees left. I also heard that they left the old receptionist/payroll person in charge. She has never worked manufacturing but is now running the place? A customer complained to me that she couldn't even take a phone order. Making her a manager doesn't make any sense to me.

It seems they now only have 8 employees left. I also heard that they left the old receptionist/payroll person in charge. She has never worked manufacturing but is now running the place? A customer complained to me that she couldn't even take a phone order. Making her a manager doesn't make any sense to me.

What do you mean?...That makes perfect sense...replace a manager who didn't care with one who doesn't know... yeah, that will keep them in business.

that lady running the fabrication plant has absolutely nothing to do with the Orthopedic Services side, so that shouldn't matter, the fab plant was run into the ground by the old manager, who worried about his friday to mondays off
the business is so slow for the technical orthopedic side there, their lucky it hasn't closed down completely

as for the orthopedic side, the 15 calls a day are coming soon, 3rd quarter, you have to account for kneehab calls