I was fortunate enough to keep my job, for now... One thing for sure, I am not so stupid to think that this company won't be doing this again come end of December or January. I'm now looking as hard as those who didn't get the green light yesterday. All yesterday proved was how despicable and corrupt the owners and shareholders are in this company. I am fully aware that often a company has to make cuts and that none of us were promised a forever here, but the level of deceit and spinelessness on how they conducted this downsizing is unacceptable.
I wish all of you out there both who stayed and the ones that got the shaft the best of luck. Karma is a dirty little bitch and she always rears her ugly head when least expected and Amarin will come face-to-face with her sooner than later no doubt.
I wish all of you out there both who stayed and the ones that got the shaft the best of luck. Karma is a dirty little bitch and she always rears her ugly head when least expected and Amarin will come face-to-face with her sooner than later no doubt.