Whats caused this situation to happen!


enjoying ourselves too much

good company ran in old school manner

too afraid of what we have to go out and try and mirror it with an acquistion

eye not on the ball

. i think the second one. . .

companys now a day, do anything, but do it efficiently. .

i see so much waste of money in agn. . . and even after endurance, it still goes on.

i always ask, are we getting the best from those that are costing us the most, . . take that to employees, materials, suppliers, services, mgt, directors. . .


enjoying ourselves too much

good company ran in old school manner

too afraid of what we have to go out and try and mirror it with an acquistion

eye not on the ball

. i think the second one. . .

companys now a day, do anything, but do it efficiently. .

i see so much waste of money in agn. . . and even after endurance, it still goes on.

i always ask, are we getting the best from those that are costing us the most, . . take that to employees, materials, suppliers, services, mgt, directors. . .

Don't fool yourself. The reason this has happened is greed. This is not my first rodeo.

In a perfect world, one might like to think that there is a form of social contract between an employer and an employee, under which the employee strives for the well-being of the company, and the company strives for the well-being of an employee.

Unfortunately, unless you work at a Mom and Pop business (and often, even then), this is a fairy tale. Modern companies exist to accrue money for shareholders. Period. You as an employee are not valued as a person. You are valued as a resource, and an expendable one.

You can rail against the system if you want, or you can wring your hands about how we "got here," but the bottom line here is that Allergan's spending actually has very little to do with why we are where we are today. Activist investors have been carefully picking away at our takeover defenses for years. This just happened to be the moment when a hungry predator saw the time and opportunity to come after us.

Mr. Pearson's assertions that he wants to add value to the company by cutting spending are absurd, and the hedge funds know it. They're not in this to make Allergan a healthy or profitable company, as an entity. They're in this to make Allergan profitable for THEM, in the short term. They're here to suck the blood out of our organization and move on to the next host. It's what they do. What Mr. Pearson wants is our intellectual assets. He doesn't want the people who created them, he doesn't want the people who are maintaining them, and he certainly has zero intention of maintaining any reasonable level of R&D that might allow us to remain competitive in any of our product lines.

But don't take any of this too personally. After all, it's NOT personal--we are like ants to these people. They are barely aware of our personhood. We have to rely on the wise heads of our plutocrat New Aristocracy to make the right decisions for us. Not because we expect them to make the right decisions, but because we literally can't do **** about it.

Don't fool yourself. The reason this has happened is greed. This is not my first rodeo.

In a perfect world, one might like to think that there is a form of social contract between an employer and an employee, under which the employee strives for the well-being of the company, and the company strives for the well-being of an employee.

Unfortunately, unless you work at a Mom and Pop business (and often, even then), this is a fairy tale. Modern companies exist to accrue money for shareholders. Period. You as an employee are not valued as a person. You are valued as a resource, and an expendable one.

You can rail against the system if you want, or you can wring your hands about how we "got here," but the bottom line here is that Allergan's spending actually has very little to do with why we are where we are today. Activist investors have been carefully picking away at our takeover defenses for years. This just happened to be the moment when a hungry predator saw the time and opportunity to come after us.

Mr. Pearson's assertions that he wants to add value to the company by cutting spending are absurd, and the hedge funds know it. They're not in this to make Allergan a healthy or profitable company, as an entity. They're in this to make Allergan profitable for THEM, in the short term. They're here to suck the blood out of our organization and move on to the next host. It's what they do. What Mr. Pearson wants is our intellectual assets. He doesn't want the people who created them, he doesn't want the people who are maintaining them, and he certainly has zero intention of maintaining any reasonable level of R&D that might allow us to remain competitive in any of our product lines.

But don't take any of this too personally. After all, it's NOT personal--we are like ants to these people. They are barely aware of our personhood. We have to rely on the wise heads of our plutocrat New Aristocracy to make the right decisions for us. Not because we expect them to make the right decisions, but because we literally can't do **** about it.

greed yes. at our bottom line. . if a company is buying AGN its not for free botox. . they see areas to cut. . simple as. .. money.. spend.

im not talking about how long it takes them to suck the blood. . .

cant you see my point is the very heart to your post. . . yes its greed, yes its value for shareholders. .. course this is nothing about employees. .

but if it wasnt possible they wouldnt be buying. . . . greed = money = cutcost/efficiency
suck blood and move on. .

it annoys me how its put out there that we started working on creating shareholder value in 2013. . . . id like to agree, but i cant. . . we started with the announcement of 475mill in savings

personally?. . im just curious . . .i really dont mind what happens. .. if we get bought over becuase someone sees a potential to make money. . then hey .. thats what will happen. .

i do often say though, that if every ackman got their way .. where would R&D be in pharming .. none bascially. . then where would we be in 20 years time. . .
maybe every new product will be from a new small company.

Don't fool yourself. The reason this has happened is greed. This is not my first rodeo.

In a perfect world, one might like to think that there is a form of social contract between an employer and an employee, under which the employee strives for the well-being of the company, and the company strives for the well-being of an employee.

Unfortunately, unless you work at a Mom and Pop business (and often, even then), this is a fairy tale. Modern companies exist to accrue money for shareholders. Period. You as an employee are not valued as a person. You are valued as a resource, and an expendable one.

You can rail against the system if you want, or you can wring your hands about how we "got here," but the bottom line here is that Allergan's spending actually has very little to do with why we are where we are today. Activist investors have been carefully picking away at our takeover defenses for years. This just happened to be the moment when a hungry predator saw the time and opportunity to come after us.

Mr. Pearson's assertions that he wants to add value to the company by cutting spending are absurd, and the hedge funds know it. They're not in this to make Allergan a healthy or profitable company, as an entity. They're in this to make Allergan profitable for THEM, in the short term. They're here to suck the blood out of our organization and move on to the next host. It's what they do. What Mr. Pearson wants is our intellectual assets. He doesn't want the people who created them, he doesn't want the people who are maintaining them, and he certainly has zero intention of maintaining any reasonable level of R&D that might allow us to remain competitive in any of our product lines.

But don't take any of this too personally. After all, it's NOT personal--we are like ants to these people. They are barely aware of our personhood. We have to rely on the wise heads of our plutocrat New Aristocracy to make the right decisions for us. Not because we expect them to make the right decisions, but because we literally can't do **** about it.

***This guy gets it.

greed yes. at our bottom line. . if a company is buying AGN its not for free botox. . they see areas to cut. . simple as. .. money.. spend.

im not talking about how long it takes them to suck the blood. . .

cant you see my point is the very heart to your post. . . yes its greed, yes its value for shareholders. .. course this is nothing about employees. .

but if it wasnt possible they wouldnt be buying. . . . greed = money = cutcost/efficiency
suck blood and move on. .

it annoys me how its put out there that we started working on creating shareholder value in 2013. . . . id like to agree, but i cant. . . we started with the announcement of 475mill in savings

personally?. . im just curious . . .i really dont mind what happens. .. if we get bought over becuase someone sees a potential to make money. . then hey .. thats what will happen. .

i do often say though, that if every ackman got their way .. where would R&D be in pharming .. none bascially. . then where would we be in 20 years time. . .
maybe every new product will be from a new small company.

Just .. so you know ... it looks like you're schizophrenic .. when you communicate .. like this

Oct 3 (Reuters) - Edwards Lifesciences Corp said David Pyott resigned from the medical device maker's board to devote more time to his role as chairman and CEO of Allergan Inc.

I've been at Allergan for a few years. I have grown significantly professionally in this role. However, I wish I had experienced the nostalgic Allergan people keep referencing. I came on right after the corporate integrity agreement and this has been the most big pharma-ish experience in my career. I assume the good memories you speak of occurred prior to 2010?

Don't fool yourself. The reason this has happened is greed. This is not my first rodeo.

In a perfect world, one might like to think that there is a form of social contract between an employer and an employee, under which the employee strives for the well-being of the company, and the company strives for the well-being of an employee.

Unfortunately, unless you work at a Mom and Pop business (and often, even then), this is a fairy tale. Modern companies exist to accrue money for shareholders. Period. You as an employee are not valued as a person. You are valued as a resource, and an expendable one.

You can rail against the system if you want, or you can wring your hands about how we "got here," but the bottom line here is that Allergan's spending actually has very little to do with why we are where we are today. Activist investors have been carefully picking away at our takeover defenses for years. This just happened to be the moment when a hungry predator saw the time and opportunity to come after us.

Mr. Pearson's assertions that he wants to add value to the company by cutting spending are absurd, and the hedge funds know it. They're not in this to make Allergan a healthy or profitable company, as an entity. They're in this to make Allergan profitable for THEM, in the short term. They're here to suck the blood out of our organization and move on to the next host. It's what they do. What Mr. Pearson wants is our intellectual assets. He doesn't want the people who created them, he doesn't want the people who are maintaining them, and he certainly has zero intention of maintaining any reasonable level of R&D that might allow us to remain competitive in any of our product lines.

But don't take any of this too personally. After all, it's NOT personal--we like ants to these people. They are barely aware of our personhood. We have to rely on the wise heads of our plutocrat New Aristocracy to make the right decisions for us. Not because we expect them to make the right decisions, but because we literally can't do **** about it.

Greed, yes! But before you follow the company line and pass the buck (do an Obama and play the Blame Game-Bush did it) take a look in our own backyard. There lies the greed and the root of all problems. Starting from the top....a CEO who takes too much off the top and has become "fat" & lazy to his underlings-all part of the proverbial good old boys club. Too many taking too much and not paying attention to the circus going on below-or the bottom line-bigger than the fat lady at that circus. Sad situation, but Valeant and Pearson are Not to blame for these problems. Destruction was looming and the slide had started in many arenas, you just did not know it-or see it-or want to see it.
--lap band
--Robin Sears in urology
--julian Gangoli
--dustin Sjuts in eyecare
--lack of pipeline with NEW drugs (no, not reworking the same old molecules)
--foolish lawsuits
--end of employee stock purchase (which could have saved us with employees owning the majority)
--mismanagement in HR
--poor money management & spending
--pyott's special privileges( check out all the articles written about his ridiculous bonuses)
....the list goes on

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