I'm disgusted with theracutix marketing and management all the way up to Fray & above. Just what the hell is going on ? Card changes , cards turned off , spin doctor bullshit . WTF ? No one about to make any $$$ in the team and they could give a shit. Weak leaders , hiding behind their desks. Telling us to have the "tough conversations" , the ones they won't have the nerve to have themselves. Scared little lap dogs.
Wake up , your very best reps and DSM's are fed up . Trust me , several will be gone in the coming months. There is a high cost to low morale.
I hope selling your soul for new watch and a growing 401K is worth it . Theracutix is no longer behind any of you. We are on the wrong road , there is still time . You all talk the talk , can you walk the walk ? Let us see how great you are !
DSM here . This post Hit the nail on the head. All this talk about leadership , just who are these leaders ? I don't see any at the Home Office right now . Instead I see frightened little rabbits doing exactly what Frenchie tells them to do, too scared to stand up and be counted. Then see how they all puff up their chest and perform around the sales people , who are you fooling? The division is over your gimmicks , what is left in that bag of tricks?
OK I'm wasting my time here . Halscheid , Banks and their flunkies are nothing more than sheep running around pretending to be wolves. We demand changes and I don't mean more changes to the cards.