What's BIGGER ?

I have a ride with on wed and thurs and got a copy of Kevin K on video.

I am showing it to my DM and asking him to comment and hold him accountable

to do something or nothing. In the video are 3 upper management folks are

looking on-

I am tired of Home Office being held to a different standard than field reps.

My pathetic DM said since he was not a witness, he can not do anything. I showed him the video, and he actually smirked.

I said if you ever hear I did something against Galderma policy, and you were not witnesMAKE SURE YOU.....................

EXACT VERBAGE fFROM HIS RESPONSES. He warned me not to go down this route.

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!! Serves him right!!!! Should have hapenned a long time ago, total drunk with no talent and a complete waste of space. HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!

But some of us weren't there when Kriel did what he did. So, what DID he do? I hear there is video, but haven't seen. Will someone just post broad strokes of what he did?

I haven't seen the video, but heard kriel went on a rant about senior management and a rep videod it on their cell phone. He was walked straight out of the office when it got to FF.

Well that is a start. When are they going to walk BJ and the fat pig from HR out who goes to Inner circle and then tells FF to kill it every year to help her make her profit bonus. What a hypocrite. Oh that is right you don't get fired for incompetence or for telling lies about the sales people. I like the fact that all of these upper management had been looking on. It was the video from a rep that finally did this incompetent fool in. I heard some of the people that had been let go from the company actually have emails that would get the company in a lot of trouble if they turn them over to the FDA. No integrity at all with that home office crowd and sure as hell no courage and or vision for the future at this place. Oh it is almost 9 better hustle and get a few signatures for my goofy DM and NSM that tracks them. That is about all they know how to do.