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What is it about Zimmer Biomet....


.....that so many threads are about how miserable people are working there while the Depuy and Stryker threads reflect comparatively little such content? Is it a function of a handful of malcontents just plastering CP with their dissatisfaction or is the company that toxic?

Looking for genuine responses rather than the same old posters saying the same old thing.


Namely Zimmer Biomet is, at a corporate level, a directionless, poorly-run hodgepodge of old guard industry people who think they're excrement doesn't smell, newbie mba's that have absolutely no idea what they're doing in orthopedics and the smart industry people that realize the company is going to hell in a handbasket and are riding it out collecting their gigantic paychecks.

There exists nothing new or interesting in the pipeline. Their only plan: pretend we're Stryker! Rosa!!

ZB doesn't invest in young talent, worse still their young talent is exiting in droves.

Most of the local level Gms and distributors are either too arrogant to know there's problems or too handcuffed to do anything about them.
Rampant nepotism, mediocrity etc

Stryker is solid at marketing and hires young sales professionals and gives them the tools to win. Depuy ditto, much more structure with both of these companies. plus they both (D and S) have a good benefit offering whereas ZB treats it's employees like human debris.

hopefully Medtronic will offer ZB people some human-level treatment. Probably not though, zb will probably just make Medtronic all zb-ish.

The post above this is 100% accurate. I’m not in sales.....I am in the office at Warsaw. I just left after 15+ years. More people in my group are leaving by the end of the month. Recruiting is heavy right now and better offers are coming in.

Upper management is way out of touch with Warsaw being on the East Coast, they refuse to hire more people, they will not backfill, they refuse to promote and the ones they do promote are certain types. Do even more with negative zero is the new motto. No resources, no capacity, no bandwidth are the new responses to requests. The kicker....how can they push best and preferred place to work when they are now outsourcing jobs like accounting and customer service to Colombia, Poland, and India?!?! It’s not good and they have lost a ton of good people.

The post above this is 100% accurate. I’m not in sales.....I am in the office at Warsaw. I just left after 15+ years. More people in my group are leaving by the end of the month. Recruiting is heavy right now and better offers are coming in.

Upper management is way out of touch with Warsaw being on the East Coast, they refuse to hire more people, they will not backfill, they refuse to promote and the ones they do promote are certain types. Do even more with negative zero is the new motto. No resources, no capacity, no bandwidth are the new responses to requests. The kicker....how can they push best and preferred place to work when they are now outsourcing jobs like accounting and customer service to Colombia, Poland, and India?!?! It’s not good and they have lost a ton of good people.

Zimmer Biomet is a company preparing to be purchased as they have now laid off over 1,000 corporate employees since the 2015 merger, 2018 restructuring, 2019 restructuring and now 2020 restructuring. The people left in Middle Management are weak leaders, people are being promoted that are way over their head, overall talent is weak and all of the Executive Management members don't know how to sell orthopedics and don't care about the sales reps future. Everyone hates both BH and IT.

Zimmer Biomet is a company preparing to be purchased as they have now laid off over 1,000 corporate employees since the 2015 merger, 2018 restructuring, 2019 restructuring and now 2020 restructuring. The people left in Middle Management are weak leaders, people are being promoted that are way over their head, overall talent is weak and all of the Executive Management members don't know how to sell orthopedics and don't care about the sales reps future. Everyone hates both BH and IT.

Zimmer Biomet is a company preparing to be purchased as they have now laid off over 1,000 corporate employees since the 2015 merger, 2018 restructuring, 2019 restructuring and now 2020 restructuring. The people left in Middle Management are weak leaders, people are being promoted that are way over their head, overall talent is weak and all of the Executive Management members don't know how to sell orthopedics and don't care about the sales reps future. Everyone hates both BH and IT.

Everyone hates BH and IT I hear you say? Wall Street currently loves them.
Go back to your day job at Stryker

Unfortunately, one can systematically dismantle a company and sabotage its' long term prospects AND boost the stock price at the same time. Z-B ceased to be a top line sales company after Ray left and is now a logistics and finance company, to the harm of pretty much everybody except the shareholders.

Zimmer Biomet is a company preparing to be purchased as they have now laid off over 1,000 corporate employees since the 2015 merger, 2018 restructuring, 2019 restructuring and now 2020 restructuring. The people left in Middle Management are weak leaders, people are being promoted that are way over their head, overall talent is weak and all of the Executive Management members don't know how to sell orthopedics and don't care about the sales reps future. Everyone hates both BH and IT.

People who got fired once BH joined the company hate BH. He ended the losers party. The other 98% of us are happy as hell. Sorry that your wife left you.

More like get ready to prepare your docs.

" Hey I need a 12 femur and J tibia."
--"sorry I only have up to 10 and H since we only used 1J and 4 12s last year...

templates are digital these days and a no brainer, who’s scheduler doesn’t tell them about tiny females or larger males? Don’t have to hold your hand to do this job, minimal work needed to be successful.