Class of 1982 speaking here. All you stated are correct. The Ken and Barbie influx simply contribute to this whole mess. Bringing in "good-looking" people with no brain is not gong to stop the downward slide of everything you have stated.
This is all part of the conversion of pharmaceutical sales towards a bribery model and away from a model that required true substance. Call it Pfizerizing or whatever. Bribery was via gifts, gratuities, subsidies, free-flow samples, food, meetings, or eye candy. But once prostituted, it is hard to make a break and go back to virtue. Unfortunately, virtue means that you fight for the pipeline and actually care about the bottom line by managing professionally and intelligently. Pharma leadership has only cared about the top line for so long that it no longer knows how to properly manage the entire account stack.
Your leaders for years have been people like Rick Lane and Fred Hassan and Carrie Cox who were edified by Wall Street. Now you have lawyers in an attempt to plug the billion-dollar holes that these salesmen created.