What Leadership?

The Top Management do not know what they’re doing. It’s frightening. BTW, just a reminder. Fruitcakes served daily during the holidays. Can’t say Christmas, oops, I mean X-Mas.

A long time back Ian Clark stated from the main stage at NSM that GNE needed to get better at the business side because their lead in the science side was eroding and would continue to do so.

He was correct, but is this the solution or the collapse?

This shows that top management had insight, BUT didn’t have balls of steels, to make Boss moves. SMDH. We need testosterone. We need REAL guys with steel cahones, to make the tough decisions. Until then, we screwed. Sigh.

I think you people are getting it all wrong. Billy boy is brilliant. He is getting rid of you expensive dead weight all at once. In a few years when the new drugs hit the market, he will hire a bunch of college dropouts for a deep discount. Those 25 year-old losers will be happy to have a Kia as a company car. $80K a year for bringing Starbucks to the offices is an awesome job. It will be enough to get themselves out of their parents' basement. He is already building an Amazon channel for the customers to buy & bill. He is a genius! As for you marketers, be nice to your vendors and red badgers. You will be working for them soon. This is what CEoF all about!

By the time anything new rolls out of Genentech, delivering food and Starbucks will be irrelevant and illegal because the leftist socialists will be in power and govt healthcare the norm. God I hope I’m wrong but this is the path we’re on and remember Obama Care was only a temporary stepping stone to nationalized healthcare.

Most Genentech employees are worthless. Those bunch are addicted to CNN and VH1. The skanks there can’t get enough of Love and Hip Hop. They probably have it streaming on their computers.