What now?

I will!- have fun as well collecting unemployment

That won't happen sweets! Lovaza never got that indication and has survived and vascepa will too! Now go to your poa or whatever Gsk calls it now and watch videos of how wonderful Gsk is and build a bike and listen to the stupid Gsk theme song! What is it again? Tell deidra hi!

That won't happen sweets! Lovaza never got that indication and has survived and vascepa will too! Now go to your poa or whatever Gsk calls it now and watch videos of how wonderful Gsk is and build a bike and listen to the stupid Gsk theme song! What is it again? Tell deidra hi!

The company is derelict. Keep trying to convince yourself otherwise. Nothing can save this withering fuckhole.

The company is in panic mode. They will cut a large piece of the sales force this week. They are trying to make the money last longer in hopes that it can finish reduce it or somebody buys the product. Be prepare for layoffs soon.

The company is in panic mode. They will cut a large piece of the sales force this week. They are trying to make the money last longer in hopes that it can finish reduce it or somebody buys the product. Be prepare for layoffs soon.

Opinion or fact? Please stop throwing things out there unless you actually know information or just say that it is your opinion. You are probably right, but don't present things as fact if they aren't. These are peoples lives and how we support our families. I wish they would just tell us already when things are going down so we can prepare.

You are a child
You are a pawn
Management will actually vote themselves raises based upon how they handle things-
firing and demoting the "children"

Go run to the next company

You have a job, not a career - you had no right having children -

You are a loser!

That won't happen sweets! Lovaza never got that indication and has survived and vascepa will too! Now go to your poa or whatever Gsk calls it now and watch videos of how wonderful Gsk is and build a bike and listen to the stupid Gsk theme song! What is it again? Tell deidra hi!

You obviously need help with your financial acumen. GSK has many many assets besides Lovaza that bring in cash. Lovaza did not have to compete with a generic in the class. All this is reflected in your current stock price- how are those stock options looking for you now??

You obviously need help with your financial acumen. GSK has many many assets besides Lovaza that bring in cash. Lovaza did not have to compete with a generic in the class. All this is reflected in your current stock price- how are those stock options looking for you now??

Forget about GSK and Vascepa. Here is the bottom line. Amarin is losing about 40 million a quarter. Without significant layoffs, there is not enough cash to make 2-3 quarters. Heck I don't even think significant layoffs will help. Anchor was important to Amarin so Joe could finally and I mean finally find a buyer or less important a partner. Amarin could not survive with 250 reps and Vascepa alone. Joe really ran this into the ground. The only hope was a buyout, and now that may happen a 1.50 a share. just find another job. we cant outsell this mess.

Opinion or fact? Please stop throwing things out there unless you actually know information or just say that it is your opinion. You are probably right, but don't present things as fact if they aren't. These are peoples lives and how we support our families. I wish they would just tell us already when things are going down so we can prepare.


Forget about GSK and Vascepa. Here is the bottom line. Amarin is losing about 40 million a quarter. Without significant layoffs, there is not enough cash to make 2-3 quarters. Heck I don't even think significant layoffs will help. Anchor was important to Amarin so Joe could finally and I mean finally find a buyer or less important a partner. Amarin could not survive with 250 reps and Vascepa alone. Joe really ran this into the ground. The only hope was a buyout, and now that may happen a 1.50 a share. just find another job. we cant outsell this mess.

Indeed. Joe sodomized shareholders. Glad he took it deep on Friday. No worse CEO in America than that numbskull.

Forget about GSK and Vascepa. Here is the bottom line. Amarin is losing about 40 million a quarter. Without significant layoffs, there is not enough cash to make 2-3 quarters. Heck I don't even think significant layoffs will help. Anchor was important to Amarin so Joe could finally and I mean finally find a buyer or less important a partner. Amarin could not survive with 250 reps and Vascepa alone. Joe really ran this into the ground. The only hope was a buyout, and now that may happen a 1.50 a share. just find another job. we cant outsell this mess.

GSK trolling

That won't happen sweets! Lovaza never got that indication and has survived and vascepa will too! Now go to your poa or whatever Gsk calls it now and watch videos of how wonderful Gsk is and build a bike and listen to the stupid Gsk theme song! What is it again? Tell deidra hi!

you probably have some time on your hands now to tell her hi yourself

Sales is not a career
It is a job which needs to be changed every 3-5 years
A bleak existence for the unskilled

This bleak existence has served me well for almost 15 years now. I made $160,000 in 2012. I just landed another 6 figure "job" at another pharma company last week. So you can call me unskilled but surely not underpaid! I'm happy where I work. How about you a$$hole? Scumbag investor!

That won't happen sweets! Lovaza never got that indication and has survived and vascepa will too! Now go to your poa or whatever Gsk calls it now and watch videos of how wonderful Gsk is and build a bike and listen to the stupid Gsk theme song! What is it again? Tell deidra hi!

obviously an GSK employee that was let go and is now unemployed....again

the ship remains amidst the abyss and the band plays on.....circus music ...yes the Bedminster cruise has cast off its life boats and they only had enough for half the passengers. party on Garth.

1. Unskilled? Nothing happens at any company until something gets sold. I'm 40 and have done nothing but sales. Worked for only two companies. When I look up Harvard MBA income data, I make more than them as do many of you. I'll take sales over a desk job any day.
2. Vascepa and LDL. 25% of patients were taking background statin. That's sort of a big deal. Lovaza has LDL neutral data when statins are used as well. Majority of these patients will be taking statins. End of story. If you keep harping on LDL it makes you look bad. Your speakers I call on are getting tired of your tactics. And give it up on JELIS already. All this off label stuff just makes you look unprofessional. And prostate cancer? Seriously? I don't think you have been trained well.
3. Unless Amarin gets a huge cash infusion (scratch money from an expanded indication) Amarin is a likely candidate to hit the graveyard soon. It's a sinking ship that is taking on water. REDUCE IT probably doesn't get funded. Then you have to pray the outcomes are favorable. It's going to be tough.

You are a child
You are a pawn
Management will actually vote themselves raises based upon how they handle things-
firing and demoting the "children"

Go run to the next company

You have a job, not a career - you had no right having children -

You are a loser!

As long as there are products manufactured, and services rendered, the world will need salespeople. Products, pharmaceutical or otherwise, do not sell themselves and I would take a schmoozer generalist with a sense of urgency about the business over a technically trained person ANY DAY! I find that the people who are most critical of, or demeaning to, salespeople and the sales profession are those who can't do it, or those who have never tried. Salespeople unite! Keep your heads up, your nose to the grindstone, and don't listen to the naysayers.
