What territories are gone?

I was fortunate enough to keep my job, for now... One thing for sure, I am not so stupid to think that this company won't be doing this again come end of December or January. I'm now looking as hard as those who didn't get the green light yesterday. All yesterday proved was how despicable and corrupt the owners and shareholders are in this company. I am fully aware that often a company has to make cuts and that none of us were promised a forever here, but the level of deceit and spinelessness on how they conducted this downsizing is unacceptable.

I wish all of you out there both who stayed and the ones that got the shaft the best of luck. Karma is a dirty little bitch and she always rears her ugly head when least expected and Amarin will come face-to-face with her sooner than later no doubt.

I may be stepping in a trap, but is Wohl and Fruchter a law firm? I want in on a class action, this company is a bynch of unethical, thieving bastards that deserve to be buried. I think Natasha Nelson would like to know some of the shit that has gone on

I'll bet most of the posters here are trolls posting BS. People who were laid off have other things on their minds besides posting on CP.

Well this is kind of a night cap for me, not drinking right now and hard to sleep except for a video game i got addicted to on their ipad, i will hate giving that fucker back bc if you redownload again from itunes i loose all my upgrads. Balloons Tower Defense 5 is killer.
By the way need to get the word out to clear out your itunes account from the ipad before giving back

I'll bet most of the posters here are trolls posting BS. People who were laid off have other things on their minds besides posting on CP.

probably true. A lot of generalities but no real facts.

Well this is kind of a night cap for me, not drinking right now and hard to sleep except for a video game i got addicted to on their ipad, i will hate giving that fucker back bc if you redownload again from itunes i loose all my upgrads. Balloons Tower Defense 5 is killer.
By the way need to get the word out to clear out your itunes account from the ipad before giving back

Be sure to remove your credit card from the ipad account so you don't keep getting monthly charges.

Should be able to wipe everything from the ipad if desired. You can remove all settings and information from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch tapping "Erase All Content and Settings" in Settings > General > Reset.

probably true. A lot of generalities but no real facts.

Be sure to remove your credit card from the ipad account so you don't keep getting monthly charges.

Should be able to wipe everything from the ipad if desired. You can remove all settings and information from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch tapping "Erase All Content and Settings" in Settings > General > Reset.

Thank you, you think we ought to make a thread of things to do in our advantage like computers, ipads, data information, other things? I know how to do some of this stuff but not all.

this was all caused by making the FDA workers come to work during the government shutdown. 5 companies went in front of the board, most came out of meeting like granny put'n an ass woopin on that little grand kid bastard. Amarin was that little grand kid bastard that was a result from a cheap prophylactic the night mamma went out and was with a few no good, immature rejects (corporate office and the AZ, Merck, Shering Plough, Pfizer and all the other retired, laid off, and knowledgeable statin rejects that made up NJ) ruin her life.

Boy I miss this sight, venting, talking, sharing but most of all breaking it down to a good analogy. Hmm, my spelling got better too. There are so many companies not on here that have gone to that lost civilization. Later, goodnight and good luck to all of you. Going to bed, waken up to a sample shipment, expense report to do, wait for the fedex guy so I can sign that letter, go in some offices with my name badge and get some Cialis 5 mgs, wreck my car purposely to get some insurance money, go to Chillies happy hour, come home in a cab and tell my beloved family I will do this all over again next year and wouldnt change a thing....well, Id get back on my generic fino bc there are no brand name samples left. Ok, later, goodnight and i do wish yall from the Atlanta meeting the best. See many of you soon at whatever training we are at. And we will pull up this old thread and laugh first night of training at the hotel bar paying $12 for a beer.

ok Skippy. Lesson for today:

site: what cafepharma is

Sight: having to do with your eyes, seeing things.